Adding and Configuring a Component in Designer Pane

This section describes the tasks associated with adding and configuring component to a tile in Designer Pane.

  1. Open a Composed EnterpriseOne Page that contains a Designer Pane. You must be in the Page Composer to work with the Designer Pane.

  2. In the Designer Pane, click Default Page Title to enter a title for the Designer Pane that is added to a Composed EnterpriseOne Page.

    If you want to edit the title of the Designer Pane, click Edit the title of this page icon. The title that you enter can be up to 200 characters.

  3. Click Configure Page icon as shown in the following example to configure the properties for the Designer Pane:

    Configure Page
    • Hover Effect

      Select to display the context-based information when user hovers over a tile in a Composed EnterpriseOne Page. The option is automatically selected.

    • Show Description

      Choose to set a display condition for the description of the Designer Pane in a Composed EnterpriseOne Page. Show Description has four settings:

      Default (Show On Hover and Large Tile)

      Displays the description of the Designer Pane when user hovers over a tile. Additionally, the description will also be displayed with in a large tile. This is the default setting.

      Hover Only

      Displays the description of the Designer Pane only when user hovers over tiles.

      Tiles Only (Large Tile Only)

      Displays the description of the Designer Pane only within a large tile.


      Never displays the description.

    • Style

      Choose how tiles appear in a Composed EnterpriseOne Page. Style has four settings:

      Default (Small Tile Without Icon)

      Embeds the component in a smaller tile. This is the default setting.

      Small Icons

      Embeds the component in a tile along with an icon of small size. The image associated with the content appears next to the content.

      Large Icons

      Embeds the component in a tile along with an icon of large size. The image associated with the content appears within the tile.

      Tiles (Large Tile)

      Embeds the component in a larger tile along with an icon of large size.

    • Background Color

      Select a color for the background of the Designer Pane. The background color is applied to entire Designer Pane. The default background color of the Designer Pane is white.

    Note: Configure Page properties are applicable to all the sections added in a given Designer Pane.
  4. Select the tile to which you want to add content and click the Add a tile (+) icon in the middle of the tile. This action displays the Configure Tile dialog.

  5. Configure the tile properties by completing the following fields:

    Note: You might see a variation of these fields, depending on the Tile Type with which you are working.
    • Tile Type

      Select the type of component you want to add to the tile. You can add EnterpriseOne application forms, batch versions, tasks, Watchlists, ADF applications, (Release 9.2.6) orchestrations and notifications, and (Release EnterpriseOne pages.

    • Application ID

      Enter the EnterpriseOne Application ID of the form that you want added. This field is displayed if Tile Type is Application.

      If necessary, you can use the Visual Assist feature to locate a valid EnterpriseOne application. Click the Visual Assist button to display the Data Browser - F9860 form that lists all EnterpriseOne applications. You can search and select the application. The system automatically populates the Application ID, Form Id, and Version fields. (Release

      Note: If you are secured out of the F9860 table, you cannot access the Visual Assist form.
    • Form Id

      Enter the EnterpriseOne form ID for the application that you entered in the previous field.

      This field is displayed if Tile Type is Application.

    • Version

      Enter the application version for the application that you entered.

      This field is displayed if Tile Type is Application or Batch Version.

    • Default Action (Release

      Specify the default action the system must take to run the batch version you selected. The available options are:

      • Blind Submission

      • Prompt for Version

      • Data Selection

      • Prompt for Values

        Note: The Prompt for Values option is available only to the reports with a processing option template.

      This field is displayed if Tile Type is Batch Version and a version has been specified. The Default Action field is hidden until a version for the batch version is specified.

    • Personal Form (Release

      Select a personal form. This is an optional field.

      This drop-down list shows the personalized forms that you have access to, defined for the application, form, and version that you entered.

      If there are no personalized forms defined, the system will automatically set the value of this field to Default.

    • Query (Release

      Select a query to locate the data that you want to be displayed in the form. This is an optional field.

      The Query drop-down list shows the queries that you have access to, defined for the application, form, and version that you entered.

      Queries enable you to select fields and add conditions to narrow your search results. In this way, the data is more specific.

    • Jargon Code

      Enter a UDC value that specifies the system number.

      This field is displayed if Tile Type is Application.

    • Batch Version ID

      Enter the version ID of the batch that you want added. This field is displayed if Tile Type is Batch Version.

      If necessary, you can use the Visual Assist feature to locate a valid Batch Version. Click the Visual Assist button to display the Data Browser - F9860 form that lists all Batch Versions. You can search and select the Batch Version. The system automatically populates the Batch Version ID field. (Release

      Note: If you are secured out of the F9860 table, you cannot access the Visual Assist form.
    • Task ID

      Enter the ID of the task that you want added. This field is displayed if Tile Type is Task.

      If necessary, you can use the Visual Assist feature to locate a valid task. Click the Visual Assist button to display the Data Browser - F9000 form. This form lists all EnterpriseOne applications, Batch Versions, URL, One View Reports and ADF applications. You can search and select the task. The system automatically populates the Task ID field. (Release

      Note: If you are secured out of the F9000 table, you cannot access the Visual Assist form.
    • Watchlist

      Select the Watchlist that you want added. The system displays all the Watchlists available to the user in the Watchlist drop-down list.

      In the Watchlist drop-down list, you can distinguish whether a Watchlist is personal or shared one using the hash symbol (#). If a Watchlist option has a hash symbol (#) as prefix, it indicates a personal Watchlist.

      This field is displayed if Tile Type is Watchlist.

    • ADF Task ID

      Enter the ID of the ADF task that you want added. This field is displayed if Tile Type is ADF Application.

      If necessary, you can use the Visual Assist feature to locate a valid ADF application. Click the Visual Assist button to display the Data Browser - F9000 form that lists all ADF applications. You can search and select the ADF application. The system automatically populates the ADF Task ID field. (Release

      Note: - To create the ADF application content, you must have JAS, AIS and ADF servers setup, and an ADF Task should already be created in Work With Tasks program (P9000). - If you are secured out of the F9000 table, you cannot access the Visual Assist form.
    • (Release 9.2.6) Orchestration Name

      Click the Select Orchestration or Notification icon to associate an orchestration or a notification with the tile.
      Note: The Orchestration Name field and the Select Orchestration or Notification icon are displayed only if the Tile Type is Orchestration.

      The Associate Orchestration wizard is displayed. Use the Associate Orchestration wizard to configure the orchestration or notification. See Configuring an Orchestration or Notification Component (Release 9.2.6).

    • (Release Page

      Use the Page drop-down list to select an EnterpriseOne page that you want to add from the list of pages that are available to you.

      In the Page drop-down list, you can distinguish whether a page is personal or shared one using the hash symbol (#). If a page option has a hash symbol (#) as prefix, it indicates that the EnterpriseOne page is a personal page.

      This field is displayed if the Tile Type is Page.

    • (Release Associate Watchlists

      Use the Associate Watchlists toggle button to determine whether the Watchlist Badges should be displayed. To enable Associate Watchlists toggle button, the Tile Type should be selected as anything other than Watchlist and corresponding Object ID should be entered.

    • Style

      Select the style you want to apply to the tile. Style has four settings:


      Content of the tile appears in a box with a background color. This is the default selection. The background color for the tile is set in the Color field.


      Content of the tile appears in a box with a background color. The background color for the tile is set in the Color field.

      No Box

      Content of the tile appears without a box or a background color.

      Light Box

      Content of the tile appears in a box with an outline color. The color for the outline is set in the Color field.

    • Color

      Select the color to be applied for the Style field. Color has four options: red, yellow, green, and blue.

      Note: The Color field is not displayed if:- The Style field in Configure Page dialog is set to Large Icons, and the Style field in Configure Tile dialog is set to Default.- The Style field in Configure Tile dialog is set to No Box.
    • Title

      Enter a title for the tile. If you do not enter a title, the system automatically displays the Tile Type and ID that are entered in the previous fields. The title that you enter can be up to 80 characters.

    • Description

      Enter a description for the tile. The description that you enter can be up to 200 characters.

    • Auto Image

      Use this option if you want the system to automatically retrieve and display the icon associated with the Tile Type field. The icon is displayed in the tile of Designer Pane.

      If you deselect the select Auto Image, the Custom Image field is displayed. Use the Visual Assist option to locate and add a valid image. Alternatively, you can also enter the name of the custom image that you want to associate with the tile. The system displays the icon in the tile only if you enter the exact name of the custom image.

      See Creating Images in EnterpriseOne (Release the guide.

      Important: For a custom image, the file name including the extension is case-sensitive.
      Note: The image will not be displayed in the tile, if the Style field is set to Default (Small Tile Without Icon) in the Configure Page dialog.
    • Hover Link URL

      Enter the URL you wanted added to the hover form.

    • Hover Link Text

      Enter a text for the URL that you wanted added to the hover form. The URL link text is displayed in the hover form as a link, clicking it opens the corresponding web page. The text that you enter can be up to 80 characters.

      Note: Link URL and Hover Link Text fields are displayed in the Configure Tile dialog only if you have selected Hover Effect in the Configure Page dialog.
  6. Click OK to save the configuration properties of the tile. A tile is now added to the Designer Pane.

    Note: The system automatically validates the values entered in all the fields. If any of the values is invalid, a warning message is displayed. However, you can continue to work in the Designer Pane and save it to the Composed EnterpriseOne Page. (Release
  7. Click the three triangles located at the bottom of the pane (Add a row to bottom icon) to add a row to the grid. A new row is added at the bottom of the grid.

  8. Click the three triangles located at the right of the pane (Add a column to right icon) to add a column to the grid. A new column is added to the right side of the grid.

  9. Click Save to add and save content to the Composed EnterpriseOne Page.

  10. Close the Page Composer. Click the tile in the Composed EnterpriseOne Page to open the task.

Note: If the specified object does not exist, the tile is disabled and a message "Invalid Object" is displayed. If the user does not have the appropriate security, the tile is disabled and a message "Permission Denied" is displayed.