Temporarily Reserve Supply While Shopping or Quoting

Integrate your eCommerce application or web store with Oracle Global Order Promising and Oracle Order Management so you can efficiently manage supply.

Manage a source order in your shopping cart, such as add items, update quantities, cancel, check out, and so on, and efficiently integrate that source order into a sales order in Oracle Applications.

An online shopper or salesperson might need to see whether an item is available, get an approval for credit, set up a service, or arrange delivery before submitting a source order. Your eCommerce application might do these steps in a few minutes, but an online quote might need several days. You can temporarily reserve supply for an item in your eCommerce shopping cart or online quote to make sure it remains available until you can schedule the order. If the shopper abandons their cart or if the quote expires, then you can cancel the reservation and make that supply available for other orders.

How it Works

Assume you use a shopping cart in an eCommerce system named Vision Systems that isn't part of Oracle Applications to capture your source orders.

Assume you use a shopping cart in an eCommerce application named Vision Systems that isn't part of Oracle Applications to capture your source orders.

  1. A user in your eCommerce application shops for an item.
  2. You use the Quick Availability Check REST API to call Global Order Promising.
    • Promising gets details about the supply that's currently available for the item in your supply chain.
    • If supply is available, then Promising reserves supply for the item and uses NP-0612-1 as the Demand Source Line Reference.
    • Promising communicates the results to your eCommerce application. You can use the results in your application to show whether the item is available or not.

      As an option, you can set up allocation rules and Promising will use them when it checks availability. For details, see Allocate Supply Through REST API.

  3. The user adds the item to the shopping cart in your eCommerce application. You use the Automatically Schedule REST API to call Global Order Promising. For details, go to REST API for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud, expand Order Management > Global Order Promises, then click Automatically Schedule.
  4. If the cart expires or if the user removes the item from the cart, then you use the Cancel operation of the REST API to cancel the sales order.
  5. If the user changes the item's quantity in the cart or adds another item to the cart, then you use the Automatically Schedule REST API to call Global Order Promising, and Promising processes demand and reserves the supply that it needs to meet the request.
  6. The user finishes shopping and checks out.
    • You use the Sales Orders for Order Hub REST API to send a request to Oracle Order Management to create a sales order for source order 12345 in the Vision Systems source system. It has one order line, line 1.
    • You set the Demand Source Line Reference attribute on the source order in your import payload to a value that's meaningful to Vision Systems. For this example, assume you set the attribute to NP-0612-1.
  7. Order Management automatically submits the request to order fulfillment. It sets the fulfillment line attribute to 1-1 for order line 1, then sends a request to Promising to schedule line 1 for order 12345.

    You can also use an orchestration process to orchestrate the sales order before you submit it just like you would any other sales order in Order Management. For example, do a credit check, orchestrate payment, reprice the item, and so on.

  8. Promising swaps the supply that it already reserved for NP-0612-1 to fulfillment line 1-1. Promising reserves supply for each line in the cart, schedules the order, and sends the scheduling details back to Order Management.
  9. The Order Lines section of the Order Management work area displays NP-0612-1 in the Demand Source Line Reference attribute on fulfillment line 1-1. You can use it to track fulfillment for your cart. You can use the Order Management work area to manage the order line just like you would any other line in Oracle Order Management.


  • You must opt into the Temporarily Reserve Supply While Shopping or Quoting feature.
  • You must use the DemandSourceLineReference attribute in the SalesOrdersforOrderHub REST API resource, or the Demand Source Line Reference attribute in file-based data import (FBDI). For details, see Use REST API with FBDI to Import Large Volumes of Sales Orders.
  • You must specify an expiration date for your shopping cart in your eCommerce application. If the cart expires, then your application must send a request to Global Order Promising to cancel the sales order and release supply.

You can use this feature with:

  • Your own eCommerce application or with Oracle Order Management.
  • Database promising. For details, see Database Promising.
  • Allocations that include more than one level. For details, see Get Supply from a Node's Parent.
  • Shipment sets.
  • Back-to-Back flows.
  • Standard items and assemble-to-order items.
  • Order line splits and item substitutions. Your eCommerce application must accept the original line and the split lines or the substitute items that Promising recommends.


  • Your eCommerce application can use a web service to call Promising to do various actions. For example, reserve supply when you add an item or update a quantity, or release supply when you cancel an order line in your shopping cart.
  • You can revise a sales order or use a processing constraint regardless of whether you use this feature.
  • You can use the Demand Source Line Reference attribute in an order management extension, processing constraint, Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI), or Oracle Business Intelligence Cloud Connector (BICC).
  • You can't update the Demand Source Line Reference attribute in the Order Management work area.

Manage Change

A change that happens between the time that you add an item in your shopping cart and when Promising schedules the order line might affect your promising results.

  • Assume you place an order for 10 Bluetooth speakers in your web store, and Promising reserves 10 of them.
  • You import the source order into Order Management, Order Management creates a sales order, then submits it to fulfillment.
  • You revise the sales order in Order Management, change the quantity to 15, then submit it again.
  • Promising has reserved a quantity of only 10, so Promising might or might not be able to schedule the additional quantity of 5.

Try It

Assume you need to test your integration for the AS54888 Desktop Computer.

  1. Opt into the feature.
    • Go to the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the Supply Chain Planning offering, then click Change Feature Opt In.
    • In the row that has Global Order Promising in the Name column, click the pencil.
    • Enable the Temporarily Reserve Supply While Shopping or Quoting feature, then click Done.
  2. Collect items, customers, organizations, calendars, supplies, demands and so on. We recommend that you do it on a schedule. For details, see Collect Data for Global Order Promising.
  3. Set the promising options.
    • Go to the Global Order Promising work area, then click Tasks > Order Promising Options page. For details, see Manage Order Promising Options.
    • Set the values on the Order Promising Options page.
      Attribute Value

      Type of Demand System

      Enter any alphanumeric text that you want to use to identify your eCommerce application.

      This value must match the CallingModule attribute that you use in the REST payloads that you use to call Global Order Promising.

      For example, enter CART or enter ECOMM.

      Past Due Cart Expiration in Days

      Enter a number, such as 30.

      The default value is 60 days before the start of the promising horizon. If you don't enter a number, then Promising will use 60.

      Promising will delete a demand that exceeds the value that you enter and make the supply that it had reserved for the item in the cart available to other sales orders.

      Assume you set Past Due Cart Expiration in Days to 20. The user adds a quantity of 10 for the AS54888 item on March 1, and Promising reserves supply. If the user doesn't submit the sales order before March 21, then Promising will delete the demand and make supply for the quantity of 10 available to other sales orders.

      If you need to delete demand for a one time, specific reason, then go to the Scheduled Processes work area and run the Delete Expired Demand scheduled process. It uses the same parameter, except the value that you enter specifies the number of days before the current system date. Assume you want to delete demand for all carts that haven't seen any action in over 10 days. Set this parameter to 10 to delete that demand. We recommend that you don't set up this process to run a schedule because it might conflict with your set up on the Order Promising Options page.

  4. Set up the REST API payload that you use to create, update, or cancel each of your supply requests. Use these attributes in the payload.
    Attribute Value
    Calling Module You must use the same value that you entered in the Type of Demand System attribute on the Order Promising Options page, such as CART or ECOMM.
    Calling Instance You must enter the same value that you use in the Instance Name attribute on the Manage Planning Source Systems page. For details, see Manage Planning Source Systems for Data Collections.
    Fulfillment Line Identifier

    Use the value that identifies the line on your shopping cart.

    You can use any alphanumeric value.

    For example, ABCD123456789.

  5. Use the Sales Orders for Order Hub REST API to create the sales order in Order Management after the user checks out of the shopping cart. Use this attribute in the payload.
    Attribute Value
    Demand Source Line Reference You must use the same value that you used in the Fulfillment Line Identifier attribute.
  6. Test your set up.
    • Set up some test data that you can use to test the flow. For example, you will need some supply data for the AS54888.
    • Search for the AS54888 item in your eCommerce application, then verify that your application includes the correct data in the response that Promising sends for your REST API call. You can use a 3rd party trace program to verify that your REST API calls contain the data that you expect to see.
    • Add the AS54888 to the shopping cart, then verify that the Automatically Schedule REST API calls Global Order Promising.
    • Check out of the shopping cart, verify that the Sales Order for Order Hub REST API successfully sends a request to Oracle Order Management to create the sales order, and that Order Management created it.
    • Go to the Order Management work area, then search for and open the sales order. Verify that the Order Lines section of the Order Management work area displays NP-0612-1 in the Demand Source Line Reference attribute on fulfillment line 1-1. The Demand Source Line Reference indicates that Promising already interacted with your eCommerce application to promise the ordered quantity even before you created the order line in Order Management.
    • Test other flows in your integration. For example, see what happens when you remove an item from the cart, change the quantity, let the cart expire, and so on.

Delete Expired Demand

Use the Delete Expired Demand scheduled process to release the supply that Global Order Promising reserved for orders in your eCommerce or quoting application when your customer has abandoned their order.

We recommend that you set up the shopping cart in your eCommerce or quoting application so it automatically times out when your customer abandons it, and then use the Cancel Sales Order REST API to send this information to Global Order Promising so Promising can release the supply that it reserved for the cart and make it available to other demand. As an alternative, you can use the Delete Expired Demand scheduled process to release this supply.

Try it.

  • Go to the Scheduled Processes work area, then run the Delete Expired Demand scheduled process. Use these parameters to filter the data that the scheduled process will look at.

    Parameter Description
    Past Due Cart Expiration in Days

    Enter the number of days before the current date that you want to start deleting abandoned demand.

    If you don't enter a value, then the scheduled process will use a value of 60 days, by default.

This scheduled process doesn’t take any action on interactive warning validations.

For important details, see Delete Expired Demand and Guidelines for Using Scheduled Processes in Order Management.


Assume today is May 1, you want to release abandoned supply on the last day of each month, and you want to do it indefinitely. Here are your settings.

Parameter Value
Past Due Cart Expiration in Days


Run Using a Schedule
Frequency Monthly
Repeat By Date
Date Last Day of Month
Start Date 5/01/23
End Date 5/01/39

Temporarily Reserve Supply with Source Promising

You can also temporarily reserve supply while shopping or quoting when you use Source Promising.

  • You must opt into the Temporarily Reserve Supply While Shopping or Quoting feature. If you’ve already opted in, then you don’t have to opt in again.
  • You must use the DemandSourceLineReference attribute in the SalesOrdersforOrderHub REST API, or the Demand Source Line Reference attribute in file-based data import (FBDI). For details, see Use REST API with FBDI to Import Large Volumes of Sales Orders.
  • You must specify an expiration date for your shopping cart in your eCommerce application. If the cart expires, then your application must send a request to Global Order Promising to cancel the sales order and release supply.
  • You can't use this feature with assemble-to-order or pick-to-order configured items or with kits. To do this, use Database Promising instead.