Managing Contractor License Details

Agency staff can modify the details for an individual contractor license depending on the assigned permissions.

When your agency isn't integrated with an external licensing body, both system administrators and permit technicians can update license information. When integration is on, only system administrators can update license information, but permit technicians can approve licenses.

Only agency staff with the contractor administration duty role have the privileges needed to delete a license from the contractor records.

To modify the license information for a contractor:

  1. Select Contractor > Contractors.

  2. Select the row of the contractor license that you want to modify.

  3. Click the License Details tab in the left panel or the View Details link under the License Details section on the overview page.

  4. Click Edit.

  5. Make your updates:

    • Turn on the Contractor Approved switch to indicate that this license is available for use in applications.

    • Update the License Status.

    • If integration is active, click the Validate button to retrieve the most recent contractor information and refresh the license detail fields.

      System administrators can update data manually even when integration is active.

    • If integration is not active, manually modify the contractor information as needed.

  6. Click Save.

Adding Contacts

When applicants identify themselves as authorized agents for a contractor in a permit or planning application, their contact information appears on the Contacts page in the license details. Agencies can now also manually add contractor contacts or authorized agents associated with the license directly to the contractor license details. You can add contacts who are already registered in the system and also register new contacts. Only system administrators can delete contacts from the license details.

Click the Contacts tab in the left panel to open the Contacts page.

Here's how to add contacts who are already registered in the system:

  1. On the Contacts page, click Add to add a contact.

  2. On the Select from Registered Users page, click the row for the contact you would like to add.

  3. Select the contact type from the drop-down list. Choose from Contractor or Authorized Agent.

You can also register a new contact:

  1. On the Contacts page, click Add to add a contact.

  2. On the Select from Registered Users page, click the Register New Contact link.

  3. Fill out the registration form with contact information and select the contact type from the drop-down list. Choose from Contractor or Authorized Agent.

  4. Click Register.

  5. Click Done on the Registration Confirmation page.

When you add a contact, the status is automatically verified and active. Only contacts with a Contractor contact type and an Active status can be selected as the contractor's contact in an intake form.

Select a contact in the license details to update the verification status and contact information on the Contact Details page.

Working with Attachments

Only agency staff can add, view details, download, or delete attachments in the contractor license record details on the Attachments page. You can modify or delete an attachment only if you uploaded it. Click the Attachments tab in the left panel to open the Attachments page.

  1. On the Attachments page, click Add to upload the file.

  2. Add a description, document category, and document subcategory on the Add Attachments page.

    If there are agents for the contractor associated with this contractor license, you can select one of those people to reference in the Assigned To field.

  3. Click the Actions icon and select View Details for an attachment to view or modify details. You can update the description, document category, document subcategory, and referenced person.

  4. To download or delete an attachment, click the Actions icon and select the respective link.

For more information, see Working with Attachments.

Adding Comments

Only agency staff can add or delete comments in the contractor license record details on the Comments page. You can modify or delete a comment only if you added it. Click the Comments tab in the left panel to open the Comments page. Comments are for internal reference only and not visible to the public.

  1. On the Comments page, click the Add Comment button to open the Add Comment page and enter a new comment in rich text formatting. Rich text formatting enables you to select fonts, add numbered lists, insert links, and more.

  2. You can modify or delete a comment only if it was entered by you. Click the specific comment row to open the editor view and make changes or click the Delete button.

  3. Click Save to post the comment and return to the Comments page.

For more information, see Working with Comments and Managing Comments.