Setting Up Time Rules

Transactions for permits, planning applications, and code enforcement use time rules to calculate due dates for various activities.

Time policies, which are grouped together to form a time rule for a specific classification, are defined by priority and occurrence of each transaction that is related to the due date type set up for the time rule.

In general, the following logic is used to calculate due date:

Due Date = Trigger date + Dates based on the time rule

If the number of transactions created exceed the policy count, then the time rule that is defined for the highest policy occurrence will be triggered.

Based on the transaction classification, time rules are assigned to transaction types:


Assigned to

Code Enforcement

Incident’s issue type and subtype. See Setting Up Agency-Level Options for Code Enforcement and Setting Up Issue Subtypes.


Permit type. See Setting Up Agency-Level Options for Permits and Setting Up Permit Types.

Planning Application

Planning application type. See Setting Up Agency-Level Options for Planning Applications and Setting Up Planning Application Types.


Agency administrators add and modify time rules and assign them to transaction types so that appropriate rules are applied for each transaction type. Every transaction type must have a time rule assigned for every system-defined due date type. The following table shows the various delivered due date types and their details:

Due Date Type



Events that calculate the due date

Trigger Date


Policy Occurrence Count value


Permit plan review


Plan review cycle creation for a permit

Cycle creation date

The plan review cycle due date and department due dates are generated when the plan review cycle is created. The permit type must be configured to use time rules.

1 or more


Planning and zoning plan review

Planning and Zoning

Plan review cycle creation for a planning application

Cycle creation date

The plan review cycle due date and department due dates are generated when the plan review cycle is created. The planning application type must be configured to use time rules.

1 or more


Appeal in case of mandatory abatement

Code Enforcement

Case status change to Mandatory Abatement

Date on which the case status changed to Mandatory Abatement

The appeal due date is updated with this date when the case status is changed to mandatory abatement.

1 or more


Incident review date

Code Enforcement

Incident creation

Incident report date

The incident in the worklist is marked with a status of Overdue when the calculated review due date is less than the current date.



Initial inspection date

Code Enforcement

Initial inspection creation

Inspection schedule date

The Inspection due date is updated with this date when the initial inspection is scheduled.



Re-inspection date

Code Enforcement

Re-inspection creation

Reinspection schedule date

The Inspection due date is updated with this date when the re-inspection is scheduled.

2 or more


Due date for compliance

Code Enforcement

  • Case creation

  • Inspection resulting in Violation or Remains in Violation.

Case creation date

The date is displayed as the compliance date on the Case page.

The value for the policy occurrence count is one (1) at the time of case creation.

1 or more

2 or more for subsequent inspections that result in Violation or Remains in Violation.


Violation appeal period

Code Enforcement

  • Case creation

  • Case status change to violation as a result of a hearing decision.

  • Inspection resulting in Violation or Remains in Violation.

  • Case creation date

  • Inspection completion date

  • Hearing decision date

Ensures that the Request Appeal option is available only during the calculated appeal period.

1 for case creation and 2 or more for either an inspection that resulted in Remains in Violation or a hearing decision that was updated to Violation.


Due date for citation compliance

Code Enforcement

  • Citation issuance

  • Inspection resulting in Remains in Citation.

  • Citation issue date

  • Inspection completion date that resulted in Remains in Citation.

Updates the compliance date displayed on the Case detail page.

The first issuance of citation. Subsequently, this rule is applied when citations are issued or when inspections result in Remains in Citation.


Due date for citation payment

Code Enforcement

Payment initiation

Citation issue date

Late fee is added after the citation payment due date.

1 or more


Citation appeal period

Code Enforcement

Case status change to Citation.

Citation Issue Date

Inspection completion date

Ensures that the Request Appeal option is available only during the calculated appeal period.

1 or more as per citation issuance.

Adding Time Rules

You configure the time rules and policies using the Time Rule page.

  1. Select Common Setup > Time Rule. The Time Rule page lists all the time rules that are configured by the agency.

  2. Click Add on the Time Rule page to add a new time rule.

  3. On the Time Rule Detail page, add values to the following fields:

    Page Element


    Time Rule

    Enter a name for the time rule.


    Select a transaction type:
    • Code Enforcement

    • Planning and Zoning
    • Permit


    Enter a description about the time rule.

    Due Date Type

    Select the type of due date, which determines the time period or due date for a transaction.

  4. Verify that the Enabled switch is turned on. The option is active by default for a new time rule.

  5. In the Time Policy section, click the Add button to define a time policy.

  6. On the Time Policy Details page, select values for the time policy:

    Page Element



    Select the priority for the time policy:

    • High

    • Normal

    Unit of Measure

    Displays the unit of measure of time, which is days.

    Unit of Measure Value

    Select the number of days.

    Policy Occurrence Count

    Select an occurrence count value for the event, such as an inspection.

    Note: The value can't be 0.


    Turn on this switch to set the time policy as the default for the time rule.

    The first time policy that you create for each priority type is set as the default policy. When you create additional time policies for a priority type, you can select any one of them as the default policy. Designating a time policy as the default removes the default designation from the previously designated policy.

Modifying Time Rules

  1. Select Common Setup > Time Rule.

  2. Select the time rule row you want to modify.

  3. On the Time Rule Detail page you can change the time rule description, due date type, and the time policy.

  4. Click the Enabled switch to enable or disable the time rule.

  5. Click Save to save changes.

Deleting Time Rules

  1. Select Common Setup > Time Rule.

  2. Select the time rule row you want to delete.

  3. On the Time Rule Detail page, click the Delete button.

Modifying Time Policies

  1. Select Common Setup > Time Rule.

  2. On the Time Rule page, select the time policy row to open the Time Policy Detail page. You can change values for priority, unit of measure, unit of measure value, and policy occurrence count.

  3. Click Save to save any changes.

Deleting Time Policies

  1. Select Common Setup > Time Rule.

  2. On the Time Rule page, select the time rule row for which you want to change the time policy.

  3. On the Time Rule Detail page, click the time policy row to open the Time Policy Detail page.

  4. Click the Delete button.

  5. To delete multiple time policies from the Time Rule Detail page, click the Edit button in the Time Policy section and select the check boxes for the rows you want to delete.

  6. Click Delete.