Delivered Communication Events

Oracle Public Sector Licensing and Permitting delivers a robust registry of communication events that are triggered by transactions and processes within the application. You can view a partial list of communication events and descriptions in this topic.

The delivered communication events are found on the Communication Events page. In the Navigator, select Communication Setup > Communication Events. Click a communication event row to open the event details and create a template. For more information, see Setting Up Communication Templates.

Ad Hoc Communication Resource

The ad hoc communication resource event name and its description.

Communication Event Name

Communication Description

Ad Hoc Communication Event

An ad hoc email or notification was sent.

Note: This event is used to send impromptu communications from transactions and the Communication Center and doesn’t require template setup.

For more information on ad hoc communications, see Working with Ad Hoc Communications.

Communication Record Details

The communication record details event name and its description.

Communication Event Name

Communication Description

Web Form Response

Notifies agency staff that an applicant has responded to a web form questionnaire. This communication event requires template setup.

For more information on web form questionnaires, see Working with Communications.

Contacts Communications

The permit contact communication events and planning and zoning contact communication events and their descriptions.

Communication Event Name

Communication Description

Permit Contact Added to Application

Generates a notification that is sent to contacts when a permit application is submitted.

Permit Additional Contact Added

Generates a notification to contacts added to a permit application after it has been submitted.

Planning and Zoning Contact Added to Application

Generates a notification that is sent to contacts when a planning application is submitted.

Planning and Zoning Additional Contact Added

Generates a notification to contacts added to a planning application after it has been submitted.

These notifications require the Send Communication action for the delivered Business Rules Framework events and the email template for the Communication Events in this table. For more information, see Setting Up Send Communication Actions.

In the templates, use the Contact and Contact Type attributes to address the email. For more information, see Using Attributes in Communication Templates.

Expiration Communication Resources

The permit expiration communication and planning and zoning expiration communication events and their descriptions.

Communication Event Name

Communication Description

About to Expire Permit

Expired Permit

Generates a notification when a permit is about to expire or expired.

For example, when the permit is about to expire or expired, the agency staff and the contact listed on the application receive a notification.

Permit About to Expire Based on Inspection Commencement

Permit Expired Based on Inspection Commencement

Generates a notification when a permit is about to expire or expired due to inactivity, because the first inspection hasn’t been scheduled or passed.

For example, when a permit is about to expire or expired due to inactivity because the first inspection hasn’t commenced, the agency staff and the contact on the application receive a notification.

About to Expire Planning and Zoning Application

Expired Planning and Zoning Application

Generates a notification when the planning application is about to expire or expired.

For example, when the planning application is about to expire or expired, the agency staff and the contact listed on the application receive a notification.

About to Expire Pre-Application

Expired Pre-Application

Generates a notification when the pre-application is about to expire or expired.

For example, when the pre-application is about to expire or expired, the agency staff and the contact listed on the application receive a notification.

For more information about permit and planning application expiration, see Expiration Overview and Working with Application Expiration.

The business license expiration communication events and their descriptions.

Communication Event Name

Communication Description

About to Expire Business License

Expired Business License

Generates a notification when a business license is about to expire or expired.

For example, when the business license is about to expire or expired, the agency staff and the contact listed on the application receive a notification.

About to Expire Business License Consultation

Expired Business License Consultation

Generates a notification when a business license consultation is about to expire or expired.

For example, when the business license consultation is about to expire or expired, the agency staff and the contact listed on the application receive a notification.

For more information about business license and business license consultation expiration, see Viewing Business License Expiration.

Fee Communications

The fee communication event name and its description.

Communication Event Name

Communication Description

New Fees Due

When agency staff manually adds a new fee, the applicant receives a notification that new fees have been assessed and are due.

Scheduled Rule: Updated Permit Fees Due

Generates a communication when the fees for a permit in a Due status are added or changed, the fee status is changed to Due, or a fee amount that is due is recalculated or changed.

Use this event with scheduled rules to send communications that consolidate the fees for a permit.

Scheduled Rule: Updated Planning Application Fees Due

Generates a communication when the fees for a planning application in a Due status are added or changed, the fee status is changed to Due, or a fee amount that is due is recalculated or changed.

Use this event with scheduled rules to send communications that consolidate the fees for a planning application.

For more information on manually adding a fee item, see Working with Fees and Payments.

For more information on sending communications with consolidated fees, see Setting Up Scheduled Rules in the Business Rules Framework and Setting Up Fee Notices.

Generic Alert Resource

The generic alert resource communication event name and its description.

Communication Event Name

Communication Description

General Alerts

Text was created to appear in the banner of the Agency Springboard or the landing pages for anonymous and registered users.

When setting up the template for the General Alerts communication event, use only the Alert channel type. You don't use the Alert channel type in a template for any other communication event.

For more information about generic alerts, see Defining Alerts.


The following communication events are provided for permit inspections.

Note: This resource and events are registered with the Business Rules Framework. For more information, see Business Rules Framework Overview and Setting Up Business Rules.
The inspection communication event names and descriptions.

Communication Event Name

Communication Description

Final Inspection Passed

Generates a notification when an inspector submits the final inspection for a permit with a passing result.

For example, when an inspector submits the final inspection for a permit with a passing result, the permit technician or applicant receives a notification.

For more information about performing inspections, see Overview of Mobile Oracle Inspector for Permits.

Inspection Canceled

Generates a notification when the applicant or agency staff cancel an inspection.

For example, when the applicant or agency staff cancel an inspection, the applicant, inspection contact, inspector, and inspection supervisor can receive a notification.

For more information, see Managing Inspections for an Agency and Managing Inspections for a Permit.

Note: This event is also triggered when the permit associated with an inspection is withdrawn or expires.

Inspection Complete

Generates a notification when the inspector completes an inspection and submits the inspection results or when inspections are updated from Scheduled to Completed status.

For example, when the inspector completes any inspection and submits the inspection results, the applicant or agency staff receive a notification that the inspection is complete, regardless of the inspection result.

For more information about performing inspections, see Overview of Mobile Oracle Inspector for Permits.

Inspection ETA Updated

Generates a notification when the inspector updates the estimated time of arrival at an inspection site.

For example, when the inspector updates the estimated time of arrival at an inspection site for a scheduled inspection, the contact at the inspection location receives a notification.

For more information about performing inspections, see Overview of Mobile Oracle Inspector for Permits.

Inspection Requested

Generates a notification when an inspection has been requested.

For example, when an inspection request has been created, the permit technician can receive an email notification.

For more information about requesting inspections, see Requesting Inspections.

Inspection Rescheduled

Generates a notification when the applicant or agency staff reschedule an inspection.

For example, when the applicant or agency staff reschedule an inspection, the applicant, inspection contact, inspector, and inspection supervisor can receive a notification.

For more information about rescheduling an inspection, see Assigning Inspections Using the Supervisor Calendar and Requesting Inspections.

Inspection Scheduled

Generates a notification when an inspection has been scheduled and assigned to an inspector.

For example, when the inspection has been scheduled and assigned to the inspector, the inspector and inspection contact can receive an email notification.

For more information about assigning an inspection, see Assigning Inspections Using the Supervisor Calendar.

Oracle Intelligent Advisor Anonymous Results

The Oracle Intelligent Advisor anonymous results communication event name and its description.

Communication Event Name

Communication Description

Anonymous Results Save

The anonymous public user receives an email with the results of recommended permits after submitting the permit guide questionnaire.

For more information about the Permit Guide for anonymous public users, see Setting Up the Landing Page for Anonymous Users.

Payment History Resource

The payment history resource communication event name and its description.

Communication Event Name

Communication Description

Payment Received

A successful payment triggers a notification configured using an email template.

Permit Document Attachments

The permit document attachments communication event names and descriptions.

Communication Event Name

Communication Description

Permit Document Attached

Notifies agency staff when a document is uploaded for a permit when plan review or inspection information is not relevant.

Permit Document Attached for Inspector

Notifies inspectors that a document was uploaded for a permit inspection.

Permit Document Attached for Plan Coordinator

Notifies plan coordinators that a document was uploaded for a permit plan review cycle.

Permit Document Attached for Plan Reviewers

Notifies plan reviewers that a document was uploaded for a permit plan review cycle.

Permit Document Attached for Inspection Supervisor

Notifies inspection supervisors that a document was uploaded for a permit inspection.

Permits Workflow Communications

The permits workflow communication event names and descriptions

Communication Event Name

Communication Description

Workflow 001

Workflow 002

Workflow 003

Workflow 004

Workflow 005

These delivered events are not associated with specific actions in the Public Sector system. Instead, they are generic events that are delivered for use with workflow. For example, you can use these events when configuring workflow to send notifications related to permit status changes.

When you set up workflow in the Oracle Integration Cloud, you implement notifications by creating a workflow event that sends a communication event name, template name, and permit ID to the Communication Center. The Communication Center then takes care of sending the notification.

See Setting Up Process Definitions for Workflow.

Planning and Zoning Workflow Communications

The planning and zoning workflow communication event names and descriptions

Communication Event Name

Communication Description

PNZ Workflow 001

PNZ Workflow 002

PNZ Workflow 003

PNZ Workflow 004

PNZ Workflow 005

These delivered events are not associated with specific actions in the Public Sector system. Instead, they are generic events that are delivered for use with workflow. For example, you can use these events when configuring workflow to send notifications related to planning application status changes to applicants and owners.

When you set up workflow in the Oracle Integration Cloud, you implement notifications by creating a workflow event that sends an communication event name, template name, and planning application ID to the Communication Center. The Communication Center then takes care of sending the notification.

See Setting Up Process Definitions for Workflow.

Plan Review

The following communication events are provided for plan reviews.

Note: This resource and events are registered with the Business Rules Framework. For more information, see Business Rules Framework Overview and Setting Up Business Rules.

The plan review communication event names and descriptions

Communication Event Name

Communication Description

Permit Plan Review Finalized

Generates a communication when a permit plan review is finalized.

Permit Plan Review Ready To Finalize

Generates a communication when a permit plan review is ready to be finalized.

Permit Plan Review Completed or Canceled

Generates a communication when a permit plan review is completed or canceled.

Note: This event is also triggered when the permit associated with a plan review is withdrawn.

Planning Plan Review Finalized

Generates a communication when a planning application plan review is finalized.

Planning Plan Review Plan Review Ready To Finalize

Generates a communication when a planning application plan review is ready to be finalized.

Planning Plan Review Completed or Canceled

Generates a communication when a planning application plan review is completed or canceled.

Note: This event is also triggered when the planning application associated with a plan review is withdrawn.

Permit Plan Review Cycle Due Date Scheduled Event

Generates a communication when the plan review cycle due date approaches for a permit.

This communication can be sent to all of the plan reviewers, the person who created the plan review, or to a manually entered email value.

Permit Plan Review Department Due Date Scheduled Event

Generates a communication when the plan reviewer due date approaches for a permit.

Planning Plan Review Cycle Due Date Scheduled Event

Generates a communication when the plan review cycle due date approaches for a planning pre-application or planning application.

This communication can be sent to all of the plan reviewers, the person who created the plan review, or to a manually entered email value.

Planning Plan Review Department Due Date Scheduled Event

Generates a communication when the plan reviewer due date approaches for a planning pre-application or planning application.

For more information about plan review communications, see Managing Plan Review Cycles.

User Profile Notifications

The User Profile Notifications resource provides the following communication events.

The user profile notification events and descriptions.

Communication Event Name

Communication Description

User Account Information Changed

Notifies a public user when the user's account is updated by agency personnel.

Contractor License Verification Failed

Notifies a public user that the contractor's license could not be verified.

Contractor License Verification Pending

Notifies a public user that the contractor's license verification is pending.

Contractor License Verification Passed

Notifies a public user that the contractor's license has been verified.

Law Enforcement Verification Failed

This event is now obsolete.

Law Enforcement Verification Pending

This event is now obsolete.

Law Enforcement Verification Passed

This event is now obsolete.

License Verification Failed

Notifies a public user that the license could not be verified.

License Verification Pending

Notifies a public user that the license verification is pending.

License Verification Passed

Notifies a public user that the license has been verified.

Welcome Business Profile

This event is now obsolete.

User Profile Information Changed

Notifies a public user when the user's account profile is updated by agency personnel.

Welcome Personal Profile

This event is now obsolete.

User Trust Account Notifications

The User Trust Account Notifications resource provides the following communication events.

The user trust account notification events and descriptions.

Communication Event Name

Communication Description

Trust Account Verification Failed

Notifies a public user that the trust account could not be verified.

Trust Account Verification Pending

Notifies a public user that the trust account verification is pending.

Trust Account Verification Passed

Notifies a public user that the trust account has been verified.

See Verifying Public User Information.