Setting Up Agency Payment Options

Define how your agency handles each payment method that it accepts.

You add, modify, and delete agency options for payment method on the Agency Payment Options page.

Adding Agency Payment Options

  1. Select Payment Setup > Agency Payment Options.

  2. On the Agency Payment Options page, click Add.

  3. Enter information for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Agency ID

    Select the ID of the agency for which you are adding a payment option.

    Payment Method

    Select the payment method that the payment options apply to.


    The CASH payment method represents cash drawer payments, which can be made using cash, personal checks, or cashier’s checks.

    Payment Adapter ID

    Select the payment adapter that you want to use for this payment option.

    For more information on payment adapters, see Setting Up Payment Adapters.


    This field is unavailable for the CASH payment method.

    Cashier Session Number Rule, Cash Receipts Number Rule, and Deposit Slip Number

    Select the autonumbering rules that the agency uses to generate numbers for cashier sessions, cash receipts, and deposit slips.

    For more information on autonumbering, see Setting Up Autonumbering.


    These fields are available for only the CASH payment method.

    Payment Reference Prefix

    Specify the prefix that is used when generating the payment reference value. This four-character prefix forms part of the 30-character payment reference that is generated for every payment transaction. The default value is EPAY but you can modify it.

    Default Payment

    Select the default payment type used for payments made through a cashier. Valid values are:

    • CASH (cash)

    • CSCK (cashier’s check)

    • PRCK (personal check)


    This field is available for only the CASH payment method.

    Reopen Cashier Session

    Turn this switch on to allow suspended and closed cashier sessions to be reopened. Only unreconciled cashier sessions can be reopened.


    This switch applies only to the CASH payment method. If you select this option for any other payment method, you will receive an error message when you try to save.

    Require ID Verification

    Turn this switch on to require ID verification when accepting personal checks or cashier’s checks.


    This switch applies only to the CASH payment method. If you select this option for any other payment method, you will receive an error message when you try to save.

    Reinstate Fee

    Turn this switch on to reinstate fees when a check is returned.


    After you turn this switch on, the following fields appear.

    Return Fee Item Id

    Associate a fee item to be used to create the returned check fee.

    Refund Fee Item Id

    Associate a fee item to be used to recover refunded overpayments for the check payment. This is also referred to as the Refund Recovery fee item id.

    If your agency allows refunds of personal check payments before the check clears the bank, note the following. If you refund a check that represented an overpayment before reversing that payment, an on-account debit for the amount refunded will remain after the reversal and a new fee will be created to recover the refund using the specified fee item. To ensure proper accounting for the on-account, see Selecting an Accounting Framework for more information on setting up your accounting framework to credit the on-account rather than revenue when the Refund Fee Item is paid.

    Return Fee Amount

    Specify the amount that will be collected for processing a returned check.

    Fee Currency

    Specify the currency for the amount that will be collected for processing a returned check.

  4. Click Save.

Modifying Agency Payment Options

  1. Select Payment Setup > Agency Payment Options.

  2. Click a row on the Agency Payment Options page.

  3. You can:

    • Update the payment option field values.


      You cannot edit the Agency ID and Payment Method fields.

    • Delete the payment option. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

  4. Click Save.

Deleting Agency Payment Options

  1. Select Payment Setup > Agency Payment Options.

  2. Click Select Multiple.

  3. Select the check boxes next to all the agency payment options you want to delete.

  4. Click Delete. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.