Applying Conditions to Business Licenses

Agency staff manage the conditions that are applied on a business license. The Conditions page lists all of the conditions applied to the selected business license, with applied conditions followed by resolved conditions. You can view, update, apply, and resolve conditions applied by the agency.

The condition indicator in the header of the details pages displays the most severe condition having a high priority. Click the All Conditions link next to the icon to see a list of all applicable conditions, including the condition name, severity, source, source reference, display message, and when the condition was applied. Click a business license condition row to open the Conditions detail page in a new window.


The condition indicator is displayed on all pages across transactions. If more than one active condition is applied, the icon indicates the most severe condition. A condition is active until it is changed to Resolved.

Applying a Condition to a Business License

Agency staff can manually apply conditions to business licenses. Agencies can also configure the system to automatically apply conditions when a credential associated with a business license expires. For information about conditions based on credential expiration, see Setting Up Credential Conditions.

Here's how to manually apply a condition to a business license:

  1. Select the Business Licenses tile on the agency springboard.

  2. Select the license record for which you want to apply the condition.

  3. From the left panel, select the Conditions tab.

  4. On the Conditions page, view the list of applied and resolved conditions. Click Apply Condition.

  5. Enter values for the fields on the Condition Details page.

    For more information about defining conditions and their rules, see Setting Up Conditions.

    Page Element


    Condition Name

    Use the lookup prompt to search and select the condition that you want to apply. The search page lists all the available conditions along with their severity, display message, and description.

    After you select a condition, the condition information is brought in as it was defined in the condition setup. You can override the default rules, priority, description, and additional information to customize the condition.

    Display Message

    Displays the message associated with the selected condition. This message is entered by your agency administrator in the setup page and cannot be updated here.



    Displays the level of severity defined for the selected condition.

    • Lock: This severity suspends all operations and selects all condition rules for the condition.

    • Hold: This severity enables agency staff to select the condition rules that apply to the condition.

    • Notice: This severity functions as an alert and has no effect on operations.

    Apply Condition to Transactions

    Applies the condition to new business license transactions that will be associated with the selected business license. You turn off the switch if you want the condition to be applied only to the business license you're working with.

    The condition setup determines whether this switch is turned off or on by default.

    Include in-process transactions

    Turn on this switch if you want to apply the condition to the in-process transactions related to the business license.

    This option appears only if the Apply Condition to Transactions switch is turned on.

    You can click the View Impacted Transactions link to view the list of transactions where the condition will be applied.

    Condition Rules

    Select one or more rules from:

    • Prevent Application Progress:

      Business License Amendment

      Business License Renewal

    • Prevent Workflow Advancement

    • Prevent Issue or Final

    • Prevent Payment

    The condition rule Prevent Application Progress is only applicable to conditions on persons, parcels, property addresses, business licenses, and contractor licenses.

    Condition rules are available for selection based on:

    • Condition setup: If the Apply Condition to Transactions switch is turned off, then only the Prevent Application Progress rule is available for selection.

    • Condition severity: For a condition with a Hold severity, you can accept the default rules or select different rules. For a condition with a Lock severity, all condition rules are automatically applied and can't be changed.

    Condition setup determines the default selection of the rules - Amendment and Renewal on this page. When applying, you decide if you want to apply the condition on amendment, or renewal, or both. You must select at least one of the rules.

    When a condition is applied, users can't proceed with the amendment or renewal process until applied conditions are resolved. See Applying for a Business License Renewal and Applying for a Business License Amendment.


    Select a priority for the condition. Values are High, Medium, and Low.


    Displays the description entered by your agency administrator in the condition setup page, but you can update the text here.

    Additional Information

    Displays additional information entered by your agency administrator in the condition setup page, but you can enter new information here.

    Applied By

    Displays the name of the user or system that applied the condition with the date.

  6. Click Save.

Resolving a Condition

You can resolve a condition that you applied to a business license.

  1. Access the Conditions page for the business license you are working with.

  2. Click Resolve for the condition you want to resolve.

  3. On the Resolve Condition page, enter a description of how the condition was resolved in the Resolution Action field. The Resolve conditions applied to transactions switch is turned on by default, which resolves the condition that was initially applied automatically to the transactions when this condition was created. This switch appears only if the condition was applied with the Apply Condition to Transactions switch turned on.

    You turn off the switch if you want to resolve this condition alone, without affecting the transactions associated with the business license.

  4. Use the View Impacted Transactions link to access a page that lists all impacted business license transactions.

  5. Click Save.

Modifying a Condition

You can modify a condition that you applied to a business license. Any changes you make won't be copied over to the existing business license transactions.

  1. Access the Conditions page for the business license you are working with.

  2. Click the View More Details button for the condition you want to modify.

  3. On the Condition Details page you can update the rules, priority, description, and additional information for a condition with a Hold severity. For conditions with a Lock or Notice severity, you can update the priority, description, and additional information. If you enable the Apply Condition to Transactions switch, then the changes you save will be applied to new transactions.


    You can't edit any fields for a resolved condition.

  4. Click Save.


    Once a condition is saved, you can't make changes to the Apply Condition to Transactions and Include in-process transactions fields.

Viewing a Resolved Condition

You can view the details of a resolved condition on the Condition Details page.

  1. Access the Conditions page for the business license you are working with.

  2. Select a row with a status of Resolved and click View More Details.

  3. The Conditions Details page opens to display the details of the condition at the top, followed by an additional information about its resolution:

    • Resolve condition applied to transactions

    • Resolution Action

    • Resolved By

    • Resolved Date

  4. Click Cancel to return to the Conditions page.