How Resource Target Hours Are Calculated

Resource target hours are the available hours multiplied by the target utilization percentage for the resource. Target hours for a resource pool include the target hours of all current resources in the pool.

The Update Resource Utilization Data process updates target hours for individual resources and resource pools for the current week and cumulative intervals for the next 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 8 weeks, and 13 weeks.

Run the Update Resource Utilization Data process often enough to account for:

  • New resources or assignments

  • Changes to resource pool membership dates

  • Changes to resource calendars

Factors That Affect Resource Target Hours

The following factors affect Resource Target Hours.

  • A resource's available hours are based on the resource calendar. An example of a resource calendar is Monday through Friday, 8 hours a day. The application doesn't consider company holidays when determining a resource's available hours.

  • The Update Resource Utilization Data process defines a week as Sunday through Saturday. The current week includes all 7 days from Sunday through Saturday, regardless of the day that you run the process.

    • If you run the Update Resource Utilization Data process after Sunday, the first day of the current week is the preceding Sunday.

    • If you run the process on Sunday, the current week begins that day.

How Resource Target Hours Are Calculated

To calculate a resource's target hours for the current week and the next 12 weekly intervals, the Update Resource Utilization Data process multiplies the target utilization percentage for the resource by the number of available hours on the resource calendar for the week.

To calculate the target hours for a resource pool, the process adds together the weighted average of target hours of all resources in the resource pool.


The process includes the resource's available hours only for the days that are within the resource's date range on the resource pool.


The following example shows the calculation of target hours for three resources, and the resource pool to which they belong, for a 1 week period.

Resource and Resource Pool

Resource Target Utilization

Available Hours on Resource Calendar

Resource Target Hours Calculation

Target Utilization Percentage for Pool

Resource A




Not applicable

Resource B




Not applicable

Resource C




Not applicable

Resource Pool

Not applicable

40 + 40 + 30 = 110

30 + 32 + 24 = 84

84 / 110 = 76%