Setting Up Agency Staff

This topic provides an overview of job functions along with a list of delivered job functions. It also discusses how to set up Fusion business units and legal entities for Oracle Permitting and Licensing services.

Job Function Overview

Job functions are assignments made to staff members using the Agency Staff page. Job functions help you in assigning job specific attributes to an agency staff member. For example, you can assign the job function of a building inspector to an agency staff member and associate attributes such as Inspection District and Work Schedule.

For more information about setting up the various job attributes, such as permit, inspection, or issue types, see the Implementing Permitting and Licensing guide.

Job Function and ID

Attribute and Usage

Building Inspector


  • Work Schedule Inspections: Determine inspector availability for assignment to inspections. A building inspector can have more than one work schedule.

  • Inspection Districts Inspections: Determine the districts for which an inspector can be assigned to inspections.

    You can leave the value of the inspection district job attribute blank to enable a building inspector to be assigned to inspections from all districts.

  • Inspection Types Inspections: Determine if the inspector can be assigned to a given type of inspection.

    You can leave the value of the inspection type job attribute blank to enable a building inspector to be assigned to all inspection types.

  • Permit TypesInspections: Permit types are not used for inspector assignment.

Business Analyst


(Applicable in future releases)

  • Inspection Districts

  • Inspection Types

  • Permit Types

(Applicable in future releases)

Business License Inspector


  • Work Schedule Inspections: Determine inspector availability for assignment to inspections. A business license inspector can have more than one work schedule.

  • Inspection Districts Inspections: Determine the districts for which an inspector can be assigned to inspections.

    You can leave the value of the inspection district job attribute blank to enable a business license inspector to be assigned to inspections from all districts.

  • Inspection Types Inspections: Determine if the inspector can be assigned to a given type of inspection.

    You can leave the value of the inspection type job attribute blank to enable a business license inspector to be assigned to all inspection types.

Business License Inspector Supervisor


  • Work Schedule Inspections: Work schedules are not used for business license inspector supervisors.

  • Inspection DistrictsInspections: Determine the districts for which a supervisor can view or schedule inspections.

    You can leave the value of the inspection district job attribute blank to enable a business license inspector supervisor to view or schedule inspections for all districts.

  • Inspection TypesInspections: Determine the inspection types that can be viewed or scheduled by this supervisor.

    You can leave the value of the inspection type job attribute blank to enable a business license inspector supervisor to view or schedule inspections for all inspection types.

Business License Manager



No job attributes are currently required for this job function. Business license managers have access to all consultations and licenses.

Business License Specialist


  • Business License Application Types — Determine the license and consultation types that this specialist can be assigned to.

  • Consultation Meeting Schedule — Determine the availability of the specialist for scheduling business consultation meetings.


    You can assign only one schedule.



  • Permit Types (Applicable in future releases)

  • Cashier IDCashiering: Determine Cashier ID of the Cashier


    You can assign only one schedule.

Chief Building Officer


(Applicable in future releases)

  • Inspection Districts

  • Inspection Types

  • Permit Types

(Applicable in future releases)

Code Enforcement Officer


  • Code Enforcement Districts The possible values are districts from code enforcement district types. Only users who are associated with a code enforcement district can be autoassigned to issues in that district.

  • Code Enforcement District Types — Used at the time of scheduling inspections.


    To give a user responsibility for all district types, create a District Type attribute row, but leave the attribute value blank. If you assign a district type attribute value to a user, it provides him with access to all districts within that district type.

    Warning: If you enable the agency-level option for autoassignment of incidents and cases, but do not set up any district or district type attributes, the incidents and cases will never be routed to the user.

  • Code Enforcement Inspection Work Schedule


    You can assign only one schedule.

Code Enforcement Supervisor


  • Issue Type — The possible values are the issue types that you create. A user who is associated with an issue type is responsible for all related subtypes, so don’t assign users to both an issue type and a subtype that belongs to that issue type.

  • Issue Subtype — The possible values are the issue subtypes that you create. Only assign a user to a subtype when the user is not responsible for all of the subtypes that belong to the related issue type.

These attribute values establish which issue types and subtypes the person is responsible for. This information is used when routing or assigning incidents and cases.


To give a user responsibility for all types of issues, create an Issue Type attribute row, but leave the attribute value blank. If you assign an issue type attribute value to a user, it provides him with access to all issue subtypes within that issue type.

Warning: If you don’t set up any issue type or subtype attributes, and you activate the system-level setting for automatically routing incidents, incidents will never be routed to the user.

Code Enforcement Technician


  • Issue Type — The possible values are the issue types that you create. A user who is associated with an issue type is responsible for all related subtypes, so don’t assign users to both an issue type and a subtype that belongs to that issue type.

  • Issue Subtype — The possible values are the issue subtypes that you create. Only assign a user to a subtype when the user is not responsible for all of the subtypes that belong to the related issue type.

These attribute values establish which issue types and subtypes the person is responsible for. This information is used when routing or assigning incidents and cases.


To give a user responsibility for all types of issues, create an Issue Type attribute row, but leave the attribute value blank. If you assign an issue type attribute value to a user, it provides him with access to all issue subtypes within that issue type.

Warning: If you don’t set up any issue type or subtype attributes, and you activate the system-level setting for automatically routing incidents, incidents will never be routed to the user.

Economic Development Officer


(Applicable in future releases)

Permit Types

(Applicable in future releases)

Finance Administrator


(Applicable in future releases)

  • Inspection Districts

  • Inspection Types

  • Permit Types

(Applicable in future releases)

Inspector Supervisor


  • Work Schedule Inspections: Work schedules are not used for inspector supervisors.

  • Inspection DistrictsInspections: Determine the districts for which a supervisor can view or schedule inspections.

    You can leave the value of the inspection district job attribute blank to enable an inspector supervisor to view or schedule inspections for all districts.

  • Inspection TypesInspections: Determine the inspection types that can be viewed or scheduled by this inspector supervisor.

    You can leave the value of the inspection type job attribute blank to enable an inspector supervisor to view or schedule inspections for all inspection types.

  • Permit TypesInspections: Permit types are not used for inspector supervisor assignment.

Permit Technician


(Applicable in future releases)

  • Inspection Districts

  • Inspection Types

  • Permit Types

(Applicable in future releases)

Plan Coordinator


  • Permit Types — Determine the permit types of the plan reviews that this plan coordinator can assign and update.


    You can leave the value of this job attribute blank to enable a plan coordinator to assign and update plan reviews for all permit types.

  • Plan Reviewer Department — Determine the plan reviewer departments of the plan reviews that this plan coordinator can assign and update.


    You can leave the value of this job attribute blank to enable a plan coordinator to assign and update plan reviews for all departments.

  • Planning Application Types — Determine the planning application types of the plan reviews that this plan coordinator can assign and update.


    You can leave the value of this job attribute blank to enable a plan coordinator to assign and update plan reviews for all planning application types.

The values of the application type and department attributes also determine which plan reviews a plan coordinator can see when they turn on the My Job switch on the Plan Reviews console pages.

Plan Reviewer


  • Permit Types — Determine the permit types that this plan reviewer can be assigned to.


    You can leave the value of this job attribute blank to enable a plan reviewer to be assigned to any permit type.

  • Plan Reviewer Department — Determine the plan reviewer department that this plan reviewer belongs to. The Add Reviewers modal page displays a list of available reviewers by plan reviewer department when assigning a plan reviewer to a plan review.


    You can leave the value of this job attribute blank to enable a plan reviewer to be assigned to any department.

  • Planning Application Types — Determine the application types that this plan reviewer can be assigned to.


    You can leave the value of this attribute blank to enable a plan reviewer to be assigned to all planning application types.

  • Plan Review Districts — Determine the plan review districts for which a reviewer is available on the Add Reviewers modal page when assigning reviewers to a plan review.


    You can leave the value of this attribute blank to make a plan reviewer available for all plan review districts.

The values of the application type and department attributes also determine which plan reviews a plan reviewer can see when they turn on the My Job switch on the Plan Reviews console pages.



  • Planning Application Types — Determine the application types that this Planner can be assigned to.

  • Pre-application Meeting Schedule — Determine the availability of the planner for scheduling preapplication and planning meetings.


You can assign only one schedule.

Principal Planner


  • Permit Types — Determine the permit types of the plan reviews that this principal planner can view in the Plan Review Console.


    You can leave the value of this job attribute blank to enable a principal planner to view plan reviews for all permit types.

  • Plan Reviewer Department — Determine the plan reviewer departments of the plan reviews that this principal planner can view in the Plan Review Console.

  • Planning Application Types — Determine the planning application types of the plan reviews that this principal planner can view in the Plan Review Console.


    You can leave the value of this job attribute blank to enable a principal planner to view plan reviews for all planning application types.

Setting Up Fusion HCM Business Units and Legal Entities for Oracle Permitting and Licensing Services

If you are an existing Fusion customer and if you have already set up business units and legal entity, then you can assign the same for your Agency Staff. However, if you are a new Oracle Permitting and Licensing-only customer then as a prerequisite for entering Agency Staff data, you need to create one business unit and one legal entity that can be used for your agency staff.

See Setting Up a Fusion Business Unit and Legal Entity.