Overview of Grants Management Configuration

Configure Oracle Fusion Grants Management to create and maintain awards, award funding, and award projects.

Use the following tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work area to set up award objects. You can use these award objects when you create or maintain awards.


What to Set Up Using this Task

Manage Audit Types

Audit types that can be performed on an award. For example, financial audit. Use these audit types when you define an institution so that you can perform the audit of programs.

Manage Award Purpose Codes

Purposes or reasons for which the award is created. For example, research, clinical trial, and so on.

Manage Award Types

Type of the award. The award types are Federal, Grants, and Private grants.

Manage Institution Contact Official Types

Official types to classify institution contacts as per their role in the institution or organization. For example, DEAN, PROVOST, and so on.

Manage Keywords

Keywords that you can associate with awards, award projects, or personnel. Use these keywords to track an award.

Manage Grants Reference Types

References for an award or award project for identification purposes. For example, proposal numbers serve as a reference to the award or award project.

Manage Certifications

Certifications that are required for awards and award projects to comply with regulatory requirements. For example, the use of nonhazardous equipment , provision of a smoke-free environment to receive federal funding, and so on.

Manage Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions that the grantor specifies as written stipulations in an agreement or contract that the grantee is obligated to conform.

Manage Assistance Listing Numbers

A database of all federal programs that are available to organizations in USA. Import or create ALN programs and associate them with awards.

Manage Grants Personnel

Grants personnel that are allocated to manage awards. Review the primary job, primary organization, and contact details. If a conflict of interest exists, then indicate if the person has completed the review and the certified date.

Manage Sponsors

Customer organizations that grant funding to the award and award projects.

Manage Funding Sources

Funding sources that fund an award. They can be either external customers, internal organizations, or user-defined.

Manage Institutions

Institutions that receive grants or awards to conduct research or studies. Create institutions and specify locations, references, and contact details.

Manage Award Templates

Award templates with features that are common in the awards you want to create. Define award templates and configure the various objects of an award. Use these award templates when you create awards.

Manage Grants Business Unit Implementation Options

Grants management and award contract attributes at the business unit level. Specify these attributes for processing financial transactions of an award and award project in the business unit. The default billing attributes are sent to the contract bill plan for billing purposes. Provide burn rate indicator percentage ranges to indicate the spending limits for award projects.


You can't delete any of the award objects when used by an award, award project, sponsor, or award template.