Updating Parcel Information

View and update all information related to a parcel.

Agency staff can view and update details of a parcel, such as the parcel type, status, property description. Sections are available for information on land use, building, location and map details.

You can navigate to the Parcel Details page, from the Parcel tile on the agency springboard. On the Parcel page, click the parcel row to manage its details.

Note: A condition icon is displayed on the parcel row if a parcel has a condition applied to it. If multiple conditions are applied, then the icon displays the most severe condition. Click the icon to see a list of all applicable conditions, including the condition name, severity, description, and when the condition was applied. Click a condition row to open the Parcel Conditions page in a new window.

Page Name


Parcel Details

View and update details about the parcel such as the parcel type, status and property description. See Updating Parcel Details section later in this topic.

For details on setting up parcels, see Setting Up Parcels.

Parcel Address

View and update addresses associated with a parcel. See Updating Parcel Address Details section later in this topic.

For details on setting up addresses, see Setting Up Property Addresses.

Parcel Owner

View and update information about parcel owners on the Parcel Owner page. See Updating Parcel Owner Details section later in this topic.

For details on setting up owners, see Setting Up Property Owners.

Parcel District

View and update parcel district assignments on the Parcel District page. See section later in this topic.

For details on assigning districts to parcels, see Assigning Districts to Parcels.


View summary information of all transactions associated with a parcel. For details, see Viewing Transactions Associated with a Parcel or Property Address.


Attachments provide supporting documentation needed by agency staff to manage parcels. For details, see Working with Property Attachments.


Agency staff can view, modify, and add comments on the Comments page for a parcel.

For details, see Working with Comments.


Agency staff can apply conditions to parcels so that users interacting with a property are notified of any issues with it. For details, see Applying Conditions to Parcels and Addresses.


Agency staff can create parcel genealogy transactions to manage parcel splits, merges and lot line adjustments, and attribute management. For details, see Working with Parcel Genealogy Transactions.

Parcel Value

View and update parcel values on the Parcel Value page. For details, see Setting Up Parcel Values.

Updating Parcel Details

  1. Select the Parcel tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Parcel page, click a row to view and update the parcel details.

    Page Element


    Parcel Type

    The type of parcel.


    The status of the parcel, which can be either Active, Retired or Provisional.

    Enabled switch

    Turn on this switch to make the row available as a lookup value on other pages.

    Property Description

    The property description of the parcel.

    Effective Start Date

    The date on which the parcel becomes valid.

    Land Value

    The land value of the parcel.

    Improvement Value

    The improvement value of the parcel.

    Net Assessed Value

    The net assessed value of the parcel.

  3. In the Land Use section of the Parcel Details page, view and update details about the land associated with the parcel using the following fields:

    • Zoning Code

    • Zoning Code 2

    • Zoning Description

    • General Plan

    • General Plan 2

    • Tax Rate Area

    • Parcel Size 1

    • Parcel Size 1 UOM

    • Parcel Size 2

    • Parcel Size 2 UOM

    • Boundary Description

    • Jurisdiction

    • Census Tract

    • Census Block

    • Subdivision

    • Climate Zone

    • Flood Zone

    • Flood Insurance Rate Map

    • Liquefaction Risk

    • Fire Risk

    • Landslide Risk

    • Soil Type

  4. In the Building section of the Parcel Details page, view and update details about the building associated with the parcel using the following fields:

    • Year Built

    • Structure Size 1

    • Structure Size 1 UOM

    • Structure Size 2

    • Structure Size 2 UOM

    • Number of Dwelling Units

    • Bedrooms

    • Bathrooms

    • Pool

    • Patio

    • Additional Structure

  5. In the Location and Map Information section of the Parcel Details page, view and update the mapping and location details for the parcel using the following fields:

    • Map Name

    • Book Number

    • Map Book Page

    • Block Number

    • Lot Number

    • Section Number

    • Latitude

    • Longitude

    • X Coordinate

    • Y Coordinate

  6. Click Save.

Updating Parcel Address Details

  1. Select the Parcel tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Parcel page, click the parcel row to view its details.

  3. On the Parcel page for the chosen parcel, select the Parcel Address tab in the left navigation panel.

    Page Element


    Street Number

    The street number of the parcel address.

    Street Name

    The street name of the parcel address.

    Street Suffix

    The street suffix that further describes that street like Drive, Avenue etc.

    Direction Prefix

    The street direction of the parcel address.


    The unit number of the parcel address.


    The city of the parcel address.

    Postal Code

    The postal code of the parcel address.


    Indicates whether the parcel address is marked as primary for that parcel.

  4. Click View More Details to access the Address Details page to make updates.

    Page Element


    Enabled switch

    Turn on this switch to make the row available as a lookup value on other pages.

    Address Details

    Turn on the Primary switch to indicate the address as the primary address for the parcel.

    View the parcel number with this address and the line one of the address.

    Building and Location Information

    View and update details, such as:
    • Street Number, Name and Suffix
    • Address Type
    • Direction details like latitude, longitude, and X, Y Coordinates.
    • Landmark, Crossroad
    • Unit, Floor
    • City, State, Postal Code

    Contact Information

    View and update details, such as:
    • Name
    • Email Address
    • Phone numbers (home, work, cell)
    • Fax
  5. The Address Details page has tabs in the left navigation panel to access the following pages:
  6. Click Save.

Updating Parcel Owner Details

  1. Select the Parcel tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Parcel page, click the parcel row to view its details.

  3. On the Parcel page for the chosen parcel, select the Parcel Owner tab in the left panel.

    Page Element



    The name of the parcel owner.


    The name of the primary parcel owner.


    The parcel owner's address.

  4. Click View More Details to access the Owner Details page.

    Page Element


    Owner Details

    View and update the owner's name and type.

    Enabled switch

    Turn on this switch to make the row available as a lookup value on other pages.


    Use the Primary switch to indicate if the specified owner is a primary owner or a secondary owner.


    The name of the primary parcel owner.

    Secondary Owner

    The name of the secondary parcel owner.

    Owner Type

    The type of parcel owner, such as Personal or Town.

    Owner Address

    View and update the country, postal code and address of the owner.

    Contact Information

    View and update the contact information for the owner, such as email address, fax, phone numbers (home, work, cell, etc.)

    Transfer Information

    In the Transfer Information section of the Owner Details page, view the transfer details for the parcel owner.

    Last Transfer Type

    The last transfer type of the parcel owner.

    Document Number

    The document number of the parcel owner.

  5. The Owner Details page has tabs in the left navigation panel to access the following pages:
  6. Click Save.

Viewing Parcel District Details

  1. Select the Parcel tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Parcel page, click the parcel row to view its details.

  3. On the Parcel page for the chosen parcel, select the Parcel District tab in the left panel.

    Page Element


    District and Description

    Displays the unique identifier for the district and its description.

    District Type

    Displays the unique identifier for the district type.

    District Type Category

    Displays the category for the district type. The system-defined values include:

    • Code Enforcement

    • Council

    • Economic Development

    • Zoning

    • Inspection

    • Plan review

    • General

  4. Click View More Details to access the Parcel District Details page.
    Note: You cannot update the district details for a parcel from the Parcel District Details page. In order to change the district-related information for a parcel, use the Delete button on the Parcel District Details page to remove the district from the parcel. You can then add a new parcel district row from the Parcel District page. For details, see Assigning Districts to Parcels.