Setting Up Conditions

A condition indicates a dependency or contingency for completing the application process. You set up, modify, and delete condition definitions on the Conditions page.

Conditions Overview

A condition indicates a status, criterion, or action that you can apply to an object in the system, such as an address, parcel, person, contractor license, business license, or transaction. A transaction can be a permit, planning application, or business license application.

Conditions are defined with a severity that might affect operations when applied. Condition rules with a Hold severity prevent one or more of the operations that are selected at the time of applying the condition. Condition rules with a Lock severity prevent all operations as described in the table here.


Applicable Objects


Prevent Application Progress:
  • Business License Amendment

  • Business License Renewal

Address, Parcel, Person, Business License, and Contractor License

Agency staff applies a condition to a record that prevents an applicant from submitting any new permit, planning application, or business license that contains the address, parcel, person, business license, or contractor license. License amendment and renewal are related to business license.

Prevent Workflow Advancement

Address, Parcel, Person, Contractor License, business license, and Transaction

Agency staff applies a condition to a permit, planning application, or business license application record that prevents workflow from advancing. The workflow tasks cannot be completed until the condition is resolved.

Prevent Issue or Final

Address, Parcel, Person, Contractor License, business license, and Transaction

Agency staff applies a condition to a transaction record that prevents the permit, planning, or business application cycle from completing its final step until the condition is resolved.

This rule can be used to prevent the issuance of the permit or business license certificate. Additionally, the same rule can also applied to prevent the final workflow task.

Your workflow process definition must explicitly identify the final human task that is blocked by this condition. Use the PSC_FINAL_ACTIVITY custom property to identify this task. See Using Custom Properties.

Prevent Payment

Address, Parcel, Person, Contractor License, business license, and Transaction

Agency staff applies a condition to a transaction application record that prevents a user from processing a payment.

Prevent Inspection Schedule

Address, Parcel, Person, Contractor License, business license, and Transaction

This condition rule prevents agency staff from scheduling a new permit inspection. It does not affect existing inspections that have already been scheduled.

Prevent Inspection Result

Address, Parcel, Person, Contractor License, and Transaction

This condition rule prevents agency staff from finalizing the permit inspection results.

Prevent Final Inspection

Address, Parcel, Person, Contractor License, and Transaction

Agency staff applies a condition to a permit to prevent adding or proceeding with a final inspection.

Setting Up and Applying Conditions Using Business Rules Framework

The Business Rules Framework enables you to set up conditions that should apply to a permit, planning application, or business license application based on the criteria you define in the business rules.

You must configure the Workflow to trigger the Business Rules Framework process, which in turn applies the condition to the submitted transaction. The submitted applications are listed in the Transactions page with the conditions applied, ready for further processing.


Ensure that the appropriate workflow definition is set up for the business license, permit, or planning application type that will associate with the condition. See Setting Up Permit Types, Setting Up Planning Application Types, and Setting Up Business License Types.

For more information on adding and configuring events with business rules for conditions, see Setting Up Apply Condition Actions. For information on viewing the applied conditions and resolving them, see Applying Conditions to Applications

Viewing Business Rules Information

Apart from the condition information, the condition details page shows the business rules framework information related to the condition in use:

  • Offering: The offering for which the condition is used.

  • Event Name: The name of the event that defines the business rules.

  • Event Description: The description of the event.

  • Rule Name: The name of the rule that defines the criteria and the condition action.

  • Enabled: The switch shows if the business rule is enabled for the current condition.


The Business Rules Framework section is applicable only to conditions with object type Transaction.

Adding Condition Definitions

To add condition definitions:

  1. Select Common Setup > Condition.

  2. On the Condition page, click the Add New button.

  3. On the Condition Details page, enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Condition Name

    Enter a unique condition name.

    Object Type

    Select an object type to categorize the condition, based on the object type to which it is applied:

    • Address

    • Parcel

    • Person

    • Contractor License

    • Business License

    • Transaction

    Display Message

    Enter a message that is displayed to external users.


    Select a severity level for each condition from these options:

    • Lock

      At the most severe level, the Lock condition suspends all operations, including workflow advancing, payment processing, inspection scheduling, and inspection results.

    • Hold

      Agency staff can select which rules to apply to conditions with the Hold level of severity.

    • Notice

      The Notice level functions as an alert and has no effect on operations.

    For more information, see Applying Conditions to Applications.

    For information on conditions on business licenses, see Applying Conditions to Business Licenses.

    Apply Condition to Transactions

    Applies the condition automatically to any existing permit and planning applications belonging to the address, parcel, person, business license, or contractor license.

    The condition on business license will apply only to the license renewal and amendment applications.

    You turn off the switch to disable the condition from automatically applying to the existing transactions.


    This switch is not available by default for the Transactions object type.

    At the time of applying the condition, users can decide to enable or disable the option on the Condition Details page.

    Condition Rules

    Select the rules for the condition. Condition rules are applied by default depending on the severity of the condition:

    • Lock severity: All condition rules are automatically applied and no actions can be taken until the condition is resolved.

    • Hold severity: Select one or more default condition rules.

    • Notice severity: No condition rules apply.

    See the list of available condition rules in the "Conditions Overview" section of this topic.


    Select the level of priority for this condition:

    • High

    • Low

    • Medium


    Enter a description of the condition.

    Additional Information

    Enter any additional information regarding this condition.

    Allow Updates by Parcel Import

    Turn on this switch to allow parcel conditions to be automatically resolved by the Parcel Import process.

    A condition will be automatically resolved only when the parcel import option is selected to resolve the parcel or address condition if it's not found in the import file.

    A condition will also be resolved by the Parcel Import Process when an existing condition is found in the import file, and the status field for that condition is set to Resolve in the import file.

    Business Rules Framework

    This section shows the details of this condition’s association with the events in the Business Rules Framework.

  4. Verify that the Enabled switch is turned on. New conditions are active by default.


    You can't disable or delete the condition if it's being used by the Business Rules Framework to automatically apply conditions or if the condition is already applied to any object.

  5. Click Save.

Modifying Conditions

  1. Select Common Setup > Condition.

  2. Click a row on the Condition page.

  3. On the Condition Details page you can update the display message, severity, description, and the Enable switch.

  4. Click Save.

Deleting Conditions

You can delete a condition only if it isn't being used. If you try to delete a condition that is applied to a transaction, or contractor license, or business license, you will see an error message stating that you can't remove the condition because it has already been applied.

You also can't delete or disable a condition in the condition setup when the condition is used by the Business Rules Framework in the Apply Condition action.

  1. Select Common Setup > Condition

  2. Click a row on the Condition page.

  3. On the Condition Details page, click Delete to delete the condition.