Setting Up Notifications for Plan Review Due Dates

You can set up communications to notify reviewers and plan coordinators about plan review cycle or department due dates.

Configure a communication template and scheduled rule to send either an in-app notification or email, on or before the plan review due date. You can also configure the rule to schedule communications after the due date for overdue reviews. The Business Rules Framework uses scheduled rules based on the plan review cycle due date and reviewer due dates to determine when a communication is sent.

Communication Templates

Communication events work in conjunction with the scheduled rule in the Business Rules Framework to send the notifications. Before you configure the scheduled rule, set up the communication templates for the delivered plan review due date events.

Communication events for sending notifications for plan review due dates

Communication Event


Permit Plan Review Cycle Due Date Scheduled Event

Generates a communication when the plan review cycle due date approaches for a permit.

This communication can be sent to all of the plan reviewers, the person who created the plan review, or to a manually entered email value.

Permit Plan Review Department Due Date Scheduled Event

Generates a communication when the plan reviewer due date approaches for a permit.

Planning Plan Review Cycle Due Date Scheduled Event

Generates a communication when the plan review cycle due date approaches for a planning pre-application or planning application.

This communication can be sent to all of the plan reviewers, the person who created the plan review, or to a manually entered email value.

Planning Plan Review Department Due Date Scheduled Event

Generates a communication when the plan reviewer due date approaches for a planning pre-application or planning application.

For sending notifications based on plan review cycle due dates, refer to the template attributes for plan check coordinators and reviewers here:

Template attribute name used to insert variables and corresponding fields for plan review cycle due dates

Template Attribute Name


Plan Check Coordinator Email

The Created By email.

Plan Check Coordinator Name

The Created By name.

Plan Check Coordinator User ID

The Created By user ID.

Plan Reviewer Email List

The email list of all assigned reviewers.

Plan Reviewer User ID List

The user ID list of all assigned reviewers.

For sending notifications based on reviewer departmental due dates, refer to the template attributes for plan check coordinators and reviewers here:

Template attribute name used to insert variables and corresponding fields for plan review cycle due dates

Template Attribute Name


Plan Check Coordinator Email

The Created By email.

Plan Check Coordinator Name

The Created By name.

Plan Check Coordinator User ID

The Created By user ID.

Plan Reviewer Email

The email of the reviewer on the department row.

Plan Reviewer Name

The name of the reviewer on the department row.

Plan Reviewer User ID

The user ID of the reviewer on the department row.

For more detailed information about configuring templates, see Setting Up Communication Templates.

Scheduled Rules

After creating templates, add new scheduled rules in the Business Rules Framework for the business objects that are used to send plan review due date communications.

  1. Select a business object:

    • Permit Plan Review Cycle Due Date

    • Permit Plan Reviewer Due Date

    • Planning Application Plan Review Cycle Due Date

    • Planning Application Plan Reviewer Due Date

  2. Enter criteria.

    Configure scheduled rules for each business object to include criteria for sending a notification. For example, you can enter these criteria for a reviewer due date rule:

    Example of criteria to enter for a reviewer due date rule

    Criteria Sequence






    Plan Reviewer Due Date


    ${Current Date}+4

    The due date is within four days of the current date.


    Plan Reviewer Review Status


    In Progress

    The review is in progress.

    To send the communication on the day the plan review is due, enter this value in row 1: ${Current Date}.

  3. Configure the action.

    Select the Send Communication action and the communication template that corresponds to the business object.

  4. Schedule the scheduled rule.

    Select the rule name in the Parameters tab. On the Schedule tab, select As soon as possible in the Run field to send the notification once. To send the notification on a regular basis, select Using a schedule in the Run field and provide a frequency and start date.

For more information about setting up scheduled rules, see Setting Up Scheduled Rules