Manage Inventory Balances Process

Use the Manage Inventory Balances scheduled process to process imported inventory balance messages in the interface tables.

If the available balance of the source Warehouse Management System or third-party logistics provider must be in sync with the available balance in Oracle Fusion Cloud Inventory Management, then you need to extract the inventory balances from the WMS or 3PL to the same level of summarization as tracked in Oracle Inventory Management, along with all the details such as lots and serial numbers. Then you may initiate the inventory balance message and use either the Inventory Balance Message Import file-based data import (FBDI) or the Inventory Balance Transactions REST resource to post inventory balance messages from the external source. Use the Manage Inventory Balances scheduled process to process the imported inventory balance messages in the interface tables.

When to Use

You can run the Manage Inventory Balances Process scheduled process to reconcile the available balances in the inventory organization in Oracle Inventory Management with the available details provided by the external source system.

Privileges Required

  • Manage Inventory Balance Process (INV_MANAGE_INVENTORY_BALANCE_PROCESS_PRIV)


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:
Specification Description
Job Type Ad hoc job


Frequency As required, usually after the inventory balance messages are received from the WMS or 3PL system.

We recommend that you run the process once a day

Time of Day You can run this process at any time depending on the frequency of inventory balances received from the WMS or 3PL system.
Duration Runtime of this process depends on the number of inventory balance messages waiting to be processed.
Compatibility There should only be one instance of the process by organization at any one time. The job is incompatible with itself. Please keep this in mind while creating schedules.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required Notes
Organization Required Enter the organization code for this report. Organization None N/A
Number of Child Processes Optional Choose a number based on the volume of inventory balance messages available for processing. Number None The default value is 1 if nothing is specified for this parameter. This parameter decides the number of Reconcile Inventory Balances Process child jobs that are spawned for processing the inventory balance transactions. If the number of inventory balance messages is very large, it’s advisable to use this parameter to split the records into smaller buckets. Each bucket is then processed in a parallel process by the worker job.

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the process in the Scheduled Processes work area. If the process status is error, select the row and click the log and output attachment on the Process Details tab. Download the log and output file. Share the files with support to log a service request.
  • The output and the log file will show the number of inventory balance messages processed and the number of inventory balance messages processed with errors.
  • Use the Manage Inventory Balance Messages in Spreadsheet application development framework desktop integration user interface (ADFdi) in the Inventory Management work area to review and resolve any exceptions while processing the inventory balance messages.
  • Reconcile Inventory Balances Process worker jobs are spawned for processing the inventory balance transactions and the log files for these worker jobs will capture any error if encountered.
  • Before running this process, you must ensure that all the interfaces are run, exceptions resolved, and that all transactions are posted in both Inventory Management and WMS.
  • It’s recommended to purge the inventory balance messages by running the Purge Inventory Balance Messages scheduled process periodically before running the Manage Inventory Balances scheduled process, though it’s not required to purge for every run of the process. To get the best performance, you must schedule the purge program to run at regular intervals.
  • Once the process is run successfully, and if approvals are enabled for the inventory balance reconciliation process, you need the Approve Inventory Balances (INV_APPROVE_INVENTORY_BALANCES_PRIV) privilege to approve inventory balances using the ADFdi.
  • For more details, see Manage Inventory Balances from External Applications in the Rest API for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud guide.