Managing License Applications

Business license activity related to a business license or contractor registration can be prelicense consultations or activity related to the license application—such as the license origination, amendment, or renewal applications. License applications are distinct from the actual business license that gets issued.

Click the Business License Transactions tile on the agency springboard to view the list of license-related transactions and activity on the License Applications page.

You can access the License Applications list page on mobile devices as well as on a laptop or desktop computer. The layout changes based on the device you are using.


This topic focuses only on the License Application list featuring the Redwood Experience. You can view permit and planning application lists in the Redwood Experience as well. For information about viewing these lists, see Managing Applications.

Here are some of the things you can do on the applications list for agency staff:

  • View a summary of business license transactions, including consultations and contractor registration.

  • Access details about a business license transaction.

  • Apply for a business license on behalf of an applicant.

  • Copy an existing business license application, permit, planning application, or a preapplication into a new application.

  • View the conditions applied on the business license applications, if any.

  • Manually enter fee payments on behalf of an applicant.

You can also cancel pending applications or copy applications. For information about canceling a pending application, see Canceling an Application. For information about copying an existing application into a new application, see Copying an Application.

This example illustrates the License Applications page for agency staff, showing in-progress applications.

License Applications page for agency staff

Security Details for Managing Business Information

Administrators manage their user role assignments, which determine access parameters such as what level of control is given to the users and agency staff for viewing information related to business license transactions, licenses, and the entity.

The following security roles are delivered with predefined access configured based on the level of security you want to provide to your staff. Accordingly, confidential field values are masked for users who must be restricted from accessing the information:
  • Inquiry Duty: With the highest level of security implemented, agency staff assigned to this role will have minimum access to information.

  • Limited Confidential Data: With the medium level of security implemented, agency staff assigned to this role will have limited access to information.

  • Confidential Data: With the least level of security implemented, agency staff assigned to this role will have complete access to information.

Security Role

Access Description

Associated Job Roles and Abstract Roles

Inquiry Duty


Basic information such as business owner name and title are displayed.

PSC Agency Staff

Limited Confidential Data


Details in fields such as mailing address, email, phone numbers, and parcel information are displayed.

Additionally, details visible to the staff assigned with the Inquiry Duty role are also visible.

PSC Building Inspector

PSC Chief Building Officer

PSC Code Enforcement Supervisor

PSC Inspections Supervisor

PSC Zoning Administrator

Confidential Data


No restrictions applied for users with this role assignment.

Users can view values in the fields such as federal, state, and city tax ID. In addition, details visible to the staff assigned with the roles Inquiry Duty and Limited Confidential Data are also visible.

PSC Auditor

PSC Business Analyst

PSC Business License Application Administrator

PSC Business License Manager

PSC Business License Specialist

PSC System Administrator

PSC Treasury Administrator

PSC Treasury Supervisor

Registered User's License Application List

From the registered user’s landing page, registered users can access the applications list by selecting Go to Applications from the quick actions drop-down list or by clicking the Applications tile on the landing page after logging in.

Registered users can access a list of their own business license activity. The public-facing list shows restricted information as compared to agent-facing list. For example, public users don’t see the name of the assigned agent and confidential field values are masked. A logged in user can access all the applications for which the user is the applicant, the business owner, a contact with application access, or the primary contact.

Applicants can submit new applications and also view the details of their existing applications on their Applications list page. Contacts with application access who were added to an application by the applicant or by the agency staff can access the application detail and pay the fees. Contacts also see the applications for which they are the applicant.


If the applicant or the agency staff removes a contact from an application, then the application is no longer listed on the user's Applications page. Applications are not listed for those associated contacts who are neither the primary contact nor have application access. For information about adding and removing contact users, see Working with Application Contacts.

The payments banner at the top of the page displays information if there is a payment due for the submitted permit or planning applications. The payment due details include the total amount payable, the number of applications the user is associated with, and a Make a Payment button to pay for all or selected applications. Applicants and contacts can pay for all or selected applications. For more information, see Making Payments.

Users can make a payment for individual applications by clicking the fee amount link for the application or by clicking the three-dot actions button and selecting the option to pay fees. The Pay button is also available in the application details on the Fees and Payments page. For more information, see Working with Fees and Payments.

Using the Applications List

  1. Select the Business License Transactions tile to go to the License Applications page.

    Select the Permits or Planning Applications tile on the agency springboard to go to the Permit Applications or Planning Applications pages, respectively. For more information, see Managing Applications.

  2. Click the tab at the bottom of the page for the type of application you want to view:

    • Licenses: View a list of business license or contractor registration applications.

    • Permits: View a list of permit applications.

    • Planning Applications: View a list of planning applications.

    • All: View a list showing all application types.

  3. You can use these actions to display license applications:

    Page Element



    Enter alphanumeric characters in the Search bar to apply a filter to applications in the list. The applications that meet the search criteria are displayed on the page.

    The default search facet displays In Progress Applications to show active applications that are not in a closed or end status. For example, Pending submittal, Payment pending, Submitted, Inspection, and so on.

    When you search on dates, use this format: MM/DD/YYYY.

    Search results display only the primary address for the permit or planning application. You can confirm the correct application by clicking the row for the permit or planning application and reviewing all of the associated addresses in the application details.


    Click the button to open the page that asks What would you like to apply for? and search for or select the type of application you want to apply for, including contractor registration or business license, permit, or planning applications.

    For more information, see Choosing an Application Type and Completing an Application.

    Make a Payment

    Click the button to open the Make Payments, where agency staff can initiate a payment on behalf of a customer.

    For more information, see Making Payments.

    Download icon button

    Click the Download icon button to export the list of applications to a .csv file.

    Sort Ascending icon button or Sort Descending icon button

    Click the sort icon buttons next to the column names to display the column information in ascending or descending order.

  4. Let's take a look at the list of applications and the information available for each license application.

    Page Element


    Application ID and Application Type

    View the application ID and application type of the listed applications.


    Displays the type of activity, such as Consultation, Origination, Renewal, or Amendment.

    Pending transactions of all types also display expiration information. The transaction must be submitted by this date. When the pending transaction is about to expire, the messages include a warning icon and the number of days remaining.


    View the badge with the application status, for example, Submitted or Permit Issued.


    View the name of the most severe condition applied to the application. For example, Lock, Hold, or Notice.

    Click the condition name link to open a Condition summary drawer, where you can view the details of the conditions applied to the application.

    Expires On

    View the date when the application expires.

    Doing Business As

    Displays the doing business as (DBA) name or a business's assumed, trade, or fictitious name.



    The application list displays the primary address and the parcel ID, when available. When the application has more than one address or parcel, the primary address and parcel number appear as links. Click the link to review all of the addresses and parcel information associated with the application on the Property Information page.


    View the description of the application entered on the application form or on the Overview page in the application details.

    License Status

    View the status of the business license.

    License Expiration Date

    View the date when the license expires.


    View the name of the business license specialist who is assigned to the application.

    Total Fees (USD) and Balance (USD)

    Review the total fees that are applicable to the permit or planning application and a fee balance if the total has not been paid. Click the balance amount link to open the Pay fees drawer.

    Resubmit icon button

    Click the Resubmit icon button to resubmit the application.

    The application status is Pending Submit because there may be a problem initiating workflow. Click the Resubmit button to retry initiating workflow.

    Resubmitting the application doesn't affect the fee calculations.

    Expiration icon button

    Click the Expiration icon button to view expiration information on the Expiration drawer.

    Actions icon button

    Click the three-dot Actions icon button to view the available actions for the application. Select from these options:

    • Copy Application: Click to copy the details of the selected application to a new application. For more information, see Copying an Application.

    • Withdraw Application: Click to withdraw an application. For more information, see Withdrawing an Application.

    • Cancel Application: Click to cancel an application with a pending or payment pending status. The button appears only when the application has a pending status.


      The Cancel Application option is available only for applicants and agency staff.

      For more information, see Canceling an Application.

  5. Click the row to access the details for an application.

    If the application hasn’t been submitted (that is, it's in a pending application status), the application form appears. You can review and update the form and submit it on behalf of the applicant.

    If the application has been submitted, the detail page for the license activity, contractor registration, or consultation appears.