Setting Up Generate Report Actions

This topic describes how to generate reports using the Business Rules Framework.

Setting up Prerequisites for the Generate Report Action

Typically, the Generate Report action would be selected along with a Send Communication action, where the selected report will be generated, stored in the selected repository, and attached to the associated communication, such as an email, triggered by the business rule.

When defining your report, turn on the Available for Rules Framework Action switch on the Report Configuration Details page. If this option isn't turned on for your report, you won't be able to select it when configuring the Generate Report action.

For more information on setting up reports, see Setting Up Reports and Permitting and Licensing Analytics.

For the communication event for the email notification, in the Attachments field, select the attachment repository for the report, such as Rules Framework Attachments.

For more information on setting up communications, see Setting Up Communication Templates.


If you want some information in a report to go to internal recipients, such as agency users only, and some information to go to external recipients, such as public users, it is recommended to create two reports and have two rules - one for generating and sending the internal report and one for generating and sending the external version.

Configuring the Generate Report Action

To configure a Generate Report action:

  1. Expand the Criteria section of the Business Rules Details page.

    For more information on setting up criteria, see Setting Up Business Rule Criteria.

  2. Make sure your criteria reference the applicable attributes in the resource.

    For example:

    	${{Hearing Notification} Decision Code} = "Approved" 
    	${{Hearing Notification} Decision Making Body} = "Planning Commission" 
    	${{Hearing Notification} Decision Making Body} = "City Council" 
  3. Expand the Actions section of the Business Rules Details page.

  4. Click Add.

  5. From the Action Name drop-down list, select Generate report.

  6. Click Configure.

  7. On the Configure Action page, select the details for the report.

    This example illustrates the information that can be set for an Add Fee action. Details are in the surrounding text.

    Page Element


    Report ID

    Select the report that you want the rule to generate.

    The lookup list displays reports with the Available for Rules Framework Action option turned on.

    Click the Edit Report Configuration link to open the Report Configuration page if you need to confirm any report details.

    Report Output

    Select the repository for storing the report output.

    The general report repository is Rules Framework Attachments. The repository is determined by the selected resource (business object). Offering-specific and resource-specific repositories can be selected where available.

  8. In the Parameters grid, map the report parameters (Parameter Name) to the corresponding resource values (Resource Attributes).


    You define report parameters on the Report Configuration Details page.

  9. Click Done.