Adding Contacts to Applications

The Contacts page displays the applicant’s contact information and lists additional people who were added as contacts during the intake process or after the application was submitted. Agency staff can use the Contacts page to view, update, and add contacts for submitted applications.

Applicants and contacts with application access can view and add contacts to their own permits and planning applications as well as update and make the contacts inactive. See the section "Security Details for Adding Contacts to Applications" for information about setting up security for agency staff, applicants, and application contacts to manage contacts.

There are two options for adding more contacts:

  • Select a contact from the applicant's account profile, and make that person a contact for the current transaction. This option is only available for applicants and system administrators.

  • Create a brand new contact by entering all the contact details, and include that contact in the current transaction.

When a contractor license is added to a permit or planning application in the intake form or after the application was submitted, the contractor's contact person is added to the list of application contacts. Application contacts have permit or planning application access depending on the selected contact type, which is set up by your agency.

Your agency may also configure communications to contacts on permit and planning applications. The system sends an email notification to contacts on the intake form upon application submission as well as to new contacts when they are added to the application after submission. Contacts added to the contractor contacts in the license details also receive email notifications. For information about setting up these contact communications, see Delivered Communication Events and Setting Up Send Communication Actions.

Security Details for Adding Contacts to Applications

This section describes important security roles, requirements, or considerations specific to adding contacts to applications.

Security roles for adding contacts to applications for Permits.

Primary Role

Access Description

Associated Job Roles and Abstract Roles

PSC Registered Public User

Add and update contacts in permit applications on which they have been assigned as an applicant or a contact with access while the application is open and currently being processed.

PSC Registered Public User

PSC Permit Contacts Management

Add and update contacts in permit application while the permit is open and currently being processed.

PSC Principal Planner

PSC Plan Reviewer

PSC Planning Coordinator

PSC Permit Technician

PSC Permits Management with Elevated Access

Add, update, and delete contacts in permit applications at all times, whether it is open and being processed, closed, or complete.

PSC System Administrator

PSC Permits Supervisor

PSC System Administrator

Add, update, and delete contacts in permit applications at all times, whether it is open and being processed, closed, or complete.

PSC System Administrator

Security roles for adding contacts to applications for Planning and Zoning.

Primary Role

Access Description

Associated Job Roles and Abstract Roles

Registered Public User

Add and update contacts in planning applications on which they have been assigned as an applicant or a contact with access while the application is open and currently being processed.

Registered Public User

PSC Planning and Zoning Contacts Management

Add and update contacts in planning applications while the application is open and currently being processed.

PSC Planning Assistant

PSC Associate Planner

PSC Principal Planner

PSC Planning Application Management with Elevated Access

Add, update, and delete contacts in planning applications at all times, whether it is open and being processed, closed, or complete.

PSC Planning Assistant

PSC Associate Planner

PSC Principal Planner

PSC Planning Application Management with Elevated Access

Add, update, and delete contacts in planning applications at all times, whether it is open and being processed, closed, or complete.

PSC System Administrator

PSC Zoning Administrator

Note: Before contacts can manage other contacts, your agency must add the PSC Contact User duty role (ORA_PSC_CONTACT_USER_DUTY) to the PSC Custom Registered Public User role (CUSTOM_PSC_REGISTERED_PUBLIC_USER) and enable application access for the contact type.

For more information on creating roles for Public Sector Licensing and Permitting, see Creating Custom Roles for Public Sector Licensing and Permitting.

For more information on all the predefined security data such as abstract roles, job roles, privileges and so on, see the Security Reference for Oracle Public Sector Licensing and Permitting.

Managing Application Contacts

To manage application contacts:

  1. From the agency springboard, select the tile for the type of transaction where you want to manage contacts: Permits, Planning Applications, or Business License Transactions.

  2. On the Transactions page, click the specific submitted application where you want to add new contacts.

  3. In the left frame of the page, expand the application information section: Permit Information, Planning Application, or License Information.

  4. Select Contacts in the expanded section.

    The Contacts page displays the applicant information in the top section. Additional contacts are listed below the applicant information.

  5. Optionally update the applicant’s address, phone number, and email at the top of the page.

  6. In the Additional Contacts section, click Add New Contact to open the Contact Details page.

    The Contact Details page has two sections:

    • The Add from registered contacts section lists existing contacts from the user's account profile that can be added to the application.

    • The Add brand new contact manually section provides a Create button for creating new contacts from scratch.

  7. To add existing contacts to the application:

    1. Click the Add button.

    2. On the Contact Details page, click the row of the contact you want to select from the user's account profile in the Add from registered contacts grid.

    3. In the Select Contact Type modal window, enter the following information:

      Elements on the Select Contact Type page

      Page Element



      Select the role or position of the contact person relative to the current application. For example, a contact might be a property owner, a business owner, or a contractor.

      When you add contacts for an application, pay close attention to whether the contact type grants the person access to the permit or planning application. You can see the Permit Access or Planning Access field when you prompt for the contact type and when you review the list of contacts on the main Contacts page. This information doesn’t appear in the context of non-permit or planning applications.

      If the contact type allows permit or planning application access and the contact email matches the account email for a registered user, then that user can access the permit or planning application. For more information, see Setting Up Contact Types.

      This person is Primary Contact for this application

      Turn on this switch to make the selected contact person the primary contact for this application. Applications can have only one primary contact. Designating a new primary contact removes the primary designation from any other contact who was previously designated as primary.

    4. Click OK to save the record and return to the Contacts page, which now lists the selected contact as a contact for this application.

  8. To create a brand new contact:

    1. Click the Add button.

    2. On the Contact Details list page, click the Create button in the Add brand new contact manually section.

      The Contact Details page changes to create mode, which displays fields for entering the new contact’s information.

    3. Enter the new contact’s name, address, phone, and email information.

      Note: If the contact is a registered user who will get access to the permit or planning application based on the contact type that you choose, then the email that you enter here must be the same email that the contact used when registering. If the emails do not match, the contact will not have access to the permit or planning application.
    4. Enter the following additional information:

      Contact Details fields for a new contact

      Page Element



      Select the role or position of the contact person relative to the current application. For example, a contact might be a property owner, a business owner, or a contractor.

      When you add contacts for an application, pay close attention to whether the contact type grants the person access to the permit or planning application. You can see the Permit Access or Planning Access field when you prompt for the contact type and when you review the list of contacts on the main Contact page. This information doesn’t appear in the context of non-permit or planning applications.

      If the contact type allows permit or planning application access and the contact email matches the account email for a registered user, then that user can access the permit or planning application. For more information, see Setting Up Contact Types.

      This person is Primary Contact for this application

      Turn on this switch to make the selected contact person the primary contact for this application. Applications can have only one primary contact. Designating a new primary contact removes the primary designation from any other contact who was previously designated as primary.


      If the contact represents a business, enter the business name.


      Select the check box to indicate that the contact is active.

      When a contractor for a permit or planning application is no longer in use, the contact associated with the license isn't active. Also, when a system administrator deletes a contractor after application submission, the contact becomes inactive.

    5. Click Save to save the new contact and return to the Contacts page.

      The Contacts page now includes the new contact in the Additional Contacts list.

  9. To modify information about an application contact:

    1. Click the row for the contact.

    2. On the Contact Details page, update the contact type and detail information.

      If the contact is a profile contact, you can’t modify the contact’s name. If the contact exists only in this application, all fields are available for edit.

    3. Use the Active check box to indicate a contact is active or inactive.

    4. Select the Add to Profile check box to make this contact a profile contact in addition to a contact for the current application. Only applicants can add a contact to their own profile.

    5. Click Save.

  10. To remove a contact from an application:

    Note: Only system administrators and supervisors have permissions to delete contacts.
    1. Click the row for the contact.

    2. On the Contact Details page, click Delete.

      Contacts who are profile contacts are not deleted from the system, they are only removed from the current application. Contacts that exist only in the current application are deleted entirely.