Invoice and Revenue Method Classifications

Only bill plans and revenue plans with certain combinations of invoice and revenue method classifications can be used on the same contract line.

If you add a bill plan and revenue plan with an invalid invoice and revenue method classification to the same contract line, you will receive an error message when you submit the contract for approval.

The possible revenue method classifications are:

  • Amount based

  • As incurred

  • As invoiced

  • Percent complete

  • Percent spent

  • Rate based

The possible invoice method classifications are:

  • Amount based

  • Rate based

  • Percent complete

  • Percent spent

Invoice and Revenue Method Combinations

Valid bill plan and revenue plan combinations for a contract line are dependent on the invoice method classification and revenue method classification. Most invoice method and revenue method classifications are valid. The following table describes the invalid combinations.

Revenue Method Classification

Invoice Method Classification

Valid Combination?

As incurred

Amount based


As incurred

Percent complete


As incurred

Percent spent


As invoiced

Amount based


As invoiced

Percent complete


As invoiced

Percent spent


Rate based

Rate based

Yes, but a burden schedule is required for the bill plan and revenue plan.


After the contract is approved, any changes to the bill plan including the revenue or invoice method classification must go through the change management process.