Journey Template Definition

This table shows the attributes you can configure for a journey template:

Field or Tab What You Use it For
Date From - Date To Defines the period during which this template is valid and can be assigned to workers.
Country For information purpose only and doesn't filter journeys based on the country. If you want to restrict journeys based on country, then use eligibility profiles.
Eligibility Profile Link an eligibility profile to determine for whom the template is applicable. The journey template is assigned only if it matches specific eligibility criteria, such as person type, business unit, legal employer, and so on. The criteria that you configure in an eligibility profile is evaluated when a journey or task is assigned to a worker. The journey or task is only assigned to those workers who satisfy the eligibility profile criteria. Create the eligibility profile with Checklist as the value for Profile Usage.
The value you select in Assignments to Use can only be one of these options:
  • Any assignment - enterprise
  • Any assignment exclude inactive - enterprise
  • Employee assignment only - enterprise
  • Primary Employee assignment only - enterprise

In exclusion scenarios, it's recommended to use Specific Assignment as the Assignment to Use in the eligibility profile. For the eligibility criteria, you can enter criteria only in the Person, Employment, and Labor Relations tabs as they contain attributes which are applicable for the journey. Additionally, you can create a fast formula.

Here are a few points to consider when configuring an eligibility profile:
  • Journeys can't be assigned based on an eligibility profile criteria.
  • When you associate eligibility profiles to a journey or task and there are multiple journeys to be evaluated, there is no particular order in which the journey is evaluated for eligibility. The first journey that meets the criteria is assigned to the worker.
  • When a journey is manually assigned, it doesn't evaluate the eligibility profile associated to the journey and assigns that journey even to ineligible workers. This is because the parameters related to automatic assignment, such as Actions, Action Reasons, Events, Eligibility Profile, Allocation Criteria, Days for Initiation, and so on aren't evaluated.

  • Eligibility profiles are evaluated during manual journey assignment only for journey tasks and the enterprise onboarding step journey. They are not evaluated for the enterprise onboarding master journey and all other journey categories.
  • Journey templates are displayed in the Explore tab even if eligibility profiles are configured for the templates. However, you can control which templates should appear in the Explore tab by configuring template-level security.
  • If you try to assign a journey having eligibility profile at the journey level by using REST API, this error message is displayed for the assignment:
    result: An error occurred during checklist allocation. Try again later. (PER-1532327).
    Journeys that you want to assign by using REST API must not have an eligibility profile attached at the journey level. However, associating eligibility profile at the task level will continue to work.
  • You can configure appropriate eligibility profiles to prevent a journey or journey task from being assigned to a worker in either of these scenarios:
    • The worker is hired on a date that's after n number of days in the past.
    • The worker is terminated on a date that's after n number of days in the past.
Category Select the category based on the template usage. The values for a category are configured in the CHECKLIST_CATEGORY extensible lookup by using the Checklist Lookups task. Journey categories that are delivered by Oracle can't be modified. However, you can add additional categories to the CHECKLIST_CATEGORY. Once the template is saved, the category can't be modified.
Actions and Events Specify an action or configure an event based on which the journey needs to be automatically assigned.
Archive and Purge Specify the duration after which journeys that are assigned based on the template will be archived and purged.
Allocation Criteria Select a criteria to determine when the journey will be assigned.
Completion Criteria Select a criteria to determine when the journey will be marked complete.
Message Configure details, such as welcome message, background image, recurrence, and so on.
  • Title: You can configure a title that's displayed at the banner header level when a user accesses a specific journey. Attributes, such as {FirstName}, {LastName}, {FullName}, and {DisplayName} are supported. If the Title isn't configured, the template name is displayed as the title in the assigned journey page.
  • Thumbnail Image: You can specify the URL of an image when you create the journey template. This appears on individual journey cards on the My Journeys and Explore tabs.
  • Processing Mode: By default, this is Alerts based notification. You can modify it to BI Publisher based notification.
  • Alert Templates: You can configure the alert templates that need to be used when the journey is assigned or force completed, including the combined notification template.
  • Contacts: You can also include the contact details for a journey.
  • Enable recurrent scheduling: If you want to specify recurrence for a journey in the Journeys app, you first need to set the value to Yes. Based on the frequency specified in journeys, a summary of the periods in the schedule is auto-generated and listed in Period Summary in the Scheduled Allocations tab. The periods are enabled by default and can't be edited. However, HR specialists can deselect assignees or delete the whole schedule of an already assigned journey. The Allocate Scheduled Journeys ESS process, which runs daily, automatically assigns the journey. This process checks for new population within a period and assigns the journey only to them.
Background Image You can upload an image or specify the URL of an image that's reflective of the journey when you create the journey template. When you upload, ensure that the file size doesn't exceed 5 MB. The image displays on the header of the journeys page when users select and navigate to a specific journey either from the My Journeys or Explore tab.
These must be the image specifications:
  • XL (1440+ px)
  • L (1439 px – 1024 px)
  • M (1023 px - 600 px)
  • S (599 px - 320 px)
Dashboard Include additional content, such as note board, and events and happenings for all categories of journey templates. There is no provision to create additional sections. The Note Board and What’s Happening sections are limited to 3 sections each.

The Note Board section doesn't support images. It's only for text and links.

The same image is visible under the What's Happening section, as it's a seeded image that can't be modified. If you don't provide any image, it will use and display the seeded image. If you want to have a specific image, you need to provide the image in the Image URL field on the configuration page of the dashboard. Ensure that the image dimension is 280x200 pixels or larger to avoid distortion.

Display Settings Control access to a journey section or task action based on role.
Security Configure access to templates and assigned journeys.
Relationships Associate skills and qualifications with journey templates when you configure career development journeys.

This tab is displayed only for journey templates of category Career Development. Currently, only Grow is available as the relationship usage value.

The configuration isn't specific to any person, hence it's recommended that you only fill the mandatory attributes for each of the content items that you add.

Schedule Allocation Schedule survey journeys.