Managing Agency Staff Profiles

This topic discusses how to manage agency staff profiles.

Managing Agency Staff Profile

Administrators set up the agency staff profile on the Agency Staff page.

  1. Select Agency Staff.

  2. On the Agency Staff page, click Add to add a new agency staff member – employee.

  3. On the Agency Staff Profile page, you add values to the various fields. For the Business Unit and the Legal Entity, see the documentation Setting Up a Fusion Business Unit and Legal Entity .

    This table lists the fields and their descriptions found on the Agency Staff page.

    Page Element


    Select Existing Fusion Worker

    Turn on the switch to allow the search and selection of an existing Fusion employee. The following fields are display only, populating details from Fusion information:

    • Person ID

    • Person Number

    • Hire Date

    • Business Unit

    • Legal Entity

    • Generated User Account

    • Send Credential Email

    • User name

    Worker ID

    Enter an ID or click the prompt to open the Look Up page and search for the Fusion employees. You can sort the search results by any of these:

    • Worker ID

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Email Address

    • Hire Date

    • Phone Number

    • Business Unit Name

    • Legal Employer

    • Manager Person ID

    Select an employee row from the search result on the Look Up page and the details are populated on the Agency Staff page.

    Person Type

    Select a type of staff member from the options: Employee


    Set a status for the staff member from the options:

    • Active

    • Inactive

    Note: You set the status to Inactive when the employee is inactivated in your HR system. If you are a Fusion HCM/ERP/Sales Cloud customer then the inactivation of Employees in HCM will not automatically inactivate the Employee data in Public Sector Cloud. You must manually update this field.Also, turning off the switch on this page will not inactivate the user ID. You need to use your security console to inactivate the User ID. If Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) is your identity provider (IdP), you must inactivate the user ID using your IDCS console.

    Is a Supervisor

    Turn on the switch if the employee is a supervisor.

    Job Group

    Select a group to assign a job group section with the relevant job functions. Accordingly, the system populates the Job Group Assignments section.

    Note: You cannot make any changes to the values in the job group assignments on this page. To update the values, navigate to the Job Group page.
  4. Click Save to save the agency staff profile and return to the Agency Staff page.

Job Function Assignment without using Agency Job Groups

You can assign job functions to employees directly, without having to use Job Groups.

  1. On the Agency Staff page search and select the employee that you want to add job functions to.

  2. Under the Job Function section, click Add to select job functions and include their attributes.

  3. Click Save and return to the Agency Staff page to view the job function assignments.

To include job functions using Agency Job Groups, see the documentation Configuring Agency Job Groups.

Assigning Agency Security Access

Administrators assign roles to various staff members. The security roles assigned to an employee determine the navigations and data that the user can access.

  1. Select Agency Staff and then select Agency Staff Access. The Agency Staff Access page lists all the agency staff members.

  2. You can click the chevron for a row to view the employee access details. This page lists all the security roles assigned to the employee user. You can add new security roles to the employee on this page.

  3. Click the Add New Role button to open the Role Detail page and assign a role for the user.

  4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the Agency Staff Access page.

  5. Click Save to save the changes you made to the Agency Role details of the staff member.

  6. You can add or delete the security roles assigned to the user on this page.

Note: All Agency users must be assigned the PSC Agency Staff role. Additionally job specific roles can be assigned to the user. For the complete list of security roles, you can refer to the Security Reference Manual. Also refer to Using the Security Console.
Note: For users requiring access to Permits, in addition to the PSC Agency Staff and job specific roles such as PSC Permit Technician, PSC Plan Reviewer and others, you must assign the following roles to the users: CUSTOM_MANAGE_PERMITS, CUSTOM_MANAGE_PERMITS, and CUSTOM_PSC_MANAGE_PERMITS_AGENCY.