How You Define Account Rules

You can define an account rule using the following rule types:

  • Account combination

  • Segment

  • Value Set

Account Combination Rules

Set up account combination rules based upon the following value types:

  1. Source Value Type: Derive the account combination by specifying a source.

    Sources that have been set up as accounts can be assigned to an account combination rule. Subledger Accounting then obtains the account combination identifier from the source.

  2. Constant Value Type: Establish the account as a constant value.

    For example, the constant could be a completed account combination from the chart of accounts specified. An example is the account combination, 01.000.2210.0000.000. This is the simplest way to derive an account.

  3. Mapping Set Value Type: Derive the account combination by referencing a mapping set.

    Set up a mapping set to determine the complete account combination from the chart of accounts specified.

  4. Account Rule Value Type: Derive the account by referencing another account rule.

    The chart of accounts is optional when defining this type of rule. If the account rule has a chart of accounts assigned, then all the related account rules must use the same or no chart of accounts.


A chart of accounts must be specified for account combination rules using constants.

Segment Rules

Set up segment rules as follows:

  • When a chart of accounts is specified, create a rule to derive the value for a specific segment from the chart of accounts.

  • If the chart of accounts isn't specified, create a rule to derive the value for an account segment with a specific qualifier.

Set up segment rules using the same methods discussed in the preceding Account Combination Rules section. By specifying different value types, users can select the way in which the segment value is derived.


A chart of accounts must be specified for segment rules using constants.

Value Set Rules

Value set based rules can be created when a chart of accounts isn't specified, enabling you to share the same rule between more than one chart of accounts. But, only if the segments in these charts of accounts share the same value set.

Set up value set based rules using the same methods discussed in the preceding Account Combination Rules section.