Working with Business Location Information

Location information displays the properties and other GIS objects associated with a business license transaction. Use this page to add or remove associated GIS objects and to view GIS information collected during the business license application process.

Business location information is configured on the business license application forms by the agency during the design process. When filling out an application, the public user enters information, which is then displayed in the detail pages of the business, business license, and transaction.

Only agency staff can update information on the Location page after an application has been submitted.

Viewing Business Location Information

The Location page displays a list of properties associated with the business license application as well as GIS attributes and values from map layers collected during the application process.

  1. Select the Businesses, Business Licenses, or Business License Transactions tile on the agency springboard.

  2. Depending on the tile selected:
    • On the Businesses page, click the row for the business you are working with. Click Locations from the left navigation pane and click the row to view the location details.

    • On the Business Licenses page or Transactions page, click the row for the business license application you are working with. Expand the Business Information menu from the left panel, and click Location to view the location details.

  3. On the Location Details modal page, view detailed information about the business location.

    Page Element



    Displays the current status of the business location. Options include: Active or Provisional.

    If business location is inactive, the status also shows the date of inactivation. See Inactivating Business Licenses.

    Location ID

    Displays the identifier of the business location.

    Doing Business As

    Displays the name by which the business is conducted, also known as DBA.

    Business Description

    Displays the business description.


    Displays the website address associated with the business.

    Physical Location

    View details in this section about the physical location associated with the business.


    If the physical location changes within the agency's jurisdiction, the address is updated for pending, requested, or scheduled inspections. If the physical location moves outside of the agency's jurisdiction, pending, requested, or scheduled inspections are canceled.

    Is this a mobile business?

    Turn on this switch to indicate if the business provides a mobile product or service.

    Is this business physically located within the agency's jurisdiction?

    Turn on this switch to indicate if the business location is within the agency's jurisdiction.


    Displays the address of the business location.

    For agency staff, the address displays as a link, when it exists within the agency's jurisdiction. Click the address link to open the Address Details page in a new tab.

    Parcel Number

    Displays the parcel number of the property associated with the business location. This is also known as the assessor’s parcel number (APN) for the parcel.

    For agency staff, the parcel number displays as a link, when the parcel associated with the business location exists within the agency's jurisdiction. Click the parcel number link to open the Parcel Details page in a new tab.

    Location Type

    Displays the location type. Values include Commercial, Industrial, Mixed Use, or Residential.

    Mailing and Billing Address

    View the mailing and billing addresses associated with the business.

    Is the mailing and billing address the same as the physical location?

    Turn on this switch to indicate that the mailing and billing addresses are the same as the physical location of the business.

    Mailing and Billing Address

    View and update details, such as:

    • Primary Phone Type
    • Primary Phone
    • Alternate Phone Type
    • Alternate Phone
    • Email
    • Category
    • Subcategory
    • Proposed Start Date
    • State Tax ID
    • City Tax ID
    • County Tax ID
    • State Equalization Board Number

    Emergency Contacts

    View and update details such as:
    • Contact 1 First Name and Contact 2 First Name
    • Contact 1 Last Name and Contact 2 Last Name
    • Phone Type
    • Phone
    • Email
    • Availability

Modifying Location Details

  1. Select the Businesses, Business Licenses, or Business License Transactions tile on the agency springboard.

  2. Depending on the tile selected:
    • On the Businesses page, click the row for the business you are working with. Click Locations from the left panel and click the row to view the location details. Use the Edit button to modify the location details.

    • On the Business Licenses page or Transactions page, click the row for the business license application you are working with. Expand the Business Information menu from the left panel, and click Location to view the location details. Use the Edit Location button to update the business location details.


    The Edit Location button is unavailable if the location is inactive. See Inactivating Business Licenses.

  3. On the Location Details modal page, modify details such as:
    • Doing Business As or DBA name, business description, and website of the business.

    • Is this business physically located within the agency’s jurisdiction? switch: Turn on to search and select a property that’s within the agency’s jurisdiction.

      When you turn on the switch, the system automatically creates inspections in Pending status for all the in-process business license transactions that are associated with the selected location, depending on the agency's inspection setup.

      Before you turn on the location switch, you must enable the automatic creation of pending inspections like this:

      1. Turn on the Enable Creation of Pending Inspections and Enable Automatic Creation of Pending Inspections switches in the Inspections section of the Business License Options page. See Setting Up Agency-Level Options for Business Licenses.

      2. Set up inspections for the specific business license type. See the section about setting up inspections for a business license type in Setting Up Business License Types.

      Note: After the inspections are created in pending status, if you turn off the Is this business physically located within the agency’s jurisdiction? switch and save, the status of the newly created pending inspections for the selected inspection type will change to Canceled. Any subsequent changes to the switch won’t alter the status of these inspections.
    • Property Address and Parcel Number

      Important: Use the Search Property field to correct any administrative mistakes while selecting the physical location and not to move the business to a new location.

      The address and parcel number display as links when the business location is associated with a property that exists in the agency's database. Click the link to navigate to the corresponding Address Details page and the Parcel Details page.

    • Location Type

    • Mailing and Billing Address details

    • Emergency Contacts details

  4. Click Save.

    The changes are automatically updated for the current business licenses as well as for any in-process activities of origination, amendment, and renewal transactions that are associated to the selected location.

    If you accessed the Location Details page from the transaction’s location page, upon save, the Location page opens to show the updated details.

Viewing Additional Property References

View the Additional Property Reference grid that contains the GIS information for this application's selected property. This information is only available if the agency has configured the system to collect map attributes and the switch that asks Is this business physically located within the agency's jurisdiction? is turned on.

The GIS attributes are retrieved from map layer content and displayed in this grid in the application details after you select a property on the application. For the property that you select, the respective GIS attributes and values intersecting that property are also collected.


The agency sets up the map services, map layers, and object attributes for collecting GIS information on the Map Layer Content tab of the GIS Attribute Mapping page. For more information, see Setting Up GIS Attribute Mapping. For information about selecting the attributes to collect on an application form, see "Working with Property Field Groups" in Using Predefined Field Groups.

The captured attributes may only be visible to agency staff, depending on the application design.

This table lists the information that agency staff can see in the Additional Property Reference grid. Only the Attribute, Value, and Location Reference fields can be made visible to registered public users.

Page Element


Map Service

Displays the name of the map service used to collect the GIS attributes and values from the map layers.


Displays the name of the layer that contains the attribute. For example, Flood Zone or Fire District.


Displays the name of the GIS object attribute in the map layer. For example, Risk Level.


Displays the value of the attribute from the map layer. For example, the value for the Risk Level attribute label can be Low.


Agency staff can manually update the Value field. Click Edit for the GIS information row.

Location Type

Displays whether this property is a parcel or address.

Location Reference

Displays the reference number for the property.

Refresh button

Click the button to recover the GIS attributes and their values from the map service.


Clicking Refresh overwrites any manually updated values with the map service values.

Edit button

Click to update the attribute value on the Update Attribute Value modal page. Agency staff only can update the Value field.