Using Page Controls

Common page controls available in Licensing and Permitting enable public and agency users to perform actions and manage how they display data. Using the controls on grids, you can search, sort, filter, and export data, change views, and more.

You'll see common controls on a variety of pages, including worklists and pages that list records or display transaction details. For example, grids on these agency pages feature many of the controls discussed here: Cases, Contractors, Inspections, Parcels, Plan Reviews, and Transactions. Transaction detail pages in the different offerings, such as the Inspection List and Fees and Payments pages in the permit application details, also provide common grid controls.




Click to download the list of records in a .CSV file format. The downloaded file displays all visible fields in separate columns.

Select Multiple icon

Click to view check boxes for selecting multiple rows before performing an action.

Show All Cycles switch

Show All Statuses switch

In general, grids show only active data. In some cases, you can use the Show All switch to also view data in a completed status in the grid. For example, the Show All Statuses switch is available on the Transactions page and the Show All Cycles switch is available on the Plan Reviews page.


Search by alphanumeric characters on the fields that are displayed on the page.

All visible fields in the grid are searchable.

When you search on dates, use this format: MM/DD/YYYY.


Click the filter button to open the filter options, where you can define, modify, and save your own filters. The Filter By panel opens and you can select from the various advanced filter options to refine your search. All visible fields in the grid can be filtered.

See the "Using the Advanced Filter" section in this topic for more information about the Filter By panel.

List View

Click to view the records in a list.

Grid View

Click to view the records in a grid.


In the list view, click to select the field based on the order in which you want the records listed. The available sort options depend on the fields in the grid.

Column sort icon

Appears on columns in grid view to sort records alphanumerically by fields displayed in the column. If the column displays only one field, click the arrow icon to sort based on the field value. If the column displays multiple fields, click the arrow icon in the column heading to show a list of fields that are sortable, then select the field you want to sort by.

The initial sort displays records in ascending order. Select the same sort again to show records in descending order, and once again to return to the default order.

The location or property information column also uses sorting logic that accounts for the street name followed by the street number.

Map View

View the inventory of records on an interactive map.

The map view includes a left frame with a list of items and a right frame with a map that has markers to show the locations of the items on the list. You can click a list item to zoom to its marker on the map.

The search and filter options in the map view are the same options that you have in the list and grid views.

See Viewing Map Markers.


Click to select the applicable actions for each row.

You can also adjust the column widths by dragging the right border of the column header.

Using the Advanced Filter

As described in the previous table, you click the filter button to open the filter options, where you can define, modify, and save your own filters. The Filter By panel opens and you can select from the various advanced filter options to refine your search. All visible fields in the grid can be filtered using alphanumeric keywords.

This example illustrates the Filter By panel that opens when you click the filter icon, which is highlighted here for emphasis. The fields in the panel are described in the surrounding text.

Filter By

Panel Elements


Select Filter

Select from a list of user-defined filters that you have saved for future use.

Field, Search Operator, and Keyword

Select a field from the list, a search operator, and the alphanumeric text you want to filter by. All visible fields in the grid can be filtered. Search operators include Starts With, Contains, Equals, Greater Than, Less Than, and so on.


Click apply to apply the defined filter criteria and display records that contain the selected keywords in the list.


Click to clear the criteria you entered.

Save As

Click to enter a filter name on the Add New Filter page. Click Save. You can reapply the filter in the future in the Select Filter field.

Add Criteria

Click to add another row of criteria. Click the Remove link to remove the row.