How Daily Rate Import Data Is Processed

Use the Import and Calculate Daily Rate file-based data import to upload daily currency conversion rates into Oracle General Ledger. You can download a daily rates spreadsheet template to use to prepare your currency data.

The template contains an instruction sheet to help guide you through the process of entering your daily rates information.

To access the template, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials File-Based Data Import for Financials guide.

  2. In the General Ledger chapter, click Import and Calculate Daily Rates.

  3. In the File Links section, click the link to the Excel template.

Follow these guidelines when preparing your data in the worksheet:

  • Enter the required information for each column. Refer to the tool tips on each column header for detailed instructions.

  • Don't change the order of the columns in the template.

  • You can hide or skip the columns you don't use, but don't delete them.

Settings That Affect the Daily Rate Import Process

The Import and Calculate Daily Rates template contains an instructions tab and a tab that represents the table where the data is loaded.

The Instructions and CSV Generation tab contains information about:

  • Preparing and verifying the currency daily rates data.

  • Understanding the format of the template.

  • Entering daily rates.

  • Loading the data into the interface table and the product.

The GL_DAILY_RATES_INTERFACE tab is where you enter information about the daily rates that you're adding, such as the currencies, conversion date range, and rate. You can also enter information for the Daily Rates descriptive flexfield, which includes date and number validations. These validations ensure the information captured is more accurate and consistent.


The Date data type columns are ATTRIBUTE_DATE1 through ATTRIBUTE_DATE5 and the Number data type columns are ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER1 through ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER5.

After you add the data, you can validate the information and check for errors by clicking the Validate Daily Rates button. The validation checks for issues such as invalid date format and overlapping date ranges.

How Daily Rates Import Data Is Processed

To load the data into the interface table and into the product:

  1. Click the Generate Daily Rates button on the GL_DAILY_RATES_INTERFACE tab to create a CSV file in a .zip file format.

  2. Save the .zip file locally.

  3. Navigate to the Scheduled Processes work area.

  4. Select the Load Interface File for Import process.

  5. For the Import Process parameter, select Import and Calculate Daily Rates.

  6. For the Data File parameter, select the file that you saved in step 2.

  7. If the process ends in error or warning, review the log and output files for details about the rows that caused the failure. Correct the data in the worksheet and import the data again.

The Load Interface File for Import process loads the data from the uploaded .zip file to the GL_DAILY_RATES_INTERFACE interface table and submits the Import and Calculate Daily Rates process. This process imports the currency conversion rates information from the interface table into General Ledger. You can review the rates on the Currency Rates Manager page, which you open using the Manage Daily Rates task.