Applying for a Business License Amendment

Businesses can request changes to the recorded information on their business license and for their business by filing an amendment online. Agency staff and businesses can amend active business licenses for the types of licenses that are configured for amendments by the agency.

Amendments are only valid for the current license period and an amendment application must be fully processed before starting another one. You can also amend license information when you renew an existing license. The process for submitting a renewal application is similar to the process for amending a license. For more information, see Applying for a Business License Renewal.

Note: The primary contact and contacts with full access to business license can apply for renewal and amendment. For details about contact types, see Setting Up Contact Types and Working with Application Contacts.

Here’s the flow for amending a business license:

  1. Click the Action menu and select Amend.

    If the business license type is configured to allow amendments, this action is available unless the license already has a renewal or amendment in progress. You can start an application for an amendment by selecting the Amend action for a license in the business license list, on the Overview page of the license, or on the Business License page of the business.

    Note: You cannot submit a renewal application if it has a condition applied on the license with the rule Prevent Application Progress for license renewal. When you click the Amend button, a message appears that there are conditions applied. If you click Cancel, the message window closes without any action. If you click OK, the amendment application form opens for the user to fill in the details. When you click Submit, the form is saved with a Pending status because of the applied conditions. You can return to the form and resubmit after the conditions are resolved. For details about business license conditions, see Applying Conditions to Applications.
  2. The amend action takes the applicant to the amendment application form for the business license type. Fill out and submit the form.

    The information from the current license application, which can be the license origination or a renewal, appears in the amendment application form. The industry standard classification codes (NAICS) that are associated with the business license are copied over, which you can update in the Industry Classification section. The tax attributes are also inherited from the license transaction being amended. You'll be able to update the fields that were designated for amendments in the intake form design. Select Show All to view the full application, including read-only fields that can’t be updated.

    The specialist assignment is also copied over to the amendment application.

    Note: For the specialist to be copied to the amendment application, your agency must have enabled the Copy Assigned Specialist for Amendments and Renewals switch on the Business License Options page. For details, see Setting Up Agency-Level Options for Business Licenses.

    If configured by the agency, applicants can propose a future start date for the amendment to apply, using the Proposed Effective Date field. The assigned specialist processing the renewal application can approve it or enter a new amendment effective date using the Approved Effective Date field, which must be made available only to agency staff. See Viewing Business Application Information.

    For details on date entries, see the section Applying for Future Dated Business Commencement in the topic Completing an Application.

    Note: The application contact who is initiating the amendment or renewal will be the applicant for the amendment or renewal application. When a contact of business owner type is amending or renewing the business license, only the business owner row is copied to the contact grid, and applicant row is not copied. If there is a single row for the applicant whose contact type is Applicant, and that applicant is copied as a contact in the new application, the contact type is removed and should be selected before saving or submitting the application.

    If an agency staff is initiating the amendment or renewal, they can select the applicant from the list of application contacts who are registered users in the applicant section.

  3. Pay any required amendment fees after reviewing the details. Fee components can include a penalty, interest, or late fees—as set up by your agency.

    Setting Up Fee Schedules and Mapping Form Fields to Decision Model Attributes.

  4. Agency staff accepts, reviews, and approves the amendment application.

The business license shows the amendment activity and status, such as submitted, pending, or completed, in the License Activity section of the Overview page and in the business license transaction list. After fees have been paid and the application is approved, the amended license is active. Any adjusted information for your business appears on the license and business pages after application processing is complete and the amendment is approved.

Inactivated License: When the business license related to this amendment application is inactivated, then the status of the application changes. The status changes to Withdrawn if the amendment application was in any of the following statuses—Submitted, Accepted, In Process, Inspection, or License Issuance. If the status was Pending, it will change to Void.

Note: When an agency staff is amending or renewing the business license, they can select a different applicant using the Select Applicant action. The Select Applicant modal displays only the registered contacts, including applicant from the latest transaction of the business license that have an amendment and renewal access. The Add Applicant link is not displayed in the Select Applicant modal.