Planning Cycle

When defining a collaboration plan, you define the frequency of planning cycles to collaborate with your trading partners, which depends on the types of products you collaborate on and their associated lead times. This frequency defines the planning cycle expectation for the collaboration plan.

You can manage planning cycles at a weekly or monthly frequency. In a weekly frequency, you can pick the duration and the start day (Monday to Sunday) on which the collaboration plan is published to your suppliers. In a monthly frequency, you can pick a duration and either choose the relative day of the month (example, first Monday, third Friday, or last Thursday) or a date in the month (example, 15 or 20) on which the collaboration plan is published to your suppliers.

The decomposition process determines the planning cycle for all incoming managed records. The decomposition process calculates the start and end dates for the collaboration plan depending on the planning cycle. These dates are used to determine if the plan data received is for a new planning cycle or an update to an existing planning cycle.

For example, the following table lists a collaboration plan US-Production with a weekly frequency and the start date set for Monday.

Date Received

Cycle Dates

Mid-Cycle Update

Monday, 16-Jan-2017

Start: 16-Jan End: 22-Jan

New, no source exists for US Production

Wednesday, 18-Jan-2017

Start: 16-Jan End: 22-Jan

Update, source exists from 16-Jan-2017

Tuesday, 24-Jan-2017

Start: 23-Jan End: 29-Jan

New, received date is outside of the currently saved planning cycle. The source start and end date and object version are updated

The start date is calculated based on the first time you receive the plan data as it relates to the collaboration frequency. If you publish a plan on Tuesday, January 17, the data is treated as a new planning cycle with a start date of January 16. This sets the cycle frequency and the plan is expected every week. If the plan isn't published on January 23, the previous plan data for January 16 expires automatically on January 22.

The planning cycle of a collaboration plan is continuous. Even if the plan isn't published for a long period of time, if a cycle is established, the plan is retained.

When you change the frequency or the start date for a collaboration plan, the change doesn't take effect until the next planning cycle. If you want to reset the planning cycle, you need to create a new collaboration plan.

You can search for a collaboration plan based on the planning cycle start and end dates using the manage forecast search page.


The B2B Only relationships without a defined collaboration plan don't have a defined planning cycle. All the data sent is treated as a new cycle. The B2B Only collaboration will expire in 15 days. If a collaboration plan is defined, the B2B Only data uses the defined planning cycle rather than the fixed value of 15 days.