Setting Up Required Documents

Required documents help agencies to control when information is needed throughout the application process. The system checks for the presence of attachments with the required category or category and subcategory pair and displays an error if the required documents haven't been added at the specified step.

The list of required documents appears on the application intake form and on the Attachments page in the application details after submittal. Once the application form has been saved, agency staff with permissions can manage the document requirements on the application, such as adding or deleting which documents are required.

The documents with a specified category or category and subcategory pair can be required at these application steps, depending on agency setup: Application Submittal, Application Issuance, Application Acceptance, Final Inspection, and Application Complete. Only documents required at the Submittal step are required before the applicant can submit the application. The Required Documents list displays the category and application step requirements and whether the attachment has been uploaded.

Agency staff with permissions can override document requirements and remove files. Public users can't delete required documents once they have been uploaded for previous application steps.

Here's how to set up required documents:

  1. Create the document category and subsequent subcategories that you need. Here you can select the Required Document Application Step for each document category or category and subcategory pair.

    See Setting Up Document Categories and Subcategories.

  2. Add the document categories and subcategories to the document group.

    See Setting Up Document Groups.

  3. Associate the document group with the permit, planning, or business license types that require the specified documents.

    See Setting Up Business License Types, Setting Up Permit Types, and Setting Up Planning Application Types.

  4. Update your workflow tasks that prompt for required documents, including the application acceptance, application issuance, and application completion workflow events.

    You must set up the custom properties PSC_ACTIVITY_TYPE and PSC_FINAL_ACTIVITY for each workflow event. For details, see Using Custom Properties.

  5. If you're using workflow communications, set up communication templates for these Business Rules Framework events:

    • Business License Missing Document

    • Permit Missing Document

    • Planning Missing Document

    See Business Rules Framework Event Details and Setting Up Send Communication Actions.