How do I map import fields?

After entering the import options, map the fields in the source file to the corresponding target attributes.

You can do these in the section:

  • Automatic Mapping

  • Map Fields

  • Save the Import Mapping

Automatic Mapping

The automatic mapping feature maps the source file columns to the target attribute columns. The application automatically saves the mapping created under the name Automatic Mapping and lists it in the Import Mapping drop-down list.

For an import file attribute to get automatically mapped, the column header for the attribute in the import file should be same as the Attribute Name. You can view the Attribute Name and Attribute Display Name in the Import Objects tab.
Note: You must map the column headers to the attribute display name when using an exported file to import. The exported file contains the display name as column headers, hence doesn't get automatically mapped.

You can download the import object templates from the Import Objects tab, and use them to create the source CSV file for your import. The templates have prepopulated column headers that ensure that the attributes are automatically mapped.

For auto mapping to work correctly provide the name of the columns in the input CSV. Follow the below steps to create the source CSV file for your import:
  1. Navigate to Tools > Import Management > Import Objects
  2. Filter the object based on display name of the object or language Independent Code (ObjectCode)
  3. Download the file and decompress it.
  4. In the file named like <ObjectCode>.csv, remove the 2nd row.
  5. Use the names in the first row for column names of the input csv file.

    For more details please refer readme.txt.

You can override a column mapping, by dragging target attributes from Target Attributes section to the Attribute Name field of the Source File section. If you change the mapping, then you must save the mapping with a different name. Once you provide the name, the date and year time stamp is appended to the mapping name. The newly created mapping appears in the Import Mapping drop-down list. To apply the automatic mapping instead of your custom mapping, select Automatic Mapping from the Import Mapping drop-down list and click Apply.

Map the Fields

The Map Fields section can be subdivided into source file columns and target attribute columns. The source column header value is derived from the source file.

The following table outlines the source columns.

Source Column


Column Header

Represents the column header for the text files.

Example Value

Values are derived from the first source file saved with the predefined mapping. If you didn't select a predefined mapping, then the example values are taken from the first data row in the source file selected in the first step of the Import Activity definition.

Attribute Name

Represents the target attribute that's to be mapped to the source column.

The following table outlines the target columns.

Target Column


Target Attribute

The attribute name that represents the corresponding table column for the object.


Indicates whether the target attribute is a required or a user key. Required indicates that the key is required while creating a new record. User key indicates that the key is required while updating an existing record.


For required fields, ensure that data is available for the respective attributes in the input CSV file. You can use the validate function to check if all required fields are available before submitting the import job.

Save the Import Mapping

You can use automatic mapping to map the source file attributes to target attributes as described in the previous section. To map more attributes or override existing mappings, then click Save As and save your custom map. The name of a mapping file must be unique for the object.

For more information on how to import your data, see the object-specific import topics in the chapter Import Your Data. These topics are titled Import Your <Object-Name> Data. They provide the following information about importing data:

  • How to map your source data to Oracle Applications Cloud object attributes. This way the import process would know where to insert each of the information bits.

  • Required attributes and validations for the object.

  • How to create the source CSV file with the data you want to import.

  • How to start an import activity.

  • How to check the import results to know if the import went well.