Export Setup Data Using Implementation Project

You can export setup data for an implementation project that you already completed setting up. You need the Export Import Functional Setups User (ORA_ASM_FUNCTIONAL_SETUPS_USER_ABSTRACT) role for this task.

You also need an appropriate application administrator role or a role with task-specific privileges to migrate the setup data. You need access to additional roles if you're exporting certain business objects. For more information about access to the additional roles, see topic Additional Access Required for Exporting and Importing Setup Data.

To export setup data using an implementation project, follow these steps.

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance.

  2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select Manage Configuration Packages from the Tasks panel tab.

  3. On the Manage Configuration Packages page, select Create from the Actions menu, or click the Create icon from the Search Results table in the Manage Configuration Packages page to go to the Create Configuration Package: Enter Basic Information page.

  4. In the Source Implementation Project:

    1. Select the implementation project you want to use for the setup data export from the Name menu.

    2. Leave the default selection for Export, Setup task list and setup data, unchanged.

  5. In Configuration Package Details, you can use the default field values for Name, Code and Description, or assign unique values.

  6. Click Next to go to the Create Configuration Packages: Select Objects for Export page.

  7. The first table displays the list of business objects whose setup data is exported. The implementation project you selected as the source of this configuration package in the previous step determines the business object list.

    • The Type column indicates the export and import behavior of the business object as follows:

      1. If export and import services are available for a business object then the type is business object service.

      2. If the type is specified as Scope, then the business object can be used to select a scope value to filter the exported data. However, the setup data of the business object itself in not exported.

      3. If the setup data of any business object must be migrated manually using alternative methods that are external to setup export and import processes, the type is Manual data loading.

    • All business objects whose type is Business object service have their Export column checked by default. You typically keep this selection unchanged.


      If a business object has identical setup data in both source and target environments, then you can optionally exclude it from export, and consequently, from import, to reduce processing time. However, if any excluded setup data is prerequisite to import any other setup data in this configuration package, then your import process fails. Therefore, you should use this option cautiously and only when you're certain that the target environment contains the prerequisite data before you start your import process.

  8. When you select a business object in the first table, if it supports scope to filter exported setup data, you can select appropriate scope values in the second table.

    • If the business object you selected has predefined scope values, then scope table lists all of them by default. You could decide to remove one or more of the listed scope values but you can't add other values.

    • If the business object you selected supports scope but doesn't have predefined value, then you can add one or more scope values.

      1. Click the Create icon in the scope table.

      2. Search and select each of the values you want to use as scope to export data for and click Apply.

      3. Click Done when you finish selecting all desired scope values.

  9. Click Submit to submit the setup data export process and confirm when the confirmation message appears.

  10. Monitor the process from Manage Configuration Package until it completes.

  11. While the process is in progress, you may select the status to go to the Export and Import Process Results page to view how much progress the process has made at the time. Click the Refresh button to get the most recent information. Refer to the topic Review of Export and Import Process Results for detailed descriptions of the process results.

  12. Once the export process completes successfully, click Download to download the configuration package. Use this .zip file to import setup data in the target environment. Optionally, select the status to go to the Export and Import Process Results page to view the result details.

  13. If the export process completes with errors, then fix the errors according to the following instructions.

    1. Select the status to go to the Export and Import Process Result page to view the error details.

    2. Download the log file for the setup business objects with errors by clicking Actions > Download > Log file.

    3. Fix the errors as needed. To modify or enter any data to fix the error, click Go to Task to open the corresponding setup page.

  14. Create a new export process after the errors are corrected.