
You use the jhsdb tool to attach to a Java process or to launch a postmortem debugger to analyze the content of a core dump from a crashed Java Virtual Machine (JVM).


jhsdb clhsdb [--pid pid | --exe executable --core coredump]
jhsdb debugd [options] pid [server-id]|[option] executable core [server-id]
jhsdb hsdb [--pid pid | --exe executable --core coredump]
jhsdb jstack [--pid pid | --exe executable --core coredump] [options]
jhsdb jmap [--pid pid | --exe executable --core coredump] [options]
jhsdb jinfo [--pid pid | --exe executable --core coredump] [options]
jhsdb jsnap [options] [--pid pid | --exe executable --core coredump] 

The process ID to which the jhsdb tool should attach. The process must be a Java process. To get a list of Java processes running on a machine, use the jps command.


An optional unique ID to use when multiple debug servers are running on the same remote host.


The Java executable file from which the core dump was produced.


The core file to which the jhsdb tool should attach.


The command-line options for a jhsdb mode. See Common Options for jhsdb Modes, Options for the debugd Mode, Options for the jinfo Mode, Options for the jmap Mode, Options for the jmap Mode, Options for the jstack Mode, and Options for the jsnap Mode.


Either the pid or the pair of executable and core files must be provided.


You can use the jhsdb tool to attach to a Java process or to launch a postmortem debugger to analyze the content of a core-dump from a crashed Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This command is experimental and unsupported.


Attaching the jhsdb tool to a live process will cause the process to hang and the process will probably crash when the debugger detaches.

The jhsdb tool can be launched in any one of the following modes:

jhsdb clhsdb

Starts the interactive command-line debugger.

jhsdb debugd

Starts the remote debug server.

jhsdb hsdb

Starts the interactive GUI debugger.

jhsdb jstack

Prints stack and locks information.

jhsdb jmap

Prints heap information.

jhsdb jinfo

Prints basic JVM information.

jhsdb jsnap

Prints performance counter information.

Common Options for jhsdb Modes

In addition to any required jstack, jmap, jinfo or jsnap mode specific options, the pid, exe, or core options must be provided for all modes. The following options are available for all modes.


The process ID of the hanging process.


The executable file name.


The core dump file name.


Displays the options available for the command.

Options for the debugd Mode


An optional unique ID for this debug server. This is required if multiple debug servers are run on the same machine.

Options for the jinfo Mode

Without specified options, the jhsdb jinfo prints both flags and properties.


Prints the VM flags.


Prints the Java system properties.

no option

Prints the VM flags and the Java system properties.

Options for the jmap Mode

In addition to the following mode specific options, the pid, exe, or core options described in Common Options for jhsdb Modes must be provided.

no option

Prints the same information as Solaris pmap.


Prints the java heap summary.


Dumps the java heap in hprof binary format.


Prints the name of the dumpfile.


Prints the histogram of java object heap.


Prints the class loader statistics.


Prints the information on objects awaiting finalization.

Options for the jstack Mode

In addition to the following mode specific options, the pid, exe, or core options described in Common Options for jhsdb Modes must be provided.


Prints the java.util.concurrent locks information.


Attempts to print both java and native frames if the platform allows it.

Options for the jsnap Mode

In addition to the following mode specific option, the pid, exe, or core options described in Common Options for jhsdb Modes must be provided.


Prints all performance counters.