Managing Plan Review Documents

Agency staff can add and remove plan review documents on the Plan Reviews page for a permit or planning application. Documents can be added and removed during both manual and electronic cycles. This topic also describes working with protected documents and revised documents provided by applicants.

Adding Documents to a Plan Review

Documents can be added during both manual and electronic cycles until the cycle is completed, even if some reviewers have provided a decision.

Documents added to a plan review cycle are automatically added to a Bluebeam Studio™ Session that is already in progress. Documents can also be deleted when a Studio Session is in progress. If a document fails to upload to Bluebeam Studio™ or if the upload status is No, you can use the Retry button to initiate the upload process again. For more information, see Working with Electronic Plan Reviews.

  1. On the Plan Reviews page in the transaction details, click the Add Documents button.

  2. On the Add Documents page, select the documents that you want to attach to the plan review cycle. The list displays PDF documents on the application's Attachments page that haven't been added to the plan review yet.

    Page Element Description


    Displays shield icons that indicate whether the document is a protected PDF file. See the "Working with Protected Documents" section in this topic for more information.

    File Name

    Displays the file name, file size, who uploaded the file, and when it was uploaded into the system.


    Displays the description that was entered when the file was uploaded into the system.


    Displays the category and subcategory that were entered when the file was uploaded into the system.

  3. Click Save.

The documents that you selected appear in the Documents section.

Page Element Description


Displays the progress of files being transferred to or from Bluebeam Studio™ in an electronic plan review cycle. Indicators for each document display which documents have completed the transfer (check mark), which documents are in process (processing icon), and documents with transfer errors (alert icon).

Documents that the system couldn't retrieve when the cycle is finalized are listed in the Cycle Issues section on the Plan Reviews page.


Displays shield icons that indicate whether the document is a protected PDF file. See the "Working with Protected Documents" section in this topic for more information.

File Name

Displays the file name.


Displays the description that was entered when the file was uploaded into the system.


Displays the state of the document as follows:

  • Initial - Displayed when the document is added to the cycle.

  • Resubmitted - Displayed when a document with the same name is added to the cycle. Applicants typically upload a revision to the plan review documents after a plan review cycle was rejected or required revisions. Revised documents should be uploaded with the same file name. Once they are added, they are considered Resubmitted.

  • Marked Up - Displayed when a document that is marked up in Bluebeam Studio™ Session is copied back to the cycle and the Attachments page in the application details. Once the electronic plan review cycle is finalized, the marked up documents in the Documents section can't be edited further.


Displays the date and time when a document was added to the plan review cycle.

Working with Protected Documents

A protected PDF document has any setting that is restrictive or is otherwise secured. There are different ways that your agency can handle protected documents in their Oracle Permitting and Licensing system for permit and planning applications:

  • Protected documents are allowed. You can upload them to an application form or in the application details but if you add them to an electronic plan review, they're not editable in Bluebeam Studio™ and can't be copied back to the application attachments when the session is finalized. Manual plan reviews can be conducted with protected documents.

  • Protected documents are blocked. You are prevented from uploading them to an application form or in the application details. If there were protected documents in the system when your agency turned on this option, they can be added to manual and electronic plan reviews but aren't editable in Bluebeam Studio™.

  • Protections are removed. When you add archive-protected documents to an electronic plan review, the system creates an editable copy without protections for use in the Bluebeam Studio™ Session. Reviewers can mark up the editable version of the document in the session and the system can copy it back to the application attachments. Edit-protected documents can't be marked up in Bluebeam Studio™ and can't be copied back. Manual plan reviews can be conducted with protected documents.


Regardless of the protected documents setting your agency chooses, the system will always prevent you from uploading in an application password-protected documents that require a password to open.

For more information about agency options for setting up protected document handling, see Setting Up Agency-Level Options for Permits and Setting Up Agency-Level Options for Planning Applications.

Icons help identify protected documents on the Attachments page in application forms and after submittal in the application details. If the agency setup allows protected documents to be uploaded, the system displays a shield icon next to the protected document.

Shield Icons for Protected Documents


Edit Protected Document icon

The Edit Protected Document shield icon is displayed in the attachments on the application intake form and after submittal in the application details when a protected PDF document is uploaded.

Protected documents are shown with this icon in the list of plan review documents as well; they can be used in electronic plan reviews but won't be editable or copied back from Bluebeam Studio™.

Marked-up documents that are copied back from Bluebeam Studio™ also display this icon, which means that they can't be edited further.

Archive Protected Document icon

The Archive Protected Document shield outline icon indicates an archived PDF document.

Archive Protected or Protected Editable Document icon

The Archive Protected or Protected Editable Document solid shield icon appears for archive protected documents and protected documents that are editable. This icon appears for documents that were added before agencies implemented one of the document protection handling options described in this section.

Documents with this icon can be used in an electronic plan review but will only be copied back from Bluebeam Studio™ depending on the document's protection and the agency's protected document setting. Protected PDF documents won't be copied back unless it's a protection that will allow Bluebeam Studio™ to copy it back.

No shield icon

The Protected column is blank for documents without any protection settings or that have protection settings that are allowed in Bluebeam Studio™, such as print protection.

The Cycle Issues section displays information about protected PDF documents that the system couldn't copy back to the attachments during an electronic plan review cycle. For example, when the system can’t retrieve edit-protected PDF documents that were added to a Bluebeam Studio™ Session, the documents are listed in the cycle issues.

Working with Revised Documents

Applicants upload revised documents to the Attachments page in their permit or planning applications when requested by agency staff. An Uploaded Documents icon indicates that a PDF file has been uploaded to an application with a Plan Review status. You'll see the icon on pages in the Plan Review Console as well as on the Attachments page in the application details.

When plan coordinators are waiting for a revised document, they can use the Pending Reviews page in the Plan Review Console to check whether an uploaded document is a revision. For more information, see Using the Plan Review Console.

Here's how to manage a revised plan review document:

  1. When the applicant adds a PDF document to the permit or planning application, an Uploaded Documents icon appears on the permit or planning application row in the Plan Review Console.

  2. Click the icon to open the Uploaded Documents page.

  3. You can click the PDF preview icon or thumbnail image to help identify the documents.

  4. You can also clear the uploaded documents indicator by clicking Mark as Seen, if desired.

  5. Click the Close icon on the modal page to return to the Pending Reviews page.

  6. Click the permit or planning application row to open the application's Plan Reviews page.

  7. Create a new cycle and add the revised document to the cycle.

    After a revised document is added to a cycle, the Uploaded Documents icon is automatically cleared.