Manage Planning Profile Options

For Planning Central, Supply Planning, Demand Management, and Order Promising work areas, set profile options to specify the following:

  • The profile option used by Supply Chain Planning processes

  • The sourcing assignment set and lead time multiplier used by the Check Availability process

  • The number of minutes that the results from the Check Availability process remain valid on the Check Availability page, as well as whether the check availability page displays analytics

  • The number of default display days for the Review Supply Availability page, as well as the organization calendar to be used for supply buckets in the Supply Availability report

  • The category set used when assignment sets are created

Use the Manage Planning Profile Options task from one of the Supply Chain Planning work areas to open the Manage Planning Profile Options page. From this page, you can manage all of the profile options except the following:

  • Order Promising Sourcing Assignment Set

  • Order Promising Horizon in Days

To manage these two profile options, use the Manage Administrator Profile Values task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to open the Manage Administrator Profile Values page. On the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, search for the profile option code MSP. The search results will also include the External ATP Web Service Enabled profile option that must remain set to No in the current release.

For more information about profile options, see the Profile Options section in the Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Implementing Common Features for SCM guide.

Supply Chain Planning Processes

This table lists the profile options that affect Supply Chain Planning processes. If the profile option doesn't have a default value, the Default Value column in the table is shown as Not applicable.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value


Catalog for Sourcing Assignments

Not applicable

Defines the catalog to be used when defining sourcing assignment sets.

Decimal Precision for Quantity Display


Sets the precision to which quantities are rounded for display in planning products.

Decimal Precision for Resource Usage


Sets the level of decimal precision to which resource usage calculations are rounded to accurately calculate resource requirements in supply planning.

Default Bookings History Measure

Booked Item by Booked Date

Specifies the default bookings history measure to use in demand forecasting.

Default Capacity Display Calendar

Not applicable

Specifies the default calendar to use for the display of supplier capacity and resource availability in supply plans.

Default Shipments History Measure

Requested Item by Shipped Date

Specifies the default shipments history measure to use in demand forecasting.

Disable Search Warning in Planning Pages


Defines whether to disable the displaying of a warning when users try to run a search without including certain key criteria used to limit the amount of information returned.

Enable Data Security for Planning


Enables planning data security to determine access to Item, Organization, Customer, and Supplier data.

Fixed Plan Start Date

Not applicable

Specifies the fixed plan start date for planning applications, and in order promising, for selected organizations using the MM/DD/YYYY date format.

Full Data Access Allowed for Entities with No Conditions Defined


Enables full data access allowed, instead of no data access allowed, for entities with no data access conditions defined.

Maximum Rows Displayed in Planning Search Pages


Sets the maximum number of rows to display for searches that return large volumes of data.

Plan to Display Automatically

Not applicable

Specifies the name of the plan to be automatically displayed.

Share Plan Partitions


Specifies whether a customer environment is partitioned by each plan. When enabled, a single partition is created for all plans.


Don't set this profile option to Yes for Oracle Replenishment Planning.

Check Availability Process

This table lists the profile options that affect the Check Availability process. If the profile option doesn't have a default value, the Default Value column in the table is shown as Not applicable.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value


Order Promising Sourcing Assignment Set

Not applicable

Defines which sourcing assignment set will be used by the supply allocation and check availability processes

Order Promising Horizon in Days


Sets the number of days into the future for which Oracle Global Order Promising can schedule orders. Demands with dates after the horizon cutoff aren't scheduled.

Supplier Capacity Accumulation Lead Time Multiplier


Defines the multiplier of the approved supplier list lead time to be used to determine the date when to begin the accumulation of supplier capacity

Check Availability Page

This table lists the profile options that affect the Check Availability page.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value


Timeout for Check Availability Results


Sets the number of minutes that the results returned by the Check Availability process will remain valid on the Check Availability page

Analytics for Check Availability Page Enabled


If enabled, the Check Availability page will display analytics

Fulfillment Line Distribution Analytic Days for First Date Range


Sets the number of days for the first lateness range in the Fulfillment Line Distribution analytic

Fulfillment Line Distribution Analytic Days for Second Date Range


Sets the number of days for the second lateness range in the Fulfillment Line Distribution Analytic

Fulfillment Line Distribution Analytic Days for Third Date Range


Sets the number of days for the third lateness range in the Fulfillment Line Distribution Analytic

Review Supply Availability Page and Supply Availability Report

This table lists the profile options that affect the Review Supply Availability page and the Supply Availability report. If the profile option doesn't have a default value, the Default Value column in the table is shown as Not applicable.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value


Default Display Days in Review Supply Availability Page


Sets the number of horizon days for the Review Supply Availability page if end date wasn't entered on the Check Availability page

Organization Calendar for Supply Buckets in Supply Availability Report

Not applicable

Defines the organization calendar to use for the weekly and period supply buckets in the Supply Availability report

Assignment Set and Assignment Level

Each assignment level includes categories that you can select when you create an assignment set, depending on how you set the Sourcing Rule Category Set profile. This profile option doesn't come predefined with a default value, so you must specify a value for it.

Use Database Promising or Source Promising

For details, see Database Promising and Source Promising.

Enable Splits for Data Store XML Files Larger than 2GB

Set up the order promising site profile so that the Refresh and Start Order Promising Server process can generate multiple data store XML files when the file size is over 2GB.

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  2. In the task pane, click Search.

  3. Search for the Manage Profile Options task.

  4. Open the Manage Profile Options page.

  5. In the Search Results: Profile Options section, create a new profile option.

    1. For the profile option code, enter this value: MSP_GOP_GEN_MULTI_DS_FILES.

    2. For the profile display name, enter this value: MSP_GOP_GEN_MULTI_DS_FILES.

    3. From the application menu, select Global Order Promising.

    4. From the module menu, search for and select Order Promising.

    5. In the SQL Validation field, enter this value: select meaning PROFILE_DISPLAY_VALUE, lookup_code PROFILE_CODE_VALUE from fnd_lookups where lookup_type = 'MSC_YES_NO'

    6. Specify a start date that's no later than the current day's date.

  6. In the Profile Option Levels section, at the Site level, set the profile value as enabled and updatable.

  7. Click Save and Close.

  8. Search for and open the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.

  9. Search for the MSP_GOP_GEN_MULTI_DS_FILES profile.

  10. In the Profile Option: Profile Values section, at the Site level, enter the profile value Yes.

  11. Click Save and Close.

This setting will take effect from your next run of the Refresh and Start Order Promising Server scheduled process, and supports following data store files:

  • InventoryPolicy

  • ResourceAllocation

  • ShippedDemandHistory

  • Supplier

  • Geography

  • GeographyHierarchy

  • Customer

  • BeginningInventory

  • PurchaseOrder

  • PlannedPurchaseOrder

  • FulfillementLine

  • TransferOrder

  • PlannedTransferOrder

  • WorkOrder

  • PlannedWorkOrder

  • Reservation

  • LaneTransportModelItem

  • MfgOperationItem

  • MfgOperationResource

  • ManufacturingRouting

  • Resource

This setting isn't applicable for the following files:

  • Calendar

  • AllocationRule

  • Location

  • UOM

  • OpdatastoreConfig

  • CarrierCalendar

  • UserDemand

  • Lane

  • SourcingRule

  • ServiceObjective

  • LocationManufacturing

  • MfgOperationOutput


Disable the now-defunct MSP_GOP_SUPPORT_UPTO_4GB profile option to avoid any profile behavior conflicts.