State and Status of Records in Financial Reporting Compliance

As you create or edit object records, they move from one state and status to another.

  • You select status values as you work with a record. These values reflect what you want to do with the record, for example activate it or inactivate it.

  • The application assigns state values. Each time a user submits a record, its state changes to reflect the stage the record has reached in its workflow. State is connected to security, in that it can determine who's entitled to work with a record. When the state is In Review, for example, only a user authorized as a reviewer can work with it.


A few objects have status values, but don't have state values because they're outside of the security system. Also, some objects have state values but don't have status values. However, most objects have both.

Although you typically don't need to know state values to work directly with an object record, you can use them and status values to filter records, both in pages that list object records and in analyses you create in Oracle Transaction Business Intelligence (OTBI).

Here are the states and statuses that apply to object records.

Processes, Risks, and Controls

For a process, risk, or control at any state, a user can select either the Active or Inactive status. The following states apply to these objects:

  • New: A record has been created and saved, but not submitted. The record is ineligible for inclusion in an assessment batch.

  • In Edit: A record has been updated and saved, but the update hasn't been submitted. The record is ineligible for inclusion in an assessment batch.

  • In Review: A record has been submitted, a reviewer has been authorized for the record, and that person's review is under way. The record is ineligible for inclusion in an assessment batch.

  • Awaiting Approval: A user has submitted a record for which another user is authorized as approver. If the record has a reviewer, that person has accepted the record. The approver's examination of the record is under way. The record is ineligible for inclusion in an assessment batch.

  • Rejected: Either a reviewer or an approver has rejected the record. The user who submitted it can modify it and resubmit it. The record is ineligible for inclusion in an assessment batch.

  • Request for Information in Review or Request for Information Awaiting Approval: Either a reviewer or an approver has returned a record to the person who submitted it, requesting more information. The submitter can respond to the request, but can't edit the record. The record is ineligible for inclusion in an assessment batch.

  • Approved: A record has been submitted, and no further action is required. The record is eligible for inclusion in an assessment batch.

Remediation Plans, Events, and Consequences

The states and statuses that apply to processes, risks, and controls also apply to remediation plans. The difference is that only processes, risks, and controls can be assessed, so statements about whether a record is eligible for assessment don't apply to remediation plans.

An event or a consequence may have Active or Inactive status, but state values don't apply to these objects.


The status of an assessment template or an assessment plan is Active or Inactive. State values don't apply to these objects.

Assessment batches and records (individual assessments within a batch) don't have status values, but they do have state values:

  • Finalize Record Security: While initiating an assessment batch, its owner has completed steps that apply to the batch itself and has selected the Save and Define Assessment Record Security option. This creates the records of individual assessments that belong to the batch. The owner must define security for them, authorizing users as assessors and potentially reviewers, approvers, and viewers for each record.

  • Active: The assessment batch has been fully initiated.

  • New: This has different meanings for an assessment batch and an assessment record. When applied to a batch, this state indicates initiation has begun, but the owner initiating the batch has saved a draft of it before reaching the Finalize Record Security state. When applied to an assessment record, this state indicates the person authorized to assess the record has received a worklist to do so.

  • In Review: The assessor has completed work on an assessment record for which another user is authorized as a reviewer, and the review is in progress.

  • Awaiting Approval: The assessor has completed work on an assessment record for which another user is authorized as approver. If the assessment has a reviewer, that person has accepted the assessment. The approver is determining whether to accept the assessment.

  • Rejected: Either a reviewer or an approver has rejected an assessment record. It returns to the assessor, who can edit the assessment.

  • In Edit: An assessment record has been rejected, and its assessor revises, saves, and closes it. The assessor must submit the assessment for it to be reviewed or approved.

  • Request for Information in Review or Request for Information Awaiting Approval: Either a reviewer or an approver has returned an assessment record to its assessor, requesting more information. The assessor can respond to the request for information, but can't edit the assessment.

  • Completed: The assessment record is complete. The assessor has finished work; the reviewer, if any is authorized, has accepted the assessment; and the approver, if any is authorized, has accepted the assessment. No additional action can be taken.

  • Canceled: This has different meanings for an assessment batch and an assessment record. When applied to a batch, this state indicates that the assessment owner has canceled the entire batch and its assessment records. Security for the batch can be modified, but no other edits can be made. When applied to an assessment record, this state indicates that the owner of an assessment batch has canceled that record. Work continues on other assessment records belonging to the batch.

  • Closed: The assessment owner closes the batch. This happens once results for all assessment records have been submitted. One the batch is closed, the owner can edit the assessment-batch security, but no other actions can be taken.

  • Archived - Closed: Having closed a batch, the assessment owner archives it. The batch and its assessment records are available for viewing, but can't be edited.

  • Archived - Canceled: Having canceled a batch, the assessment owner archives it. The batch and its assessment records are available for viewing, but can't be edited.


Status values don't apply to surveys. The following state values, however, determine whether participants can respond to surveys:

  • Open to Responses: Participants in a survey can respond to its questions. This is the default state when a survey is created.

  • Closed to Responses: Participants in a survey can't respond to its questions unless a survey owner reopens the survey. This state is also known as a "soft close."

  • Closed: Participants in a survey can't respond to its questions, and the survey can't be reopened. This state is also known as a "hard close." A survey in this state is available only for viewing.


The state values that may apply to an issue record depend on the status value a user selects for it. Status values include:

  • Open: An issue has been logged, but no decision has yet been made on whether anything should be done about it.

  • In Remediation: A decision has been made that an issue must be corrected, and work has begun to correct it.

  • On Hold: Work on resolving an issue is postponed.

  • Closed: A user involved in resolving the issue proposes that no further work be done on it.

Issues enter one of the following states when a user selects the Open, In Remediation, or On Hold status values:

  • Reported: An issue has been created and requires validation. However the issue goes straight to the Approved state (the Reported state is skipped) if the issue is raised against an object record for which no user has been authorized as an issue validator.

  • Approved: The issue is actively being worked on.

  • In Edit: An issue record has been updated and saved, but not submitted.

  • In Review: A user has submitted an update to an issue record for which another user is authorized as a reviewer, and the review is in progress.

  • Awaiting Approval: A user has submitted an update to an issue record for which another user is authorized as an approver. If the issue has a reviewer, that person has accepted the issue. The approver is determining whether to accept the issue update.

  • Request for Information in Review or Request for Information Awaiting Approval: Either a reviewer or an approver has requested additional information from the user who submitted it. That user can respond to the request for information, but can't edit the issue.

  • Rejected: A user has submitted an update to an issue, another user is authorized as a reviewer or approver of the issue, and that user has rejected the update. The user who submitted the update can modify and resubmit the issue.

Issues enter one of the following states when a user selects the Closed status:

  • Closed - In Review: The Closed status was selected for an issue for which a user is authorized as a reviewer. That person is reviewing the decision to close the issue.

  • Closed - Awaiting Approval: The Closed status was selected for an issue for which a user is authorized as an approver. That person is determining whether to approve the closure.

  • Closed - Request for Information in Review: The Closed status was selected for an issue for which a user is authorized as a reviewer. That person has requested information justifying the closure. The person who submitted the issue can respond to the request for information, but can't edit the issue.

  • Closed - Request for Information in Approval: The Closed status was selected for an issue for which a user is authorized as an approver. That person has requested information justifying the closure. The person who submitted the issue can respond to the request for information, but can't edit the issue.

  • Final Close: The issue is closed and can no longer be updated.