How You Use Implementation Projects to Manage Setup

An implementation project is a list of setup tasks you use to implement your Fusion Applications.

Using this method, you create an implementation project to generate a list of setup tasks, assign tasks to various users who are responsible for managing setup data, and monitor progress of the completion of the setup tasks.

This method is best suited to modify the default setup best practices, or manage setup as a project by assigning responsibility of managing setup data to a broad group of users while monitoring their progress.

Generating a Task List

When you create an implementation project, typically you generate its initial list of tasks by selecting one of your enabled offerings. If you plan to use more than one offering, create a separate implementation project for each one of them. In addition to selecting an offering, which automatically selects its core functional areas, you may also select none, some, or all of the optional functional areas of the offering that are also enabled.


If you create an implementation project with more than one offering, you can't use it to export and import setup data. The export and import process fails.

Using your selection of the offering and the functional areas as a template, a task list hierarchy is generated for the implementation project. The task list hierarchy includes the tasks that are associated at the time with your selected offering and functional areas, and their dependent features that are enabled.

Within the task list hierarchy, the tasks are organized according to prerequisite and dependency requirements of the setup data that they represent. Oracle recommends that you enter setup data in the same sequence as the tasks to avoid errors due to missing prerequisite data.

Modifying a Task List

You can modify the task list hierarchy of an implementation project if needed, by adding, removing, or reordering its tasks. If you modify the task list hierarchy, you must consider and maintain data dependency requirements. Otherwise your users encounter errors when using the implementation project either to enter setup data or to export and import setup data to a different environment.


Once an implementation project is created, it no longer has any relationship with the offering and functional areas you used to create it. Therefore, after you create an implementation project, you can't modify its task list hierarchy by changing the opt-in configuration of those offering functional areas, or by changing the task list associated with them.

Any modification you make to an implementation project's task list is strictly applicable to that implementation project only and doesn't affect any other projects with similar lists of tasks.

Modifications to the task list don't affect setup data represented by the tasks in the list. Once setup data is entered you can't identify its source, such as which implementation project or any other method was used to enter or update the data. Likewise, if you remove a task from an implementation project, any setup data entered using the task continues to exist in the environment unless you explicitly delete the data using an appropriate user interface.

Assigning Setup Tasks

You can assign the tasks of an implementation project to the users who are responsible for managing setup data represented by those tasks. Typically, each setup task is assigned to a single individual. However, you can also assign multiple individuals to the same task if your implementation project requires such assignment. Each of the individuals has the flexibility to perform the task and manage setup data independently of the other users assigned to the same task.

If you specify due dates for completing the assigned tasks, it helps you monitor the progress of the task assignments and monitor the progress of the overall implementation project. If you assign multiple people to a task, you can assign the same due date to each person or you can assign a different due date to each assigned individual.

You can reassign tasks to a different user, or specify a new due date at any time.


If you assign a task list to a user, then all the tasks included in the task list are assigned to that user.