Where to Save Analytics and Reports

You save analyses, dashboards, and reports in the catalog, along with other objects like prompts and filters.

Besides the hierarchy of folders organized by product family, another important folder is Custom, found in Shared Folders. This is where you save the analytics and reports you create or edit for others to use.

Shared Folders and the Custom Subfolder

Anyone with the correct access can get to objects stored in Shared Folders. If you have the appropriate roles, you can save in Shared Folders so that your objects are available for other users. You should save objects in the Custom subfolder, and use the product family subfolders to organize and publish analytics and objects for the correct audiences.

Here are a few things to know while working with analytics in the catalog. Keep all modified analyses and reports in the Custom folder. Directly edit predefined analytics only when it's necessary to make sure that any references to the analysis or dashboard still work properly.

  • Preserve modified predefined objects during updates, which can make changes to predefined analytics, reports, and other objects outside the Custom folder. You might lose changes saved outside the Custom folder during updates.

  • You can easily find modified objects if they're not spread around the catalog.

  • You can edit objects in the Custom folder without compromising security on the original objects.

  • For predefined reports only, you can use a special Customize option to copy the report and also the folder structure and permissions. The copy is linked to the original, so editing the copy is like directly editing the original.

When you copy an object into the Custom folder, the copied object inherits the permission settings of the Custom folder. An administrator can reset the permissions on the object and the folder that it's in.


When you create folders in the catalog, don't use special characters (~, !, #, $, %, ^, &, *, +, `, |, :, ", \\, <, >, ?, ,, /) in their names.

My Folders

My Folders is your personal storage; you're the only one who can access anything that you save there. What you save there is available in the Reports and Analytics work area, but not in My Folders in the Reports and Analytics panel tab on any other work area. But an exception is when you create an analysis using the wizard in the Reports and Analytics work area. If you save a wizard analysis in My Folders, it's available in any panel tab that appears in any work area.


Don't store analyses or reports in the predefined Temp folder in My Folders. That folder is used by Analytics Publisher and purged automatically every 24 hours.

Create Folders

Create folders in Custom or My Folders.

To create folders:

  1. In the catalog, navigate to the desired location of the new folder in the Folders pane.

  2. In the catalog toolbar, click New, and select Folder.

  3. In the New Folder dialog box, enter the folder name, and click OK.

Automatically Created Folders

If conflicts are detected during upgrade, folders named backup_nnn are automatically created in the catalog. After reviewing and resolving any conflicts, Oracle recommends that you manually delete the backup folders from the catalog. You can contact your help desk to request an automated removal if you have many folders to delete.