Guidelines for Delivering Extracts

You specify delivery options as part of the extract definition. Delivery option parameters specify the output format, the delivery method (email, FTP), support the file encryption of files held on the Oracle WebCenter Content server (UCM) for processing by HCM Data Loader (HDL) and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader (HSDL), and other parameters required for integration with the BI Publisher layer.

How Delivery Options Work

HCM Extracts archives the extracted data into result tables and stores it as an XML output in the database. The application transforms the XML output into a formatted output such as HTML, PDF, EDT, or XLS. The formatted output is then delivered through the delivery options you set in the extract definition.

You can convert the raw XML generated by HCM Extracts to a specific format using the BI Publisher templates. The following table defines the key properties that you can use when defining a delivery option.



Delivery Option Name

Specifies the name to identify your delivery option.

Delivery Type

Specifies the delivery type. The available options are Email, FTP, WebCenter Content, Data Loader Interface, Inbound Interface, and None.


None can't process large output files. Use this option for test purposes only.

Output Type

Specifies the format of the output file.

  • Data - It is the default HCM Extracts format and this option provides an XML Output file.

  • CSV - HCM Extracts supports this option without any other need for BI Publisher templates.

    Any other format from the list of available choices requires a BI Publisher template for formatting and processing in the BI Publisher layer.


Specifies the BI Publisher report that you define for transforming the XML output generated by Extracts to the format of your choice. This is applicable only for output types other than Data or CSV.

Provide the complete BI folder path for the report. Ensure that this path matches with the directory structure of the report in the BI Publisher setup.

If your output type is Data or CSV, you can leave this property blank.

Template Name

Specifies the template associated with the BI Publisher report. It is required only when you provide a value for the Report property.

Bursting Mode

You can specify the bursting mode when you want the XML output to be split and delivered as separate files. For example, payslips to the individual employees.

Note: When you select the output type as CSV, there's no need for other BI Publisher templates and the files are delivered to either WebCenter Content or to SFTP destination based on your configuration. Any other delivery type such as Email, requires a BI Publisher template.

Use the Required option in the Extract Delivery Option table to specify which delivery options you need to run successfully for the extract run to succeed. For example, use the Required option for critical delivery options such as payroll bursting. If this delivery option fails, then the extract run also fails because it depends on the delivery option completing successfully. You can also use the Required option for any delivery options you deem not critical for the extract to run successfully. For example, deselect the Required option for a delivery option such as an email notification to yourself. If this delivery option fails, then the extract run will complete successfully because it isn't dependent on the delivery option.

Using Delivery Types

The type of delivery you select decides the destination of the extract. Some delivery types require more information.

You can select Documents of Record as the delivery mode to store the output in the database and allow employees to view the output from Document of Records. An example of a document is a payslip. If the XML output is split and burst as separate files, then you can select the bursting node. For example, if you want all employees to receive an email with their payslips, then set the bursting node to Employee_ID.

Select the WebCenter Content delivery type to create extracts with data and send them to Oracle WebCenter Content. When executing the extract, encrypted files uses the public fusion-key to post them to the UCM. You need to generate the Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) key pair on the Security Console. You can download the public key to encrypt files that are inbound into HCM Cloud (for example, data files for HCM Data Loader). To sign these inbound files, you can use your private key, which is verified using your public key in Oracle HCM Cloud. You must have imported the customer public key.

You can also transfer the data manually or use your scripts to your server. For more information, see Oracle Fusion File Transfer Automation and Data Security on My Oracle Support.

For each of the delivery types, you can set up more details to complete the configuration. The following table provides information on the more details required for configuring delivery type.

Delivery Type and Attribute


Delivery Type: FTP

Attribute: Configuration Name

Specifies the name of the FTP configuration from the File Transfer Configuration page in the Data Exchange work area.

Configuration Name is blank if you've defined the FTP configuration in BI Administration.

Delivery Type: FTP

Attribute: Server Name

Specifies the name of the server in case you've defined the FTP configuration in BI Administration.

Delivery Type: FTP

Attribute: Remote Directory

Specifies the location of the remote directory to transfer a file to, for FTP configuration in BI.

Delivery Type:
  • WebCenter Content
  • Data Loader Interface
  • Inbound Interface

Attribute: Encryption Mode

Specifies whether the file generated is to be encrypted or not.

Delivery Type: WebCenter Content

Attribute: Encryption Key

Specifies the key to be used for encryption if you choose to encrypt.

Delivery Type:
  • WebCenter Content
  • Data Loader Interface
  • Inbound Interface

Attribute: Compress

Specifies whether to compress the generated file. You can also specify the order of compression and encryption.

Delivery Type:
  • WebCenter Content
  • Data Loader Interface
  • Inbound Interface

Attribute: Integration Name

Specifies the name that forms the content ID in WebCenter Content (UCM Content ID). The first 11 characters of the Integration Name suffixed by the process ID of the extract run form the UCM Content ID <first-11-characters-of-the-integration-name><process id>

Integration Name can contain only alphabets and numbers.

Delivery Type: Email

Attribute: From Email

Specifies the email address of the sender from which you want to email the generated output to the recipient.

Delivery Type: Email

Attribute: Email Address

Specifies the email address of the recipient to which you want to deliver the generated file.

Delivery Type: Email

Attribute: Email Body

Specifies the free text that's added to the email as the body.

Delivery Type: Email

Attribute: CC / BCC / Reply-To

Specifies other email-specific configurations.

Define Output File Name

When you create a delivery option for the extract, you can define the output file name by selecting an extract attribute and a date. The application adds this information as dynamic output to the Output Name and translates it internally into code.

The output name consists of the following components:
  • Delivery option name (appears by default)

  • Extract attribute

  • Date

You can add one data element (%de) to form a part of the file name and also add the date of file generation in different formats to the file name. The table lists the date components:

Date Component


%y | %m | %d

Year | Month | Date component of the system date

%H | %M | %S

Hour | Minute | Second component of the system time

%edy | %edm | %edd

Year | Month | Date components of the time in the Effective Date parameter that you provide during the Extract Run

%edH | %edM | %edS

Hour | Minute | Second components of the time in the Effective Date parameter that you provide during the Extract Run

Follow the steps to configure the output file, where the formation of the file name with the date and time components is shown in the Output Name attribute:
  1. Create a new FTP delivery option.
  2. Enter the report and template name in the Basic Information section and change the output type if necessary.
  3. Enter the configuration details for delivery type in the Advanced section.
  4. In the Output File Name section, select the appropriate attribute and click Add to append data element (%de) to Output Name and associate the runtime file name with the selected attribute.
  5. If required to add the date components in the output file name, select the required date format.
  6. Click Add and save the delivery option.

Report Category

You can group delivery options as Report Categories and have extract runs to deliver using specific categories. For example, you can have an Extract with Report Category 1 (FTP and Email) and Report Category 2 (WebCenter Content). When you choose Report Category 1, the output is delivered through FTP and Email.

Use the Report Category option in the Extracts Definition page to create the categories. This option appears only in the Advanced Edit Mode of the Extracts Definition page.


It isn’t recommended to use multiple Report Categories.