Setting Up Inspection Groups

An inspection group identifies a group of inspection types associated with a permit. You can set up inspection groups on the Inspection Group page. Agencies can also identify inspection dependences on this page.

The inspection group includes one or more inspection types. You can define inspection groups separately from permit or planning application type definitions.

Before setting up inspection groups, you must set up inspection types for your agency on the Inspection Type page. See Setting Up Inspection Types.

Adding Inspection Groups

  1. Select Inspection Setup > Inspection Group.

  2. On the Inspection Group page, click Add to add a new inspection group.

  3. On the Inspection Group Details page, enter a name and a description for the inspection group.

  4. Click the Enabled switch to enable the new inspection group.

  5. To add inspection types to include in the group, click Add in the Inspection Types section.

  6. Enter values in the columns for each inspection type:

    Page Element


    Inspection Type

    Enter an existing inspection type.


    The description for the inspection type you entered appears in this field.

    Select Dependencies

    Click the link to set up inspections to be completed in a prescribed order. On the Dependencies modal page, identify the prerequisite inspection types for each inspection type in a group. Prerequisite inspections must be completed with a system result of passed or corrected before you schedule or assign the inspection with the dependencies. The system doesn't allow two inspections to reference each other.

    Only system administrators can set up inspection dependencies.


    Displays the prerequisite inspection types for an inspection type as defined by a system administrator. The dependencies listed for an inspection type indicate that those inspections must pass or be corrected before the applicant or contractor can schedule an inspection with that type. For example, a Rough Electrical inspection must pass before the Final Inspection can be scheduled or assigned.


    Turn on the switch if the inspection type is required for the inspection group.

    Final Inspection

    Turn on the switch if this inspection type is the final inspection. One and only one row must be set as the final inspection.

  7. On the Inspection Group Details page, click Save.

Modifying or Deleting Inspection Groups

You can modify or delete inspection groups on the Inspection Group page.

  1. Select Inspection Setup > Inspection Group.

  2. On the Inspection Group page, select the inspection group that you want to modify.

  3. On the Inspection Group Details page, you can only modify the inspection group description. You can't change the group name.

  4. Click the Enabled switch to enable or disable the inspection group.

  5. If you want to delete the inspection group, click Delete on the Inspection Group Details page.

  6. Click Save to save any changes.

  7. If you want to delete multiple inspection groups, you can delete them from the Inspection Group page:

    1. Click Edit.

    2. Select the check boxes for the inspection group rows to delete.

    3. Click Delete.

  8. In the inspection types grid, you can:

    1. Click the Required switch to enable or disable an inspection type.

    2. Click the Final Inspection switch to set an inspection type as the final inspection. One and only one row must be set as the final inspection.

    3. Click Add to add a new inspection type row.

    4. Click the Delete icon at the end of the row to remove an inspection type from the group.

    Note: You cannot change the inspection type ID or description, but you can remove an inspection type and add another.
  9. Click Save to save any changes.

  10. If you want to remove an inspection type from the group, click Delete.

  11. If you want to remove multiple inspection types from the group, you can delete the rows from the Inspection Group Details page:

    1. Click Edit.

    2. Select the check boxes for the inspection type rows to delete.

    3. Click Delete.

    4. Click Save.