Split Order Lines When Supply Meets a Threshold

You can split an order line and fulfill at least some of your customer's demand even if part of the quantity becomes available after the requested date.

Use this feature when:

  • Your planned supply might change significantly from the first time you initially promise a sales order to the time when it approaches fulfilment.
  • It's acceptable to split or reschedule an order line so that you can meet at least some of the demand through a substitution, by using a different supply source, or by fulfilling demand on different dates.
How it works:
  • Use an ATP rule to specify the minimum quantity of the item that must be available before splitting the line, and Global Order Promising will split the line, then deliver part of the quantity instead of waiting until all of it's available. Promising will do this even if supply becomes available after the requested date.
  • Promising promises the first part of the split on the date when the minimum quantity becomes available.
  • If the minimum quantity isn’t available by the customer’s request date, then Promising will delay the line until you can ship the minimum quantity.
  • Promising promises the remaining quantity when supply becomes available.
  • If you don't provide a minimum quantity, then Promising splits the line according to the supply that it can schedule on time, and schedules the remaining quantity when supply becomes available.
  • If Promising finds that the remaining quantity isn't available on any future date, then it won't split the line.

Realize these benefits:

  • Fulfill items in a more timely way when you schedule or reschedule an order line.
  • Use splits and substitutions when you reschedule the sales order. Improve your organization's flexibility in adapting to changing conditions in your supply chain.
  • Fulfill at least some of the demand to reduce delayed quantities and improve the quality of your promising results.
  • Streamline your end-to-end flow. Integrate split lines seamlessly across Global Order Promising, Order Management, and Oracle Backlog Management.

Use this feature to promise with your:

  • Calendars and transit times
  • Shipment date or arrival date
  • Internal material transfer
  • File-based data import
  • Assemble-to-order configured item
  • Database promising or source promising


  • You can split according to a substitution, an organization, or the date.
  • If Promising splits the order line according to date, then it will only split the original order line, it will split the original order line only one time, and it won't split a line that's already split.
  • Consider whether rescheduling the sales order might delay fulfilment because of a supply constraint.
  • You can't use the Manage Order Promising Demands page to split a line that's already split.
  • If you use REST API to check availability or if you automatically schedule the line, and if you specify a value in the minSplitQuantity attribute in your REST API payload, then Promising will use the value in minSplitQuantity instead of the value in the Minimum Quantity for Splitting attribute from your ATP rule.

Order Management

  • You must enable the Allow Partial Shipments of Lines option on the order line when you create the sales order in Order Management.
  • If you want to split the line, then you must set the Allow Inventory Transaction attribute to No on the order line in Order Management.
  • If you split an order line, and if the fulfillment tolerance on the line isn’t zero in Order Management, and if Oracle Shipping already shipped the split line, then Shipping won’t consider the cumulative quantity that it already shipped across all of the order line’s fulfillment lines. Instead, Shipping will consider only the quantity on the split line that it's currently shipping.
  • You can enable the Allow Splits option and the Allow Substitution option in the Order Promising work area but the Order Management work area won't indicate this change when you schedule or reschedule the line.
  • If Order Management receives a rescheduling request from Promising, and if the data in that request doesn't reflect the data that's currently in the execution system, then Order Management will reject the request. To avoid this problem, make sure you collect the order before you reschedule it in the Order Promising work area.
  • If set up your own orchestration process in Order Management, and if you reschedule when the process is on a wait step, then Order Management will reject the request to split the line.


You can't use this feature with:

  • Pick-to-order kits or configured items.
  • Drop shipments.
  • Shipment sets.
  • An infinite time fence that you set up in an ATP rule for an item that's in a back-to-back flow.

Try It

Enable Splits and Substitution

  1. Go to the Manage Order Promising Demands page, then search for a demand. For details, see Overview of Managing Demand.
  2. In the search results, click Actions > Edit.
  3. In the dialog that displays, set these attributes to Yes:
    • Allow Splits
    • Allow Substitutions

Here's another way. Enable splits and substitution on the fulfillment line:

  1. Go to the Check Availability page. For details, see Check Availability.
  2. In the Fulfillment Lines area, set these attributes to Yes:
    • Allow Splits
    • Allow Substitutions

Administer and Test

  1. Create an ATP rule. Set the values when you create the rule. For details, see ATP Rules.
    Attribute Value
    Promising Mode

    Supply Chain Availability Search

    You must use this mode.

    Split Order When Supply Becomes Available Contains a check mark.
    Minimum Quantity for Splitting

    Enter a numeric value.

    This number represents the quantity in the item’s primary UOM.

  2. Test your work. Go to the Order Management work area, create a sales order, set the value, then click Submit.
    Attribute Value
    Allow Partial Shipments of Lines


    For details, see Specify Shipping Details for Sales Orders.


Let's have a look at some examples so we can see how this works.

Assume you set the infinite time fence on your ATP rule to a distant date that happens sometime in the future.

You create a sales order with these values then submit it:

Attribute Value
Item AS54888 Desktop Computer
Quantity 150
Allow Partial Shipments of Lines Yes

Here's the state of your current supply for the AS54888.

Supply Day 0 Day 5 Day 10 ITF Date
Total 100 30 50 -
Consumed - - - -
Cumulative 100 130 180 -


  • Day 0 is the requested arrival date from the order line.
  • Day 5 is 5 days after Day 0, and Day 10 is 10 days after Day 0.
  • ITF Date represents the date that your Infinite Time Fence (ITF) sets.
  • The supply row contains values for the quantity that's currently available.
  • The 100 value in the Supply row on Day 0 is the supply that's available on the requested arrival date for the AS54888.
  • The 30 value in the Supply row of Day 5 us that we expect more supply will become available on Day 5, for example, from a work order.
  • The 130 value in the Cumulative row of Day 5 is the total supply that's available on Day 5 for the AS54888. It’s the sum of the values from the Supply row for Days 0 up through Day 5.

Don't Set a Minimum Quantity

What happens if you don’t set a value for the Set a Minimum Quantity attribute?

Promising will split the order line because it can meet the first part of the split on the requested date:

Split Lines Expected Arrival Date Available Quantity
Line 1-1 Day 0 100
Line 1-2 Day 10 50
Recall that the order line requested a quantity of 150, so promising will:
  • Consume the quantity of 100 that's available on day 0 and ship it on time on line 1-1.
  • Consume the remaining quantity of 50 when it becomes available on day 10 and ship it on day 10 on line 1-2.

Note that the original line is 1. Order Management uses the x-y format to represent a split line, where x is the original line, and y is a split of x. For example, 1-3 identifies the third split line from the original line 1.

Set the Minimum Quantity to 120

What happens if you set the minimum quantity to 120?

Promising will split the order line because it can meet the first portion of the split on the requested date.

Split Lines Expected Arrival Date Available Quantity
Line 1-1 Day 5 130
Line 1-2 Day 10 20

Promising will:

  • Consume the minimum quantity of 120 on day 5 and ship it on day 5 on line 1-1.
  • Consume the remaining quantity of 30 when it becomes available on day 10 and ship it on day 10 on line 1-2.

Requested Quantity Exceeds the Supply That's Available

In the examples we've looked at so far, the requested quantity of 150 didn't exceed the supply that's available, which is 180. Now let's assume it does. Assume the requested quantity is 250.

Split Lines Expected Arrival Date Available Quantity
Line 1-1 Day 5 130
Line 1-2 Infinite Time Fence 20

Promising will:

  • Consume the minimum quantity of 120 that becomes available on day 5, and ship it on day 5 on line 1-1.
  • Consume the remaining quantity of 30 when it becomes available according to the infinite time fence, and ship it on that date on line 1-2.

Use the Manage Order Promising Demands Page

You can use the Manage Order Promising Demands page in the Global Order Promising work area to split an order line into more than one line so you can ship from different organizations or on different days when you reschedule a sales order.

Split but Don't Substitute

Promising's reschedule behavior is similar to the behavior that Promising uses when it initially schedules a line. If you allow splits but don't substitute the item when you reschedule, then Promising applies the same flow that's described in Requested Quantity Exceeds the Supply That's Available. The important difference is that rescheduling uses the current supply and demand that's actually available when you reschedule. Promising can split the order line according to date or according to the supplies that are available in different organizations for the same item.

Split and Substitute

Promising's reschedule behavior is the same as the behavior described in the Substitutions subtopic.



  • Promising prioritizes scheduling so it can fulfill your sales order on time or with minimum delay.
  • Order Management only considers substitutes that you specify at the validation organization's item level.
  • If the item has a coverage in Order Management, and if you want to substitute the item, then you must make sure that the substitute item’s Enable Coverage Contract attribute equals Yes in the Product Information Management work area. If it doesn't, Order Management will reject your request.
  • If an order line is in a shipment set and you need to substitute it, you can remove the order line from the shipment set, and then substitute the item.
  • You can't use a single request to split an order line and substitute an item on the original line at the same time in Order Management. Instead, send one request to Order Management that substitutes the item on the original line, then send another request that splits the line.
  • You can't substitute an assemble-to-order configuration model.


  • You have an item named AS54888 Desktop Computer, and you set up a substitute rule that can substitute the AS54888 for another item named AS6000 Big Desktop Computer in organization M1.
  • You enable the Allow Substitution option and the Allow Splits option in the Order Promising work area.
  • You place a sales order with a Requested Arrival Date of day 10 and a Requested Quantity of 10 for the AS54888.
  • You have a quantity of 8 available in on-hand supply for the AS54888, and you expect a quantity of 10 will be available for the AS6000 on day 10.

Promising will split the line into lines 1-1 and 1-2, ship 8 of the AS54888s on line 1-1 on the requested date, and ship 2 of the AS6000s when they become available according to the infinite time fence on day 10.

Here's a summary.

Order at Org M1 Requested Arrival Date Item Expected Arrival Date Order Line Quantity
Order Line's Header Day 10 AS54888 - -
Original Order Line Day 10 AS54888 Day 10 8
Split Order Line Day 10 AS6000 Day 10 2


  • Promising can recommend a split from more than one substitute item and can ship it from more than one organization.
  • You can't substitute a shipment set, assemble-to-order item, pick-to-order item, or pick-to-order kit.
For more, see Split or Substitute Fulfillment Lines.

Behavior with the ATP Time Fence

Requested Date Happens Before the ATP Time Fence Expires

If some of the on-hand supply for the item is available before the time fence expires, and if you expect more supply after the time fence expires, then Promising will split the order line into lines 1-1 and 1-2, then use the on hand supply to promise 1-1 on the requested date.

Behavior depends on whether you have a sourcing rule:

Have a Sourcing Rule? Description
Yes Promising will use the sourcing rule to promise the remaining quantity on a future date.
No Promising will use the supply that you expect will be available after the time fence expires.

Requested Date Happens After the ATP Time Fence Expires

Behavior depends on whether you have a sourcing rule:

Have a Sourcing Rule? Description
Yes Promising will use the sourcing rule to promise the remaining quantity by the requested date.
No Promising will use your existing ATP supply.