Billing Event Components

Manage events for contract invoices and revenue in the Invoices work area and the Revenue work area. An event's components determine how it's processed for invoices or revenue.

Event Type

The event type determines whether the event amount is for invoices, revenue, or both.

Reversing Option

When you create an event, you can select the option to automatically reverse the event in the next period. The reverse revenue accrual occurs in the accounting period following the event completion date. The amount is the same as the original event, except the amount is negative.


Events use the bill transaction currency. By default, the bill transaction currency is the contract currency. You can change the billing currency on a contract line's bill plan.

This table describes what happens if the bill transaction currency for an event doesn't match the currency for the contract, invoice transaction, or revenue transaction.

Currency Type



The event amount is converted from the bill transaction currency to the contract currency.

Invoice Transaction or Revenue Transaction

The event amount is converted from the bill transaction currency to the invoice transaction or revenue transaction currency.

Adjustment History

If you adjusted an event, you can review and track the complete adjustment history from the Edit Event page.


You create invoice and revenue distributions when you run either the Generate Invoices or Generate Revenue scheduled process. If necessary, you can also create revenue accounting entries when you generate revenue.