Overview of Assets

Oracle Maintenance provides an integrated asset management application that can be used to define and maintain assets for an internal organization or an external customer. An asset is an item, thing, or entity that has potential or actual value to an individual, customer or an organization. An asset definition is the data content representing an asset. When an asset is defined, the asset is available to be tracked, managed, maintained and repaired efficiently, resulting in maximum utilization of the asset over its lifetime.

If you've been assigned a job role your enterprise uses for maintenance manager or asset administrator work, you can manage assets. These roles include global grants for the Installed Base Asset data object to stripe some data conditions for customer assets. If user-defined roles are created to view, create, and edit assets, system administrators must create a new data security policy in case the Maintenance Manager, Technician, or Asset Administrator roles aren’t assigned to a user.

  • Create a Data Security Policy in the Data Security Policy train stop
    • Policy Name: Grant to Asset
    • Policy Description: Grant that enables access to assets.
    • Database Resource: Installed Base Asset
    • Data Set: All Values
    • Actions: Manage Installed Base Asset
  • Save the Role
  • Run the scheduled process: Import User and Role Application Security Data

Types of Assets

The assets are categorized into two types: customer assets and enterprise assets. The maintenance application enables you to manage and track both customer assets and enterprise assets. Enterprise assets are internally owned and managed and customer assets are owned by external customer parties, which may or not be maintained in Maintenance.

This table discusses the features of customer assets and enterprise assets:


Customer Assets

Enterprise Assets


Can be created in Maintenance, or using REST API and File-Based Data Import.


To create customer assets, you must have the Asset Administrator role.

Can be created in Maintenance, or using REST API and File-Based Data Import.


To create enterprise assets, you must have the Maintenance Manager role.


Can be managed and edited in Maintenance, or using REST API and File-Based Data Import.

Customer assets are typically managed in the Engagement Cloud, SCM Cloud or functionality such as Service Logistics or Depot Repair.

Can be managed and edited in Maintenance, or using REST API and File-Based Data Import.


Must have an item associated with the customer assets.
Note: Items and assets may move between or be maintained across organizations over time. Therefore, it's recommended to have a consistent serial control policy across organizations to ensure a uniform and consistent tracking experience.

For more details on item setup, refer to the Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management.

Must have an item associated with the enterprise assets.
Note: Items and assets may move between or be maintained across organizations over time. Therefore, it's recommended to have a consistent serial control policy across organizations to ensure a uniform and consistent tracking experience.

For more details on item setup, refer to the Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management.

Tracking Method

Can be tracked using the following methods in the item definition:

  • Full Lifecycle Tracking: if the asset could be maintained using work orders through Service Logistics or Depot Repair functionality.

  • Customer Asset Tracking: if the asset won't be maintained using work orders, but will be tracked in the Engagement Cloud and SCM.

Can be tracked using Full Lifecycle Tracking method in the item definition.

Asset Number

Assets are identified and referenced in the application by their asset number. This is an alpha-numeric identifier of up to 80 characters that can either be user-defined or system generated during asset creation.

Customer assets that are created through automated processes, such as order fulfillment, may receive a system-generated number. After the asset is created, you can update its asset number to a more descriptive asset number.

Note: Assets will be created with an asset ID that’s automatically derived by the application using a database sequence. This value doesn’t support a prefix, nor can a customer control it. The asset number is set to the same value as the asset ID during creation if a user-defined asset number is not provided. The asset number can be updated after the asset is created.

Assets are identified and referenced in the application by their asset number. This is an alpha-numeric identifier of up to 80 characters that can either be user-defined or system generated during asset creation.

Enterprise assets are typically created with an asset number that descriptively identifies the asset. This can be used in combination with the item and serial number to provide differentiation between common assets. After the asset is created, you can update its asset number.


Must have a customer.

Not Applicable

Shipment Date

Must have a shipment date to define a customer asset, because this is the date on which the new asset was shipped to the customer.

You can define this date in the past, present, or future. The date is usually on or after the Customer Purchase Date and is located Overview tab in the Edit Asset details page.

Not Applicable

Customer Purchase Date

The date on which the customer purchases the asset using a sales order.

This date is set by the Sales Order or it can be manually defined and updated in the Last Sales Order details tab in the Edit Asset details page.

Not Applicable

Registration Date

The date on which the new asset is registered. This date must be greater than or equal to the Shipment Date and can be less than, greater than, or equal to the Installed Date or In-service Date.

This date is set by the Sales Order or it can be manually defined and updated in the Last Sales Order details tab in the Edit Asset details page.

Not Applicable

Installed Date

The date on which the new asset has been installed at a customer location. This date must be greater than or equal to the Shipment Date, and can be less than the In-service Date.

The Oracle Subscription Management Cloud references an asset's Installed Date to initiate a subscription, such as for product warranty.

This date is set by the Sales Order or it can be manually defined and updated in the Last Sales Order details tab in the Edit Asset details page.

Not Applicable

In-Service Date

The date in which the new assets enter into service at a customer location. This date must be greater than or equal to the Shipment Date and must be greater than or equal to the Installed Date.

This date is set by the Sales Order or it can be manually defined and updated in the Last Sales Order details tab in the Edit Asset details page.

Not Applicable

Operating Organization Not required if the source item is set to Customer Asset Tracking. During creation, the organization is defaulted to the Validation Organization for Customer Assets value that is defined by an Administrator in the Manage Asset Maintenance Parameters page in the Setup and Manage work area. If the organization isn't defined, you get an error.
Note: All customer assets are created and managed in this organization. Hence, enable the source item for an asset for this organization. You can't select items from other organizations when creating assets. You can select only those that are defined for an Item Validation Organization.

Required if the source item is set to Full Lifecycle Tracking and the asset will be maintained using work orders through Maintenance, Service Logistics or Depot Repair.

A customer asset can be maintained in a Maintenance Program if it operates in a maintenance-enabled organization or if its operating organization has a supports or supports as primary organization relationship to a maintenance-enabled organization.

Required for enterprise assets. The inventory organization in which the enterprise asset is created and is expected to be operated and maintained.
  • Typically, this is a maintenance-enabled organization.
  • This is the organization where manually created work orders are created.
  • This is the organization in which a preventative maintenance program forecast can be generated, and Work Orders created.

Optionally, this organization can be a non-maintenance enabled organization.

  • In this case, creating organizational relationships supports or supports as primary to a maintenance-enabled organization allows for manual creation of work orders in other maintenance-enabled organizations.
  • Additionally, these relationships will enable a customer asset to be maintained in a Maintenance Program.

Applicable Tabs in the Edit Asset page

Vertical tabs rendered for customer assets:

  • Overview

  • Parts List

  • Meters

  • Last Sales Orders Details

  • Hierarchy History

  • Subscriptions

  • Contracts

  • Service Requests

  • Work Orders

  • Leads

  • Opportunities

  • Groups

  • Notes

  • History

Vertical tabs rendered for enterprise assets:
  • Overview

  • Parts List

  • Meters

  • Hierarchy

  • Groups

  • Notes

  • History

Managing Assets

You can manage the following aspects of an asset:

  • Asset Data: The asset data or information is set of attributes which represents its physical form. These attributes enable you to uniquely identify an asset, define its relationship to an item, define location of the asset, and provide the default parameters for work order execution.

  • Parts List: A list of all the parts and items that constitute an asset is known as the parts list for the asset. These items may or may not be defined as assets in the organization. After these are defined, they can be referenced when you create or edit a maintenance work definition. Additionally, you can reference the parts list as the source for an operation item in Work Execution if the items are enabled for your each of your respective maintenance organizations. More details, including using a profile option to assist in item searches, are covered in the maintenance work order sections.

  • Hierarchy: The physical hierarchy of the asset, including the parent and relationships with other assets. You can add a new or existing asset as a child component to an asset residing in inventory. The new asset inherits the location of the parent asset. You can also remove a component from the structure of an asset.

  • Logical Hierarchy: Used to maintain an asset is known as the parts list for the asset. These items can't be the same as the contextual asset's base item. However, these items may be the base item for a child asset or other assets in the same organization

This figure illustrates the tasks that aid in managing the assets. In Maintenance, the assets can be managed using both the user interface and cloud imports. Using the user interface, you can search for the assets, create new assets, and edit the existing assets. Using the cloud imports, you can create new assets and edit existing assets in bulk.

Tasks that aid in managing assets in Maintenance

Additionally, in user interface, you can keep track of assets by marking them as favorite.