Working with Inspection Details

In the Oracle Inspector mobile application, you view inspection details and initiate actions for performing inspections on the Inspection Detail page. You can also view and update inspection scheduling information, cancel the inspection, or add a new one.

Access the Inspection Detail page by selecting an inspection from the list on the Inspection Tasks page. On the detail page, you can:

  • Review the inspection number, type, and its status.

  • Locate the inspection site on a map.

  • Access permit details associated with the inspection.

  • Review the description of the permit.

  • Access the conditions applied to the permit.

  • Identify the inspector and location contact.

  • Locate the inspection site on a map.

  • Review inspection status, rating, score, and number of major violations of completed inspections.

  • Identify the inspector, location contact, and contact information.

  • Read requester comments and special location instructions.

  • Update your estimated time of arrival at the property.

  • View and update, add, or cancel an inspection.

  • View the inspection summary report.

This example illustrates the Inspection Detail page containing the field values described in the following table. The inspection results have been calculated, but the inspection isn't submitted yet.

Inspection Detail page

You can also perform these actions on the Inspection Detail page:

Page Element


Inspection number, type, and status

View the inspection number, its type, and status such as, Scheduled, Canceled, and Completed.

Review the description of the permit.

Map icon

Click the map icon to view the location of the property on a map.

Review the following information:

  • Address of the inspection next to the map icon, along with any additional detail about the location.

  • The method of scheduling such as Interactive Voice Response (IVR), manual, automatic, online (from a public user), data migration, or upgrade.

  • The name of the person who created the inspection and the date.

    Note: : If the inspection is scheduled automatically or using IVR, no name is displayed.

Permit information

Review the status of the permit.

  • Click the link to access the permit.

  • Permit status

  • Permit type

  • Permit description


View the number of checklists to complete for the inspection.

Click to open the Inspection Checklist page.

Note: You can't work with checklists if there's a condition on the permit that prevents the final inspection or prevents inspection results.


View the number of conditions applied to the permit.

Click the link to open the Conditions page, where you can view the summary of the conditions applied to the permit.

For more information about conditions on permits, see Applying Conditions to Applications.

Inspection Schedule section

Review the following information:

  • Schedule of the inspection, including the expected time of arrival (ETA) that you selected using the Update ETA action. If the inspection is resulted, then the result is displayed.

  • The assess fee amount. This value is determined by the details selected by the inspector on the Result Inspection page. This option is displayed only if your agency has set up the inspection type to display the field.


Review the contacts, including the assigned inspector, the location contact, phone number, and email address or a text message. Also view any comments added by the requester during the inspection scheduling.


View the number of documents attached to the inspection.

Click to open the Attachments page, where you can review or upload attachments or documents related to the inspection, such as videos or annotated photos.

On the Attachments page, you can also search for, filter, and sort attachments and select which inspection attachments you want to view.

You can choose to view all documents, documents attached at the inspection level, or documents for checklists and checklist items.


Click to open the Comments page. Review or add comments related to the inspection.

Inspector comments are visible to the public unless the agency selects an option to hide them.

Go to the Inspection Checklist and Checklist Items pages to view the comments made for checklists and checklist items.

Time Reporting

Click to open the Time Reporting page, where you can view and filter time entries associated with the inspection. From here, you can add entries to record the amount of time you spend on various activities. For more information, see Reporting Inspection Time.


Click the three-dot Actions icon at the bottom of the page to do the following:

  • Update ETA – Add your estimated time of arrival at the property using the Estimated Time of Arrival page. You can use the Delete button to delete the previously entered values. The options on the page are determined by the timeframe settings on the Permit Type page.

    You can set up automatically generated notifications when ETA is updated using the Inspection ETA Update communication event.

  • View Schedule – View the inspection schedule details for an inspection in any status. You can update the inspection time and date as well as other fields when the inspection has a Scheduled status.

  • Cancel Inspection – Cancel an inspection with a Scheduled status.

  • Add Inspection – Add an inspection for the same permit. This action is available on inspections with a Scheduled or Canceled status. When the permit status is Withdrawn or Completed, you will no longer able to add new inspection.

  • View Summary Report – View the inspection summary report. This action is available on completed inspections.

For more information about the View Schedule, Cancel Inspection, and Add Inspection actions, see Managing Scheduled Inspections.


Click this button to open the Inspection Result page, where you can view the overall inspection results. You can also add comments, attachments, and required signatures before submitting the results.

Turn on the Assess Fee switch to charge a fee for the inspection. For more information about assessing fees, see Submitting Inspection Results.

Note: This button isn't active if the checklist results are not completed or if there's a condition on the permit that prevents the final inspection or prevents inspection results.


Click this button to submit the result, which changes the inspection status to completed.

After an inspection is submitted, you can select the action to view the summary report from the Inspection Detail page.