Working with Inspection Dependencies

Agency staff can view and update inspection dependencies for permits on the Inspections page in the permit details. The dependencies diagram displays the required inspection types for the permit as well as inspections that have prerequisites.

Agency setup is required to establish the default inspection dependencies for a permit type and between linked permits. The default inspection dependencies within a permit come from the Inspection Group setup for the permit type. The global Inspection Dependencies setup page enables agencies to configure default inspection prerequisites that apply across all of an agency's inspection types. For more information about setting up dependencies, see Setting Up Inspection Dependencies and Setting Up Inspection Groups.

When a permit is linked to other permits, and the permit is canceled, withdrawn, denied, or unlinked from the other permits, the inspection dependencies between the permits no longer apply.


Agency staff can override dependencies when scheduling an inspection. For more information, see Requesting and Scheduling Inspections.

The Update Dependencies and View Dependencies links are also available on the Inspection request page. Agency staff, applicants, and contacts with permit access can also click the View Subapplications link on the Inspections page in the permit details and on the Inspection request page to manage linked permits. See Working with Linked Permits.

Here's how agency staff can work with the inspection dependencies in the permit details on the Update Dependencies page and the View Dependencies page:

  1. Select the Permits tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Transactions – Permits page, click the row for the permit application you are working with.

  3. Click Inspections in the left navigation panel of the permit details to open the inspections list, which shows the requested and scheduled inspections for the permit and linked applications, if any.

  4. On the Inspections page, click the Update Dependencies link.

  5. On the Update Dependencies page, review all of the inspection types associated with the permit and linked applications, if any, including whether the inspection type is required or final and the prerequisite inspections for each type.

    This is the information available for each inspection type.

    Page Element Description

    Application and Application Type

    Displays the application number and permit type associated with the inspection type.


    Displays the description of the permit.

    Inspection Type

    Displays the inspection type for which you can update the prerequisite inspections.

    Prerequisite Inspections

    Displays the default prerequisite inspections defined by the agency until you add or remove prerequisite inspections by selecting the check box for an inspection type.


    Indicates whether the inspection type was set up to be required. Agency staff can change this setting when scheduling inspections, except for final inspections.

    Final Inspection

    Indicates whether the inspection type was set up as a final inspection in an inspection group. Final inspections are required.

    Here's how to make updates:

    1. Expand the row for an inspection type.

    2. Click the check box for an inspection type in the list to add or remove prerequisite inspections.

    3. Click Save and Close.

  6. On the Inspections page, click the View Dependencies link.

  7. On the View Dependencies page, view a graphical representation of the inspections that have prerequisites as well as required inspection types for a permit.

    Let's take look at the information that the dependencies diagram provides:

    • Prerequisite inspections for primary and linked permits appear to the left of the next inspections. The sequence ends on the right with the final inspection.

      Agency staff can override warnings to complete prerequisite inspections before scheduling the next inspections.

    • Any inspection marked as required in the inspection group appears with an arrow pointing to the inspection group's final inspection.

      All required inspections must be complete before a final inspection can be created, without exception. There isn't any sequence enforced as there is for prerequisite inspections.

    • The node for each prerequisite or required inspection type includes the inspection type, application number, and permit type. An inspection status appears if the inspection has been created as well as Prerequisite and Required notation.

    • The nodes may appear in different colors depending on the stage in the process of completing the inspections for an application. Some colors indicate inspection status – for example, white is requested or no inspection yet and blue is scheduled. Other colors indicate the inspection result, such as green for passed or corrected and red for failed.