Edit Order Forecasts and Commits

You can search for the order forecasts on the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page, by entering the search parameters and navigating to the Edit Order Forecast Details page to edit the forecast and commit quantities.

  1. In the Supply Chain Collaboration work area, click Manage Order Forecasts and Commits in the Tasks panel.

  2. On the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page, search for the order forecast.

  3. Select a row in the search results and click Actions > Edit.

  4. On the Edit Order Forecast Details page, you can view the order forecast details along with the published on-hand quantity accurate as of the last time the order forecast was published. The order forecast details are listed based on the set aggregation schedule in the Order Forecast Details table.

  5. In the Order Forecast Details table, select a cell or a row of cells and click Actions > Edit.

  6. Do one of these:

    • Edit inline to enter the forecast or commit quantity for one cell at a time.

    • Edit multiple cells at once to enter the forecast or commit quantity for all cells in the row.

  7. Do one of these:

    1. Click Actions > Publish to publish the forecast changes to the supplier. You have an option to submit any draft commitments during this action.


      A forecast change is considered a new version of the forecast so commit values will be cleared for the changed buckets.

    2. Click Actions > Commit to submit draft commit values.

    The updated commit values are now ready to be picked up by planning. The new forecast and commit values are now visible to suppliers and enterprise users.

    Before you commit, you can retain the draft values by clicking Save or Save and Close. Draft values are saved by user type. Supplier provided draft values aren't visible to the enterprise until the values are committed. Enterprise provided draft values aren't visible to the supplier until the values are committed.

When updating order forecast commit values, if you update the commit quantity for an aggregation, the quantity is stored on the first day of the aggregation time frame. If the first day of the aggregation time frame doesn't exist as a schedule detail, a new schedule detail record will be created for the first day of the bucket.

Edit a Forecast or Commit Quantity Inline

In the Order Forecast Details table, you can enter a numeric value in each Current Forecast or Current Commit cell.

  1. On the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page, search for the order forecast.

  2. Select a row in the search results and click Actions > Edit.

  3. On the Edit Order Forecast Details page, the Order Forecast Details table, double-click the Current Forecast or Current Commit cell that you want to update.

  4. Enter a numeric value for the forecast or commit quantity.

  5. Click Save and Close to save your changes and go back to the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page.

Edit Multiple Forecast Values or Commit Values

You can multi-select the current forecasts or current commits for all time buckets displayed in the Order Forecast Details table and enter values for multiple cells at once.

  1. On the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page, search for the order forecast.

  2. Select a row in the search results and click Actions > Edit.

  3. On the Edit Order Forecast Details page, in the Order Forecast Details table, select the current Forecast or Current Commit row that you want to update and click Actions > Edit.

  4. On the Edit Order Forecast Details page, in the Order Forecast Details table, do one of these to edit the current forecasts or commits:

    1. Select the Current Forecast row that you want to update and click Actions > Edit.

      On the Edit Current Forecasts dialog box, select one of these actions:

      • Set to previous forecast: To update all the forecast quantities with their corresponding previous forecast quantities.

      • Increase by percentage: To increase the forecast quantities based on the percentage you enter.

      • Decrease by percentage: To decrease the forecast quantities based on the percentage you enter.

      • Set to explicit value: To update the forecast quantities with the value you enter.


      Forecast and commit quantities can't be blank and must be a positive decimal number greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 99,999,999.

    2. Select the Current Commit row that you want to update and click Actions > Edit.

      On the Edit Current Commits dialog box, select one of these actions:

      • Set to current forecast: To update all the commit quantities to their corresponding current forecast quantities.

      • Set to previous commit: To update the commit quantities to their corresponding previous commit quantities.

      • Set to explicit value: To update the commit quantities to the value you enter.


        To clear the current commit values, use this option and leave the value blank.

  5. Click Save and Close to update your commit quantities based on the selected action and go back to the Edit Order Forecast Details page.

  6. Click Save and Close to save your changes and go back to the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page.

Edit Forecast Values or Commit Values Using a Flat File

You can download the order forecast details into a flat file to analyze and modify the forecast commit data.

In Oracle Supply Chain Collaboration, the Supply Chain Collaboration Planner should have the forecast editing privilege to upload forecast changes. In Oracle Supplier Portal, the Supply Demand Planner must have supplier portal access to the supplier site defined within the item forecast to upload forecasts or commits for the supplier site.

  1. On the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page, search for the order forecast.

  2. Select a row in the search results and click Actions > Edit.

  3. On the Edit Order Forecast Details page, click Actions > Download.

  4. In the Download Forecasts dialog box, optionally select values for these attributes and click Download:

Use Notes to Share Comments on Order Forecasts and Commits

You and your supplier can comment on order forecasts and commits through separate notes sections on the Edit Order Forecast Details page. The supplier can respond to your notes on commit. These notes are specific to the plan, supplier, supplier site, ship-to organization, and item combination.

The text in the Notes to Supplier and Notes to Planner fields can also be used to search for a particular forecast and commit on the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page. When you select the Forecasts notes layout for downloading forecast, the Note to Supplier and Note to Planner fields are included in the downloaded excel sheet. You can also include note to supplier data in the Collaboration Order Forecast file in the Oracle file-based data import.

  1. Field



    Select the layouts for the order forecasts download. Values include:

    • Vertical: The quantities are listed based on an item-location-time combination.

    • Horizontal: The quantities are listed based on an item-location-measure combination, with multiple bucket date quantity columns.


    Select the measures to download. Values include Previous Forecast, Previous Commit, Open Purchase Orders, Purchase Requisitions, In-Transit Shipments, and Shipments in Receiving.


    The current forecast and current commit values are always included in the download and can't be selected.


    Select the type of time period used to set the horizon for the order forecasts download. Values include Forecast or Commit.

    Aggregation Level

    Select the time buckets used to aggregate the order forecasts download. Values include Day or Week.


    If the layout selected is Horizontal then the only option for aggregation level is Week.

    Commit Quantities

    Select the commit quantities to include for the order forecasts download. Values include Set to current forecast or Set to previous commit.


    If set, these will override the current commit quantities.


    For more information on setting the default order forecasts and commits values to download, see the Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management guide.

    A .csv file is downloaded with the order forecast information.

  2. Open the .csv file in a spreadsheet editor.


    When opening a downloaded .csv file containing European characters in Microsoft Excel, import the file using the delimited file type with 65001 : Unicode (UTF-8) as the file origin.

  3. Update the values in the Forecast Quantity or Commit Quantity column.

  4. Save and close the .csv file.

    If the .csv file is large, you can compress the .csv file to a .zip file before uploading.

  5. On the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page, click Actions > Upload.

  6. On the File Upload dialog, click Search File to search for and select the .csv file or the compressed .zip file that you updated.

  7. Click Submit.

    The values updated in the .csv file are displayed in the Current Forecast or Current Commit row.


The format of dates in the .csv file is set in the regional settings.

Edit Multiple Forecast Values or Commit Values Using a Flat File

You can download multiple order forecast details into a flat file to analyze and modify the forecast commit data.


In Oracle Supply Chain Collaboration, the Supply Chain Collaboration Planner should have the forecast editing privilege to upload forecast changes. In Oracle Supplier Portal, the Supply Demand Planner must have supplier portal access to the supplier site defined within the item forecast to upload forecasts or commits for the supplier site.

  1. On the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page, search for the order forecast.

  2. Do one of these to download order forecasts:

    • Click Actions > Download > Download Search Results for order forecasts in the search results.

    • Click Actions > Download > Download All Records for order forecasts that you have access to.

  3. In the Download Forecasts dialog box, optionally select values for these attributes and click Download:




    Select the layouts for the order forecasts download. Values include:

    • Vertical: The quantities are listed based on an item-location-time combination.

    • Horizontal: The quantities are listed based on an item-location-measure combination, with multiple bucket date quantity columns.


    Select the measures to download. Values include Previous Forecast, Previous Commit, Open Purchase Orders, Purchase Requisitions, In-Transit Shipments, and Shipments in Receiving.


    The values for Current Forecast and Current Commit will always be included in the download and can't be selected.


    Select the type of time period used to set the horizon for the order forecasts download. Values include Forecast or Commit.

    Aggregation Level

    Select the time buckets used to aggregate the order forecasts download. Values include Day or Week.


    If the layout selected is Horizontal then the only option for aggregation level is Week.

    Commit Quantities

    Select the commit quantities to include for the order forecasts download. Values include Set to current forecast or Set to previous commit.


    If set, these will override the current commit quantities.


    For more information on setting the default order forecasts and commits values to download, see the Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management guide.

    A .csv file is downloaded with the order forecast information.


    You can use the Review Scheduled Download Files page to schedule and download large files.

  4. Open the .csv file in a spreadsheet editor.


    When opening a downloaded .csv file containing European characters in Microsoft Excel, import the file using the delimited file type with 65001 : Unicode (UTF-8) as the file origin.

  5. Update the values in the Forecast Quantity or Commit Quantity column.

  6. Save and close the .csv file.

    If the .csv file is large, you can compress the .csv file to a .zip file before uploading.

  7. Click Actions > Upload.

  8. On the File Upload dialog click Search File to search for and select the .csv file or the compressed .zip file that you updated.

  9. Click Submit.

    The values updated in the .csv file are displayed in the Current Forecast or Current Quantity column.


The format of dates in the .csv file is set in the regional settings.

Publish Order Forecasts

When you save a forecast value, the value isn't automatically published to Oracle Supplier Portal. You must publish the order forecast to send your changes to Supplier Portal.

A forecast change is considered as a new version of the forecast, so the previous commit values are cleared for the changed order forecast. When you publish the order forecast, you have the option to submit draft commitments.


In Supply Chain Collaboration, the Supply Chain Collaboration Planner should have the Edit Forecasts as Enterprise User privilege to publish forecast changes to Supplier Portal.

Here's how you can publish the order forecasts:

  1. On the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page, search for the order forecast.

  2. Select a row in the search results and click Actions > Edit.

  3. On the Edit Order Forecast Details page, click Actions > Publish.

    The publish action will send the updated current forecasts buckets for the order forecast in context to Supplier Portal.

    These actions occur when publishing order forecast values:

    • Orchestration is notified that there are updated forecasts to process.

    • Publish action processes this action as a mid-cycle publish update.


    If you publish a forecast before clicking Save, it will save the edited forecasts and send the values to Supplier Portal as a mid-cycle update.

Commit Order Forecasts or Commits

When you save an order forecast value, for your changes to be visible in both Supply Chain Collaboration and Supplier Portal, you must commit the order forecast. For example, when you update and save commit quantities in Supplier Portal, they won't be visible in Supply Chain Collaboration until you commit the update.

Here's how you can commit order forecasts or commits:

  1. On the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page, search for the order forecast.

  2. Select a row in the search results and click Actions > Edit.

  3. On the Edit Order Forecast Details page, click Actions > Commit.