Setting Up Document Categories and Subcategories

You set up document categories and subcategories on the Document Category pages to organize the various types of attachment files. Applicants select the document's category or category and subcategory when attaching documents.

After defining the document category, you add the document categories to the document group and then enter the document group ID on the transaction type for permits, planning applications, and business licenses.

System administrators can configure the categories and subcategories to identify required documents and the stage in the application process where the documents are required. If you add a document group to the application type and the document group includes document categories that are configured to identify required documents, the Required Documents section appears on the application intake form and the Attachments page in the application details. The system checks for the presence of attachments with the required category or category and subcategory pair at the different steps in the application and displays an error if the required documents haven't been added.

Adding Document Categories

  1. Select Common Setup > Document Category.

  2. On the Document Category page, click Add to add a new document category.

  3. Enter values on the Document Category Details page:

    Page Element


    Category ID

    Enter an identifier for the category.


    Enter a name for the category.


    Enter a description of the category.


    Turn the switch on to make the category available for use. The category is disabled by default.

  4. Turn on one or more of the switches in the Required Document Application Step section to indicate when documents with this category are required:

    Option Description

    Submittal (application submittal)

    Applicants can't submit the application without adding the specified document first. Only documents required at the Submittal step are required before the applicant can submit the application.

    Issuance (application issuance)

    The permit or business license can't be issued without this document. This step doesn't apply to planning applications.

    Validating documents at this step requires workflow setup. See Using Custom Properties.

    Acceptance (application acceptance)

    Agency staff can't accept this document into the system if this document is missing.

    Validating documents at this step requires workflow setup. See Using Custom Properties.

    Final inspection

    Inspectors can't create a final inspection without this document. This switch is only available if your agency uses Permits or Business Licenses. This step doesn't apply to planning applications.

    Complete (application complete)

    The application process won't be complete until this document has been attached.

    Validating documents at this step requires workflow setup. See Using Custom Properties.

    If you select an application step for a category, you can't select the same required step for the subcategory. For example, if a document with the Blueprints category is required at the application Complete step, you can't require a document with a Blueprints category and Final Plans subcategory combination at the application Complete step. Only a document with the Blueprints category (and no subcategory) will satisfy the requirement at the Complete step.

  5. Click Configure User Assistance to enter rich text to provide information about the requirements for the specified document. The help (question mark) icon appears in the list of required documents on the Attachments grid in the application intake form. Click OK to save the information.

  6. Click Save.

  7. If you want to add a subcategory, click Add in the Document Subcategory section.

  8. On the Document Subcategory Details page, enter an ID, name, and description for the subcategory.

  9. Click Save.

Adding Document Subcategories

  1. Select Common Setup > Document Category.

  2. On the Document Category page, click a category row.

  3. On the Document Category Details page, click Add in the Document Subcategory section to add a new document category.

  4. Enter values on the Document Subcategory Details page.

    Page Element


    Subcategory ID

    Enter an identifier for the subcategory.


    Enter a name for the subcategory.


    Enter a description of the subcategory.


    Turn the switch on to make the subcategory available for use. The subcategory is disabled by default.

  5. Turn on one or more of the switches in the Required Document Application Step section to indicate when documents with this subcategory are required:

    Option Description

    Submittal (application submittal)

    Applicants can't submit the application without adding the specified document first. Only documents required at the Submittal step are required before the applicant can submit the application.

    Issuance (application issuance)

    The permit or business license can't be issued without this document. This step doesn't apply to planning applications.

    Validating documents at this step requires workflow setup. See Using Custom Properties.

    Acceptance (application acceptance)

    Agency staff can't accept this document into the system if this document is missing.

    Validating documents at this step requires workflow setup. See Using Custom Properties.

    Final inspection

    Inspectors can't create a final inspection without this document. This switch is only available if your agency uses Permits or Business Licenses. This step doesn't apply to planning applications.

    Complete (application complete)

    The application process won't be complete until this document has been attached.

    Validating documents at this step requires workflow setup. See Using Custom Properties.

    If you select an application step for a category, you can't select the same required step for the subcategory. That is, you can't require both a document with a Blueprints category and a document with a Blueprints category and Final Plans subcategory combination, at the same step.

    If you don't select any of the application steps for the subcategory, the application steps for the category apply to the category and subcategory pair.

  6. Click Configure User Assistance to enter rich text to provide information about the requirements for the specified document. This link only appears for the subcategory if the document category is required at the Submittal step.

    The system displays the user assistance configured for the subcategory if provided, but if not, displays the text for the category, if present. The help (question mark) icon appears in the list of required documents on the Attachments grid in the application intake form. Click OK to save the information.

  7. Click Save.

Modifying Document Categories and Subcategories

  1. Select Common Setup > Document Category.

  2. On the Document Category page, select the row for the category that you want to modify.

  3. On the Document Category Details page, you can modify the category name and description, and turn the Enabled switch on or off.

  4. Click Save to save any changes.

  5. To modify a document subcategory:

    1. Select the associated category to open the Document Category Details page.

    2. Select the subcategory that you want to modify.

    3. On the Document Subcategory Details page, you can change the subcategory name and description, and turn the Enabled switch on or off.

    4. Click Save.

Deleting Document Categories and Subcategories

You can't delete categories and subcategories if they are already referenced on an uploaded attachment.

  1. Select Common Setup > Document Category.

  2. On the Document Category page, select the row for the category that you want to delete.

  3. If you want to delete the document category, click Delete on the Document Category Details page.


    When you delete a document category, all associated subcategories are also deleted.

  4. If you want to delete multiple document categories, you can delete them on the Document Category page:

    1. Click Edit.

    2. Select the check boxes for the document category rows to delete.

    3. Click Delete.

  5. To delete the document subcategory, click Delete on the Document Subcategory Details page.

  6. If you want to delete multiple subcategories, you can delete them from the Document Category Details page using the Edit and Delete buttons.