Setting Up Inspection Dependencies

The global Inspection Dependencies setup page enables agencies to configure default inspection prerequisites that apply across all of an agency's inspection types. You select the prerequisite inspections for each inspection type available from the agency.

The default inspection prerequisites that you define here apply across permit types and are used when a primary permit and subapplications with inspections are linked.


Unannounced inspection types can't have prerequisite inspections or be prerequisite inspections for other inspection types. The dependencies setup is unavailable for unannounced inspections.

Here's how to set up the inspection prerequisites for each inspection type the agency offers:

  1. Select Inspection Setup > Inspection Dependencies.

  2. All of the inspection types defined by the agency appear on the Inspection Dependencies page.

    Expand the row for an inspection type in the Inspection Type column or use the Search field to find an inspection type on the page.

  3. Mark the check box for the inspection types that are prerequisites for the open inspection type.

    The inspection type name appears in the inspection type header row in the Prerequisite Inspections column.

  4. Repeat for each inspection type in your agency that has one or more prerequisite inspections.

  5. Click the View Dependencies link to open a graphical representation of all of the inspection dependencies.

  6. Click Save.

For information about setting up inspection dependencies for a permit type, see Setting Up Inspection Groups.