Source Promising
If you use source promising, then Promising can promise back-to-back orders without collecting data for the item, supply, or demand. Promising gets this data directly from the supply and demand data in your supply chain.
Promising can schedule your back-to-back sales order in these flows:
Buy from source without considering supplier capacity
Transfer from source
Make at source and promise according to lead-time
Use available-to-promise supply
Don't consider supply capacity
Flows That You Can't Use
You can't use source promising for these flows that rely on item availability.
Feature, Setup, or Flow |
Why You Can't Use It |
Supplier capacity |
Promising views supplier capacity as infinite. |
Substitute each item according to each customer Supplier lead time and supplier calendar Supplies for planned sales orders Sourcing according to each option |
These flows are specific for each item. |
Internal material transfer Drop ship |
These flows aren't compatible with back-to-back promising. |
Sourcing assignment according to item |
Promising doesn't collect data for an item in a back-to-back flow.
Available-to-promise assignment according to item |
Promising doesn't collect data for an item in a back-to-back flow for the item or the item's organization. |
You also can't use back-to-back promising with unlisted infinite availability or lead time promising.
For details about collecting, see Collect Data for Global Order Promising.
Web Services and REST API
Oracle Order Management and Oracle Global Order Promising use a unique set of values to identify and manage the fulfillment line and other attributes on the sales order. If you use Order Management, and if you use source promising, then you can't use a web service or REST API to schedule or cancel a sales order through your own application. You must make these changes only through Order Management. This is necessary to make sure these values remain accurate.
If you don't use Order Management, then you can use a web service or REST API to call Global Order Promising and promise your sales orders from your own ordering system.
For details and examples, go to REST API for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud, then expand Supply Chain Planning.