Task Exceptions and How to Manage Them

Task exceptions occur when the team member changes the task dates or effort outside the threshold values set during implementation or when the tasks are overdue. The following figure illustrates the life cycle for an exception.

Figure showing lifecycle of tracking task exceptions

As a project manager, you can view and manage the task exceptions and overdue tasks in your project from the Manage Task Exceptions page. You can:

  • View the tasks modified by team members that caused exceptions

  • View overdue tasks that caused exceptions

  • Accept or decline the proposed changes for individual tasks


    The Accept and Decline action icons are enabled only for tasks containing start date delayed, finish date delayed or effort increased exceptions. For the Start date overdue and finish date overdue exceptions, the icons are disabled.

  • Preview the impact of accepting exceptions for a single task on the project schedule.

  • Preview the total impact of accepting the exceptions for all tasks at once on the project schedule.

  • Quickly accept or decline all the exceptions using Accept All or Decline All respectively.

  • Filter by exception types or resources.

After accepting the changes, the new task dates or effort appears in the project plan and project manager must schedule the project to view the latest schedule.