Managing Tasks

The Task Management page enables you to review both workflow and non-workflow tasks and to reassign tasks (including claiming a task for yourself).

Application-related tasks include workflow tasks related to the transactions your agency is processing. For example, tasks can be associated with:

  • The permit lifecycle

  • Inspections

  • Plan reviews

  • The planning application lifecycle

Security Details for Managing Tasks

This section describes important security roles, requirements, or considerations specific to managing tasks.

Primary Role

Access Description

Associated Job Roles and Abstract Roles

PSC Access Task Management Worklist

Access the task management worklist.

PSC Inspections Supervisor

PSC Geographical Information System Administrator

PSC Finance Administrator

PSC Economic Development Officer

PSC Chief Building Officer

PSC Cashier

PSC Business Analyst

PSC Building Inspector

PSC System Administrator

PSC Principal Planner

PSC Planning Coordinator

PSC Plan Reviewer

PSC Permits Supervisor

PSC System Administrator

PSC Permit Technician

Primary Role

Access Description

Associated Job Roles and Abstract Roles

PSC Access Task Management Worklist

Access the task management worklist.

PSC Inspections Supervisor

PSC Building Inspector

PSC System Administrator

PSC Principal Planner

PSC Planning Coordinator

PSC Plan Reviewer

PSC Permits Supervisor

PSC System Administrator

PSC Permit Technician

For more information on creating roles for Public Sector Licensing and Permits, see Creating Custom Roles for Public Sector Licensing and Permitting.

For more information on all the predefined security data such as abstract roles, job roles, privileges and so on, see the Security Reference for Oracle Public Sector Licensing and Permitting.

Reviewing and Managing Tasks

The Task Management page enables agency users to view a list of all task types assigned to them.

  1. On the agency springboard, select the All Tasks tile.

  2. Use the search, filter, and sort options to refine the list of tasks as needed.

  3. Use these fields to review task information:

    Page Element



    If any fees are due or conditions are applied, icons indicating this appear in the left column of the grid.

    See the section, "Viewing Additional Transaction Information" for more information.

    Task Name

    Identifies the nature of the task to be performed. Values include Application Acceptance, Permit Completion, and so on.

    Task ID

    The unique identifier of the task.

    Application ID

    The application ID for the individual submitted transaction being worked, such as the permit ID.

    Application Type

    The type of application being worked, such as Solar Permit, Building Permit, and so on.


    Displays the task status. Different types of tasks can have different statuses. For example, permit tasks may have a status of Assigned, while inspection tasks can have the status Scheduled, which is not applicable to permit workflow tasks.

    Assigned To

    Displays to whom the task is assigned.

    Assigned Date

    Displays the date on which the task was assigned.


    Click to display the actions you can take for that task, such as Claim, Reassign, and so on.


    Click to access details for the transaction to which the task is related. The page that appears depends on the type of task. For example, clicking the button for a permit workflow takes you to the Workflow page in the permit details.

  4. To update the task assignment, select one of these options from the task’s Actions menu:

    • Claim assigns the task to yourself. This action is available only for tasks that are currently assigned to a group. Once a task is claimed, it appears under the tab you find your tasks, such as My Workflow.

    • Release removes the assignment without assigning a new owner. The task will now appear on the Group Task list until it is claimed or reassigned.

    • Reassign opens the Reassign Task page, where you can select a new assignee.

Viewing Additional Transaction Information

Both the Task Management page and the worklists display icons in the left column to indicate additional information an agency user might need to view immediately regarding a transaction. For example, the icons can indicate whether conditions have been applied, if additional fees are required, and so on. Click the icon to view the details.

If multiple conditions are applied, then the icon displays the most severe condition. Click the icon to see a list of all applicable conditions, including the condition name, severity, description, and when the condition was applied. Click a condition row to open the transaction's Conditions details page in a new window.