Setting Up Project Types

A project type describes the kind of project that an agency staff can select at the time of creating a project. You add new project types based on the nature of the project you are adding. Selection of a project type is mandatory while creating a new project, so, a minimum of one project type is required to be set up.

You add, modify, and delete project types on the Project Type page.

Adding a Project Type

  1. Select Common Setup > Project Type.

  2. On the Project Type page, click Add.

  3. On the Project Type Detail page, enter values for the following fields:

    Elements on the Project Type Detail page

    Page Element


    Project Type

    Enter the type of project, such as Commercial Project or Residential Project.

    Rule ID

    Select a rule ID. Rule ID is an autonumbering sequence that you set up for a particular project type. When you are creating a project with a certain project type, a project ID is generated based on the sequence defined for the project type.

    Rule IDs are created using the Autonumber page. For more information, see Setting Up Autonumbering.


    Enter a description of the project type.

    Long Description

    Enter a detailed description of the project type.

    Document Group

    Select a document group to allow your users to organize the various categories of attachment files into a grouping.

    See Setting Up Document Categories and Subcategories and Setting Up Document Groups.

  4. Verify that the Enabled switch is turned on. The switch is turned On by default for a new project type.

  5. Click Save.

Modifying a Project Type

  1. Select Common Setup > Project Type

  2. Click a row on the Project Type page.

  3. On the Project Type Detail page you can:

    • Update the rule ID, description, and long description.

    • Turn off the Enabled switch to deactivate the project type.

  4. Click Save.

Deleting a Project Type

  1. Select Common Setup > Project Type

  2. To view a definition before deleting it, click the row to be deleted, then click the Delete button on the Project Type Details page.

  3. To delete one or more definitions without viewing details:

    1. Click Edit on the Project Type page.

    2. Select the check boxes next to the definitions that you want to delete.

    3. Click Delete. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

Note: You can delete a project type only if it is not used by any project. When you attempt to delete a project type that is used by a project, the Public Sector Cloud Service displays a message that you cannot delete the project type as it is already in use by a project.