Automatic Bills Receivable Transactions Batch Report

Use the Automatic Bills Receivable Transactions Batch Report to review the contents of a bills receivable batch. A bills receivable batch contains bills receivable created from customer drawee transactions.

You can run the report in Detail mode or Summary mode. The report lists the bills receivable created in a batch, or the bills receivable that will be created in a batch submitted in Draft. The report is also generated in Detail mode when you run the Create Bills Receivable Batch process.

Selected Report Parameters

Business Unit

The selected business unit for the report.

Batch Name

The name of the bills receivable batch.

Report Version

  • Detail: Listing of the bills receivable in a batch and information about the transactions assigned to each bill receivable.

  • Summary: Listing of the bills receivable in a batch.

Report Output

This table describes the report headings in the output of the Automatic Bills Receivable Transactions Batch Report.

Report Heading


Drawee Name

The name of the customer drawee.

Drawee Number

The account number of the customer drawee.

Drawee Site

The bill-to site reported on belonging to the customer drawee account.

Payment Method

The bills receivable creation receipt method used to generate bills receivable from transactions.

Grouping Rule

The bills receivable creation receipt method rule used to group transactions into bills receivable.


The maximum amount, specified in the bills receivable creation receipt method, that a bill receivable can have.


The minimum amount, specified in the bills receivable creation receipt method, that a bill receivable can have.

Lead Days

The number of days before the transaction due date, specified in the bills receivable creation receipt method, that a transaction was eligible to be applied to a bill receivable.


The ledger currency.

This table describes the column headings in the output of the Automatic Bills Receivable Transactions Batch Report.

Column Heading


Bills Receivable Number

The bill receivable number.


The amount assigned to the bill.

Maturity Date

The date payment is due on the bill receivable.

Drawee Bank Name

The name of the customer drawee bank.

Contact Name

The contact person at the customer drawee bank.

Special Instructions

Any special instructions for processing the bill.

Bills Receivable Transaction Type

The bills receivable transaction type assigned to bills receivable created from transactions by the bills receivable creation receipt method.

Issue Date

The date the bill receivable is created.

Accounting Date

The bill receivable accounting date.

Document Number

The document sequence number assigned to the bill, if applicable.

Transaction Number

The number of the transaction applied to the bill.

Transaction Type

The transaction type of the transaction applied to the bill.

Applied Amount

The amount of the transaction that was applied to the bill.

Transaction Date

The creation date of the transaction applied to the bill.

Transaction Due Date

The due date of the transaction applied to the bill.

Balance Due:

The open balance of the transaction applied to the bill.

Conversion Rate

The conversion rate used for the entered currency of the transaction applied to the bill, if not the ledger currency.

This table describes the row headings in the output of the Automatic Bills Receivable Transactions Batch Report.

Row Heading


Total Count of Invoices

The total number of transactions applied to a single bill receivable.


The name of the customer drawee for the applicable transactions.


The total amount of the bill receivable amount in the entered currency.

Batch Total in Ledger Currency

The total amount of all bills receivable in the ledger currency for the customer drawee.

Total Count of Bills Receivable

The total number of bills receivable created in the batch.

Batch Total

The total bills receivable amount in the ledger currency for all customer drawees in the batch.